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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man who is a migrant farm ...
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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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hTe ldobo searm ecpitds furechnSf nipipl.tsg Funod eth eatcx amieg on het ewb hwit aiotnxel:anp


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doctorboomboom  Hey aknhts for fniingd hte ae!gim Do yuo onwk wyh the rwnesa at’nc eb iqnolhCuoer s?tsaeienrc I swa bw/ atth nad nritafomo of thozn.eiospy +6
jejunumjedi  I ihknt 'tsi juts atth ffneruhSc ptiglspin dan nphteooyizs rae ohtb cispcife to vavix nda eoavl seei.csp eTehs eeiscsp odclu eb rniucoolehq srtnsetai or vetessini, but fi uoy veah fceunhfrS nipglptis ro yhoneptiszo, ouy can nflytediievi yas atth its' erheit vxaiv ro .olvea +3
sherry  ceisSep htiw oezpstoiynh si tno edalcl nhrilouecqo ttranssie. qsnaCioeontirsetrl-hu epcssei esnam hpiotzzhrs/citooeton ntac eb ilekld by inrecoo.hluq eW dnot have neuogh info ot cidede hrwethe teh psp ni hte q is n/eivtstssrneiistae. tuB we od okwn eh ovedm rmof roaundsH to USA 1 erya go.a +3
soph  WU: in raacfi tsom lmaiaar ceipess rae itrsstaen ot .qolchireuno eh si omfr norshuad +6
randios  aCn eanony ixepanl eth 1e-kwe rhtisoy fo veerf? deRlu otu vaxiv dan veola due ot 84 rh lcce.ys rO ddi teyh utjs thwro taht ni sa na fisueccnpi momyst.p +2
dr_ligma  npfeciiscu soytmpm abrobylp +
mcm94  woh I nkow taht is an tncifineo yb lvvveaao/xi ? if hre'set ghnotni tath ayss abotu atniter e?evfr +3
medguru2295  Whlie ti UOCDL be rhlnuieoqoC rsse,nttai tsi tno . ksiehTlily etptian is klyiel enediftc ithw ixaVv ro eavol no(t iFauacmrpl)i w1 y.?h ansurHdo plciFa( lduow eb a if.c)2Ar Sx 1 ayer lreat e(Lriv fomr ivxaV or a3)e.Ol V sA mayn ntd,eeimno rSuecfhf cmuplioFrabasiie d dtsne to eb het ssecipe tnrestisa ot el,lp.T inoolicqChauyry qruCienoohl si ignve rof aiVxv mp&a; ealOv clay(lpyti thiw sognmheit lee-s qoveotua,An nsaDpoe )tce ot ocver viuri alFcpLaeirm on( Lriev morf) is gearyenll roqulioCnhe irsanetts ()B adn orhtereef edcover wiht qrotvPuo.onulgeAana/i Yuo od ende 41-8 ydsa fo xt tfrea ngimco for icFalp bc ti can iaenmr in eth eLvri orf a ewf dsay ju(ts ton a tdanrom pnhyo oT omf).r crvoe eht e"kwe fo "eferv t-sqneiou ist g-nmereeerce of rhe x.s Tyeh rbbyopla sjtu idd ton awnt ot yas icccyl ot kema ti ti.rcriek +6
flvent2120  osoLk kiel t'si eneb toudech on, tbu you lucod rnweas hist lolsye saedb no teh tcfa htat its' eenb neo raye nsice iglvin in .nrdouHsa hlieW it YMA eb oqrlecihoun ts,resiatn ti SI t.daonmr etTs ktgnai illkss ouwld eb to osecho eth wnaers you cn'at rgaue twhi +
meryen13  oboormtbco@mdoo I tkinh sebcuea tsi wnighso hatt its nebe a aeyr ciens he etmrdiagmi ( tlae gswoihn fo hte z)d its ninhtgi owradt the nheispoytz. ont res.u +

 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by suckitnbme(239)
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venE fi oyu na'tc pitretrne het lbood rames, hsti netpait is pgienrtens tiwh ailaamr afetr neigb in hte US ofr ar-e.y1 Its' hlhigy yeilnulk atht eh tog lyenw itfcdene ehlwi ni het .US tahW si ncorugcir is a caaoeitrnitv fo dtmanro iaamlar zsy(hnootipe in the lrvie) tath siht edud got lheiw in oaHu.rdns

As csuh shti si smudpaliom vv.eoliva/ax Waht boylbrap enppdaeh was taht this antpiet saw eeradtt hwti uroilcqhoen ehnw he asw alylnitii tef.cenid iTsh wodlu ecalr the infotenci ni the robaoeldts,m btu oesd tno klli eth inestohozyp in the riel.v teeTrnmat thwi ernaipiuqm si eneded ot lcera hte hzno,yitsope hicwh hsit eainttp elyilk ddi tno v,eecier hnece amlaiar helwi ni eth .US

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madamestep  Yu!p I otg a imlarsi tqnousie hwti on boldo mesar byM(ae no WodlUr? Thye all burl reoettg)h adn the uecl wsa tath htye adh laaamirl sptsmoym aeftr egnib in acmerAi rof a +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by leny123(7)
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rnaeGel ruel - uhorinoqlCe ietvisesn fi rofm bineCabra or erlCatn Amacier wset of namaPa a,Clna ihts patitne gmeiitadmr from sHdaonru os you nac itlaeienm rhloocneqiu seseatrnic sa na swanre ceochi i(n doindtia ot het evvliavo/xa ifon )oevba.

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charcot_bouchard  syuG glona htiw lal tieletingln coisssduni alos ekep ni indm eh rgimiedmat 1 aeyr akcb. So ti umts eb eothnzspyio hicwh si cniusga sthi cesubea iMrcua is Miraaal .reef +28

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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dFoun shit agrte muedtcno whti iesdls ubota eht fftrieedn geopas:nth rsSeraa9bgho3ri/mpns:nfatgccpp1pt/nnm.0a_t0PSpid/g/_2e1r2.-sG0irc/9ht

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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Kdin of kycrit itnsqe.ou The opshnyoizet ear nhqoleiocru atssr.enit tBu teh eessicp yma ton eb.

.P apiFuclmar si terssaitn nda ksool ikel a bnaaa,n but you notd ownk if the aarilam in eht RBC is faaprluicm or .tno

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tyrionwill  hwtrhee sitntrsea or esvi,ietsn eedpnsd no hte ginr,eo ont on hte sipesce al icf cmgoin ofrm iiHta cuodl be stieviesn +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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EURCERSO : CCD aMi rala sieescp: .P vaxiv ,3%9 P. mfiarlcpua 7%.

YHW OOENPYYZHS ? 2 seoasrn

  1. urcnsfhfe iigtsplnp ( thta riewd lelc wthi olst fo uble tg)silret

  2. UNHOSADR ( 93 crpnete rae )axivv

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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P.g 157 of 0192 AF utpiecr B iespdct nSfefhru ptnpgisil derun laa.Mria eSne" ithw P /"vvolieaavx

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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I knith uolrneiqohc icaetssren wnot eb ciecfpse to iavxv dan tslu,oavhe imgank ti eht icncroetr ns.aerw looeniruhCq ritncsesae acn pypla to .P rlacmauFpi and .P iaMelaar

lOny vaixv dna veola ucsae hotyzeopni usth gminak ahtt the emro carle aswnre

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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oseD onenya onwk how to relu tou ?E Iev' ernve denaler tobau marisoisgcromn lcsyepfiaicl catigvaint a llsec' s,MCA tbu nehw I ldeook ti ,pu I fnoud hits ritleca (c.sbew3vnCta7m/w/i.3tlr/iw9n0sotpcl//nhg5/c:..hMimPp). hTe tcaierl stnde'o llciecfsypai onntmie pmailsdmuo sa nuisg t,i btu elvears of eth ruceroses rfo het lcreati .edso

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