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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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hTe tteniap hswso on igns fo liocartc ttvyi,cia but has emso btmrineas ftnciuon ,ictnat hiwhc smielpi seh is in a orfm fo esrspeittn eetaegivtv .etsta ehS has a lnigvi lwli atth setensgida aiehclncma lvotnaitnei oslduh be itddncseonui fi ttah soiiattnu ei,assr so ew mtus lowofl it nad kema ton ptttmea ot ers.aictteus

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lfsuarez  Wyh would eht eocnsd prat of ttah be oecrtrc wnhe eehtr si tno intneom of a R?DN +19
ug123  NID and DNR rea frneeitfd r?tihg sTih itpnaet hda a D.NI hWy dwlou we aeussm ti to eb RDN ?oto +4
sherry  NID dan RDN aer iededn f.dnerteif But ti is ont teh acse .here heT eptinat sneed ot eb etubetaxd anmes hes idd otn sing a DIN or RDN in het tsrfi apc.el I msusae rhe lginiv llwi is oerm liek intaeemtr topnpgusir taertmnet ni a vvetateegi etst.a oS htere is on edne to od tscsiieuarotn .anyaysw tuB I aeegr this is tno a good te.soqniu +2
shayan  Th"e tpenait ash sgendi the iglvni ilwl dan is ctisotsnne twih reh risect"ediv ubt het stme deotns eltl sha atwh is ni ehr lnivig illw oatub hte totaxiune?b ew rea ixtubtenag on the queestr of her sa?buhnd tihs si snniogcfu ! +7
criovoly  I veleeib tshi qoiesntu wsa not llew tsn.tdu.ccr.oe 'its eno fo s!oeth +1
suckitnbme  nyas@ha nbguaeitxt ta qeestru of the hbadsnu usbcaee 'ehs fionglwlo hw'ast ni hre ivnilg .liwl oigFwlonl taht ienl fo thguo,th eth tenatip arybblop etnadw twawdiahlr of caer if ni a iteetvevga taet.s +
luciana  I drtouednos msea as ana@syh ahtt esh aewdtn to keep it...eundatb own driange it aaing I fele treax mbdu iwht my ropo graeidn rotreatnienpti siklls +
coldturkey  zelafu@sr iPCR(f het nede rsi)sae , rfo shti apteint arbb( veodores dan tilsoahp )ig,ttens she lliw be eaitbdtun ot teg nad ainanmti wiraya scace.s rHoweve esh, si iatansg nya inclcemaha tvliontniea as epr reh ignlvi lwil. ecn,He ew ctnoan feoprrm PRC on he.r +2
furqanka  I oto veieebl RDN nad DIN are itinsdct tub WU 1412 asys - A RDN deror natcidsei hatt a aentipt ulhdos tno nderuog CR.P htis ulsdince bsl hu(tom to otmuh gnbihr,eta thcse one)rsoispmc as ellw sa dvndaaec iaarccd lfie opstrpu iita,nnbout( maacclnhei ,entionlvtia lbtediinoafl,ri nad nidsiirtemgan ncdomistaie usch as psaeovrsrso or in.pephee)nir dtaildnoAi wssihe hcsu sa the esider to tno be fed itliiacflyra or nya ehrto imoaitlitn fo cear acn be +1

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submitted by kenyaboi(5)
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Tshi si a kefd#$ pu utonei.qs sti the sayw sit .ttwrnie teh sndubha si egaering with het vgnlii lilw teo"issctnn whti sit tve"d.ircie so abilcsyal we wulod hvae ot muases ehr wlli syas R.DN slneesed ocfuinosn

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madamestep  t.ycalxE A linivg will acn yas hwtrevae the kfuc uoy awtn ti ot... +

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submitted by โˆ—poisonivy(39)
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cna ew cderinso teh desooerv sa a iauilscd ?mattetp fi s.o.. lwdn'uto ehs be docerdnise sa iutohtw -siknmcdnigieoa icaycp?at

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em_goldman  oPeepl owh are ilsdcuia litls aehv -ikndmniigeasco t;aacipcy 'ist nto anuqvitlee ot adacevnd eedtnmai ro otehr oiunsatsti ewher iodnsice igaknm si pemiardi. sawL vayr yb a;test I onwk in my aetst htat eht uaimmmx emti for hglinod eemoons tsanagi ihert lilw si 48 huosr nslues a tucor ahs deeemd thme ptnoecinemt and tndaeesdig raetonh ornspe as erthi lgael ocdisine mkare, cnidgilnu pleoep owh rea eviacylt iciuslda. yM nnstdradngeui of teh law as a nalspyore si taht hre glivin wlli was gnidse aglon tiwh eppeol agrbeni sentisw to hte ctfa atth ehs asw hte eno who isdeng ,ti and ti aws tahw hse dw.tnea itchsE ,eiads ti oldwu eb mtsloa iebpsilsom to oervp atht seh llygela tadiitnei a NRD in a atset of iyiudaitslc thta swa ntesnie hognue ot tiefrnere thwi erh iaism-onnkdgcei apytcaci in ahtt mo.nmet +1
step1dreamteam  gnemodlma_ eerth si na MABOSS intoesqu ihwt a iuladics p.t Teh crtoecr awenrs was ahtt aiisculd tp do not ehav ;tiivnlDCg-Mg-& liwl fo a uidacisl tp suodhl otn be idndr.socee +

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submitted by โˆ—fatboyslim(118)
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shTi ntqesuio eridppt em up. I oches 'A' sbaeecu hte tinqeuso idas erh nlivgi llwi tn(oesntisc whti the asb'nhdsu )wsesih esdo otn wnat ahaccmienl aive,nilnott but it did NTO say nhytiang utoab .RNu.t.BD emoc ot tnihk fo ,ti awht si het tinpo of igndo RPC if she tncaon iintaamn asuopsoetnn treiagnbh scnie she sesem to be ni a aveietgtev ?atets thaT nasem fi uyo od CPR dan ytcallua anwt to easv her eif,l ouy tmus bitutaen, wihhc osge nagasit ehr w.lil enecH, ebxtutea dan do ton .s.etiectrua.s

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submitted by โˆ—joeschmo(0)
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If the cteeridivs ttsea chaaienclm tnitnlivoae be nuetodinicsd its' ilpmide hatt hes odwul aretrh edi. yWh duolw aonney yrt to uesitscraet hnew a inecsoid hsa been aemd to upll eht lg?pu

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