shiT si a fd#ke$ up .nesouqti its eth syaw ist hte sadubnh is anegirge wtih eth vnlgii iwll t"nisntecso with tsi d.citvriee" so yaslilcab ew oldwu hvae ot auesms rhe illw sasy RND. edelenss ifcnusnoo
cna we nosericd het edoreosv sa a diislcua patt?emt fi so... wtdo'nul she be nsiedcorde sa wtiutoh casgiimoninke-d ?ctaycpia
ihsT eoniqstu irtdepp em p.u I soehc A'' cusbeea het usnoteiq sida erh iignvl illw sesint(cont hitw eth sbsnhadu' wshs)ei edso ton nawt linacchame teaolitn,nvi tbu it ddi NTO sya ginhyant ubtao B.DN..Rtu emco ot hnkit fo ,ti what si eth itpon fo noigd CPR if she octnan ninamtia aensoupntso tinrhegab iscen seh esems ot be in a egevvttiae tt?ase Ttah asnem if oyu od PRC nda clyatlua atnw ot seav her ile,f you smtu etuab,tni hhciw sego itnasga hre .lwil ecne,H tteexuab nda od otn itsestueca.r..
If eht iirscvedte aetst cnemilahac iaetnnlitvo eb sunneodtdiic i'ts epmiidl tath esh louwd atrehr .ide hyW lduow onenay ryt to artsetseiuc wehn a idescoin ahs ebne aemd ot lupl the ulpg?
submitted by โm-ice(370)
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$279$49hTe pttiean shsow on nsig of ratlcoic tat,ivyic utb sha msoe iaemrtbsn tuconfni c,itant hwihc ipmlise hes si ni a ofrm fo trsseepint aveitevget .tstea She hsa a ignvil illw atth saesgedtin ahelmcniac nteviltiaon dhuosl eb ocuddietinsn if tath tuinatiso eairs,s os we mstu lowofl it dna kame not atemtpt to raceeius.stt