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submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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hTe pttiean shsow on nsig of ratlcoic tat,ivyic utb sha msoe iaemrtbsn tuconfni c,itant hwihc ipmlise hes si ni a ofrm fo trsseepint aveitevget .tstea She hsa a ignvil illw atth saesgedtin ahelmcniac nteviltiaon dhuosl eb ocuddietinsn if tath tuinatiso eairs,s os we mstu lowofl it dna kame not atemtpt to raceeius.stt

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lfsuarez  Why ldowu teh nscdoe tarp of atht eb ecrroct ewhn etrhe si ton noneimt of a ?NDR +19
ug123  NID and NRD ear teinfefrd tg?irh hisT ntpetai dha a .NID Why wdluo ew muesas ti to be RND ?too +4
sherry  NDI adn DNR ear eeddni ref.finted uBt ti is ton het aces .ehre ehT ttpaein eends ot be abxdtueet easmn she idd ont nigs a IND or RDN in teh rftsi lpac.e I sameus reh ignilv iwll si reom keli retaetmin groitnsupp atttnrmee ni a atetgiveev So eetrh is on ende ot do tctnoiasreisu sawayyn. uBt I reaeg ihst si ton a odog e.quisotn +2
shayan  eT"h teintpa hsa disegn eth nilgiv lwil adn si tncstnoise thwi hre "etersivdci btu hte esmt noetds letl has hatw si in ehr ingvli lwli boaut eht bteniuox?at we ear gteuntabix no eht euqsret fo hre nsbda?uh stih si nuofcsngi ! +7
criovoly  I vebeeli ihst utqiseon wsa ont ellw t.eon.ct.srcud 'sti one of oset!h +1
suckitnbme  asyanh@ beguttxani at qteeurs of het nhsuadb ucsaebe 'ehs oglnfilwo 'thwas ni reh inlvgi i.wll Flinowlgo htat elin of ,otthghu teh painett paoblbry tweadn itadwrhwal of ecra fi ni a teatvvgeei tst.ea +
luciana  I rondtseodu easm sa sn@ahya htta esh aentwd ot pkee bed.tun..ati won gineard it aigan I flee eratx bdum hiwt my oopr radgien etirropinnetta llikss +
coldturkey  aeflr@zsu (PRifC the ndee iea)rss , rof shti apnttei (arbb ordvosee adn lptasioh )t,entgis ehs will eb uintedbat ot etg nad inatnaim aawyri oeHwrve ,she si tagasin nay eialncamhc envtotiinal sa per erh lgviin w.lli Hcnee, ew ocnnta ormrpef RCP no hre. +2
furqanka  I oot vibeele RND and IDN rea cstditin tbu UW 2141 says - A NRD rdero seitidnca ahtt a iptaetn ulosdh tno ouergnd .CPR tsih ednciusl slb h(uotm to tohmu eaibgnthr, shtec ispeoo)mrscn sa lelw sa cneavadd drciaac ielf torsupp bonunt,ai(it aacilcmehn ive,ioatnlnt dblrtfiianoei,l nda aingdsiinmret inomctsieda schu as ssoavsorper ro enreip.)pihen lndiatAdio siewsh ushc as hte desier to ton eb fed acailrtiliyf or nay eotrh imantoilit fo rcae nac eb f.cisieedp +1

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submitted by kenyaboi(5)
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shiT si a fd#ke$ up .nesouqti its eth syaw ist hte sadubnh is anegirge wtih eth vnlgii iwll t"nisntecso with tsi d.citvriee" so yaslilcab ew oldwu hvae ot auesms rhe illw sasy RND. edelenss ifcnusnoo

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madamestep  ty.Ecalx A gnlivi wlli acn ays wveatehr eth cfku uoy wtna it .o.t. +

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submitted by โˆ—poisonivy(39)
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cna we nosericd het edoreosv sa a diislcua patt?emt fi so... wtdo'nul she be nsiedcorde sa wtiutoh casgiimoninke-d ?ctaycpia

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em_goldman  lpeePo woh are isdailcu ilstl veha -cmkeasiindigno yaipta;cc 'sit ont qilaevnute to edadncva tiadeemn or eorth soiitsanut ewreh odecsnii mkanig si epira.mdi sawL yvar yb attse; I kwon ni ym tesat tath eth mxiumam eimt rof goihnld onmeose iatngas ehitr lwli is 48 sohur ssluen a uotcr has eedmde tmhe mntetciepno nda geesidtadn ntrhoae noresp sa herti alegl dciseino r,meak iudnnilgc opeepl hwo ear yveatcil iaud.clis M y nrasneuditdng fo eth lwa sa a oayelspnr si tath her vgiiln lliw saw deisng gnloa whit eplepo agrbine teswisn ot hte atcf tath esh swa eth neo hwo gesdin ,ti nda ti wsa ahtw hes ed.atwn shticE eisa,d ti luwod eb otlsma eliipmbsos ot ovrep taht seh ayllelg iintaetdi a DNR ni a estta fo isulactyidi tath swa neneits ehoung to teneirrfe iwth hre -densokinigcaim aypcaict ni tath mtnm.eo +1
step1dreamteam  n_dlaeogmm teehr is na BSSAMO qnisetou itwh a isdcauli tp. The eocrtcr aenrws wsa tath dsiicalu pt od nto veah gnDi-Cg-viMt&l; llwi of a ucdlasii tp luhdos otn be didre.cones +

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submitted by โˆ—fatboyslim(118)
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ihsT eoniqstu irtdepp em p.u I soehc A'' cusbeea het usnoteiq sida erh iignvl illw sesint(cont hitw eth sbsnhadu' wshs)ei edso ton nawt linacchame teaolitn,nvi tbu it ddi NTO sya ginhyant ubtao B.DN..Rtu emco ot hnkit fo ,ti what si eth itpon fo noigd CPR if she octnan ninamtia aensoupntso tinrhegab iscen seh esems ot be in a egevvttiae tt?ase Ttah asnem if oyu od PRC nda clyatlua atnw ot seav her ile,f you smtu etuab,tni hhciw sego itnasga hre .lwil ecne,H tteexuab nda od otn itsestueca.r..

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submitted by โˆ—joeschmo(0)
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If eht iirscvedte aetst cnemilahac iaetnnlitvo eb sunneodtdiic i'ts epmiidl tath esh louwd atrehr .ide hyW lduow onenay ryt to artsetseiuc wehn a idescoin ahs ebne aemd ot lupl the ulpg?

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