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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man who is a migrant farm ...
Formation of hypnozoites 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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ehT boold emras pesticd rnfhfceSu l.tisgipnp oFnud the atxce gmaie no eht wbe twhi :apitneonlax


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doctorboomboom  Hye ksanth rof ninfidg eht geam!i oD uoy konw wyh het sarenw a’ntc eb qCloonurihe en?sescrati I wsa /bw ttah nad rmonofita fo hosntez.pyio +6
jejunumjedi  I hknti sti' tjsu htta hnffcreSu gistpplin nda onphzeytiso ear both fccipise to vxaiv nda elavo issee.cp seehT icsespe oudlc eb hronueiqocl rnteatssi or istnesei,v ubt if uyo hvea uenfrSchf gpilptsin ro pnoto,sizyhe you anc deyletifivin say ahtt st'i erihet aivxv ro lvoea. +3
sherry  sSecipe whit pitnyehoosz si not leladc orehuqliocn .atinetssr isrrqoeestohnnatliu-C iesepcs senma ctoiooezztoiphrt/shn natc eb dlkeli by lhiruoeo.ncq eW otnd vhea oguhen ofni ot eeddci eetwhhr hte pps ni eht q si nase.rsvientsitts/ei uBt ew od wkon he vodme ofrm Huosdarn ot AUS 1 arey .goa +3
soph  :WU ni iacfar otms rliamaa iesescp rae resnttisa ot oiecqlhuro.n eh is rofm sarnduho +6
randios  Can eanoyn eanilxp eht -wek1e ytihsor of frve?e dueRl uto avvix adn oleav edu ot 48 hr ycs.cle rO idd htye sutj thorw ttha ni as na cucsnfiiep spmy.tom +2
dr_ligma  ccpiunifse ymtpsom lrabbpoy +
mcm94  woh I kwon tath is an nieinotfc yb ae/ovlxvavi ? if ereht's ontngih htat sysa tauob naitrte rfeev? +3
medguru2295  hilWe ti OCDUL eb lhConequior iesrtsan,t tsi otn i se.lhkliTy atnpeti si lyekli itfenecd ihwt Vxvai or oealv (tno iamFi)rcluap .h?1wy uHanrsdo caFli(p dulow be ).rAia 2fc xS 1 yrea taerl rLe(iv omfr vVxia ro a.el)VO3 sA myan tdo,nemine cfurehSf aedplFa bsioiurcim tsnde ot eb hte issepec ristsenta ot C.aroihqlupyllciT ,yneo qCrolnehoiu is geniv fro xaivV pa&m; laeOv iylcpylt(a wtih mngeistoh eles- na,ovqAetuo eDsopna ct)e to rveco apLlucr imriivFea (on rLvei )mofr si lyenarlge Chiolueqron enttasirs )(B dan horferete reeocvd ithw a/AlPuntoro.uqniogave ouY od eedn -841 sayd of xt ratfe iocngm rfo clipaF bc ti anc naermi ni teh vreLi for a ewf sday tuj(s tno a mdntaor hoynp r.f )oomT eocvr hte ewke" of vee"rf -qtuioens ist crme-eeneerg of erh x.s yheT bprablyo jstu idd ton watn to asy cclyci ot kmae it ckreiti.r +6
flvent2120  oLsko lkie ti's ebne dthueco ,on tub yuo lcdou wsnera htsi lyseol ebsad on teh tacf taht sti' eneb eno eray insec givlin in rdsan.ouH hleWi ti MYA eb liuerhqcoon tr,stnieas it IS aondrmt. Ttes ngkiat slksli odluw eb to coheso hte ewnars you tn'ca argeu twih +
meryen13  bobmmodrotcoo@o I nitkh aucebes tis sonhgwi atht its eebn a raey ncesi eh mmtigidrea ( ltae nhgowsi fo hte )dz tsi niihgnt twdora eht yteps.onzih nto .usre +

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by suckitnbme(239)
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evnE if oyu tcna' rptnietre the loodb mse,ar iths apteint is istrnegnpe ihtw irlmaaa faert bgeni in het US ofr ray.-e1 Is't liyhgh lnkliuye atht eh tgo enwly tcdieenf lihew in het S.U ahWt si rcnciroug si a nirotecivata fo dnoarmt amrlaia ozhsoyetpi(n in teh irv)le atht hsti udde gto hwlei ni r.oHduasn

As hcsu hsit is lsipuaommd aeo/vlvvaxi. hWat opabyrbl hpedpnea aws hatt shit tpnetia asw etertad thwi olqroihcneu hwne eh was nliliyait fd.etcein Tshi wdolu aelcr eth ntiieonfc ni the bldmatersoo, tub dsoe ton ilkl eht zshneoyotpi in hte revl.i nreamteTt twhi eurinpaiqm si dneede to carle the oiz,ehnposty cwhih shti ntiatpe llkiey did tno viceree, heenc aalriam wheli ni the .SU

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madamestep  !uYp I otg a maislri tiousneq twhi no bdloo rsmae (ayMbe no Ul?Wrod yThe all ublr hgete)rot and teh eulc aws htta yteh hda almlaria mtmopssy tfaer bigne ni ramAcie orf a ehiwl. +

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by leny123(7)
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ealGnre erul - rlhiqoCeoun nevsteiis if fomr aaribbneC or ernCalt raAcime wset of Pamaan ,Calna isht itptane dtiegaimmr fomr uHsandro so uyo can ieieamlnt lunohqerioc stiaencres as an aenswr hiocec ni( nidtdiao ot eth x/avliaoevv oifn )oavb.e

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charcot_bouchard  ysuG alnog iwht lal nelgtitinle soniisudcs aslo peke ni dnmi eh aetmgiirmd 1 eayr c.kba So ti umst be posozhienty hihcw si nsigcua tshi aeusecb auciMr is Mariaal eref. +28

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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Fodnu sthi arget tonmudce hitw liessd aubto teh fdtirfnee ptgna:ohes cc1s3b_/GpiSr0.pn9/hs1aa2a0eptSprgrt/0aophdfe.-irntm9gPi_t:2c/rgn/nms

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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idKn of ykrcit oune.qits eTh oyhoietszpn are noerhiqluco ier.tsnats But hte epcssei aym ton be.

P. lpFuiamrca si itrssante nda ookls leik a a,abann tub uyo tond konw if the lraaiam in het RBC is icrmalupaf or tn.o

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tyrionwill  rhethwe rttsnsiea or ssitnveie, nesdepd no eht ,neirgo not on eth sipeces ci lfa mnogic frmo Hiati uodlc eb nevtsieis +

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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CEEROSRU : CCD aMriala :eepciss .P xvvia 9%3, .P fcairupalm .%7

WHY SOONEZHYPY ? 2 ssaroen

  1. nsuhecrff siilgntpp ( atht wider lcel ithw stlo fo leub gtlresit)

  2. NSUHRODA ( 39 repncte rea xvia)v

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submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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.Pg 517 fo 1209 FA epcitur B icepsdt ehunSrff nitippgls rneud a.iaarMl nSee" htiw P av"/eoxviavl

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submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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I htnik cnrqloeoiuh sienacrste notw eb seifpcce to xiavv nad e,usvtahol knagmi it hte ntcorreci are.swn nuhCeriolqo escanirset can ppayl ot .P rauFlcmiap dan P. Mreliaaa

lnOy ivaxv and oveal secau opioeythnz tuhs migank ahtt eth orme arcel ernaws

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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esDo naoeny nwko hwo ot eurl tou ?E I'ev rneev dlneear buato mgsiscminraoor pilaclsfyeci vgctataiin a clsle' ,CsAM tub wneh I loekdo it up, I nuodf sthi rlecita (tloMh/Pcn// hTe tailerc eotsd'n cyplcfeiilsa tinmeon midamolpus as gusni t,i btu reseval fo the crsroeues ofr hte erlaict .esod

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