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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man who is a migrant farm ...
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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by jejunumjedi(30)
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eTh bolod earsm stdpcie fcerhfSnu sntgipi.lp duFon het axetc emiga on the ewb wiht e:nxaiapontl


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doctorboomboom  eyH satnkh rof nfdigin hte a!egim Do oyu nokw why hte wasner cn’at be ernoCiuoqhl r?satinecse I wsa wb/ that nda mtifoorna of sptizoe.nhoy +6
jejunumjedi  I tnhik ist' sujt atht ncufSefhr plipnisgt dan oesyhoitpnz rae obth fpiicces to vxvai dna avole ssecp.ei seTeh ieespcs lcodu be cqorolihune ssrittane or ves,itsnie tub if you hvea Surnfechf psgiitpln or ntopi,soezhy uyo acn iitieeflydnv ysa thta 'tsi hritee ixavv or av.ole +3
sherry  cSeieps htiw ostiyphenoz si ont alclde oqurehniloc .srsinetat raioCol-tqenrtenusshi iceseps ensam i/hoczozpsreitthotno tanc be lkdlei by nh.uocreoilq We tnod aevh oghenu ofin to eicdde erehthw teh pps ni teh q is nssiist/eineatsevtr. tuB ew od nwko he odvme mrfo onasrduH to AUS 1 raey +3
soph  UW: ni acraif tosm iaamral ssceeip rae sreattnis ot ce.ioqulonhr eh si mofr oaurhnsd +6
randios  nCa naenoy nelapix eht eewk-1 hsotryi of fee?vr lduRe tou avxvi adn voela deu to 84 rh .eysclc rO idd tyeh tusj ohrwt hatt ni sa na upsfccieni .msopmty +2
dr_ligma  iipcscnufe tsmypom bapbyrlo +
mcm94  owh I nowk ttah si an efintoicn yb volav/ixeva ? if steer'h hingotn taht syas utoab itnrtea ee?vfr +3
medguru2295  lhieW ti LCODU eb eCorhilqonu as,eitsrtn ist otn i.Tlei kyslh pttinae is eyillk ntdiefec hwti aviVx or aolve o(tn )lFpiicaraum wyh 1.? aunrHods ciaFp(l wluod be ic 2rA.a)f Sx 1 yrae atrle eLirv( rofm Vvixa or .aVl3 eO) sA anmy itmdoe,enn frecSufh mdaipuiacsilberoF nteds to be the pseiesc ettisnasr ot irhu,qolyiyaColpT .lenc Clrueohniqo is vigne rfo vVaxi ±a evOla yalic(plty ihwt hgetmonis sel-e oevntqoAau, pnaDoes )ect to recvo aarrvuLiFempclii o(n veLir )mrof is nreleaygl rqenoouhlCi atnirtess ()B and rfeerheot ecdervo wtih qolPeA.aunatonrgov/ui uoY do eend 1-48 adsy of tx reatf gomicn fro claFip cb ti anc enriam in het Leivr ofr a fwe asdy (tjus ont a onmdart phoyn omor Tf.) cevor eth kew"e of ree"fv stoiq-enu sti e-ncgreereme of hre x.s yhTe lpbaoyrb stuj ddi not natw ot sya cicycl ot kema ti rr.ciiekt +6
flvent2120  kosLo ikle i'ts nebe ehudtoc no, but you ulodc sawern shti soleyl esbda on teh atfc ttah si't eebn eon eayr ncies gilinv in urdo.snaH eliWh ti AMY be rhoqueioncl iarnset,ts it IS naom.dtr tseT nitgka sllski lduow eb ot chosoe het ewansr ouy can't aregu iwht +
meryen13  b@rmtmooobdocoo I tkhin ueabcse sit gwnshio ahtt its eben a reay iscen eh mgimarteid ( ltea wnhgiso fo het d)z tis ingniht wotrda eth oztiseph.yn nto .ures +

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by suckitnbme(239)
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envE fi you 'actn titnpeerr the odolb sm,rae siht nepttai si ngetrnspei twih armlaia eftra ngebi in hte SU for .r1-eay sI't lihygh elnikuly htta he tog weyln tdiefcen hlwie in eth U.S tahW si ncgcoirur is a ettcioanravi fo drtnaom ilarama (iteoozhypns ni hte rlev)i thta hist dedu tgo lhwei in adrnuos.H

As schu ihst si lmuamdpsoi alxoviv./vae athW rbpbaylo nedphaep asw atht hits eapitnt saw tetaedr twih rnoeoqcuilh ehwn eh was nayliilit nie.cfedt sTih dwulo claer the tifnnoeic in eth bslrdamot,oe ubt dsoe otn klli eht poeyznotihs ni the .lveri ntTteaemr wtih qrpimeinua si ednede to aecrl eht szenohyipo,t hicwh thsi inpetat leilyk did tno eeievcr, ehenc liamaar eliwh in teh SU.

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madamestep  p!uY I otg a ilmrais etuoqnis hiwt no oobdl srema aeMb(y on or?ldWU hyTe all rubl theegt)or nad hte cule swa htat yteh adh alraalmi otpymmss taefr genbi in aAemcir ofr a iwelh. +

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by leny123(7)
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enarleG lure - rniCooqheul vnetiseis if rfmo ebrCniaab ro Cnarlte ciaemrA wtes fo naamaP anl,aC stih ipetatn aemtmigrdi ofmr rasondHu so yuo acn eliimnaet uirclqehono esaicnestr as an rwensa ociehc (in ioaitdnd to het e/laivovxav nofi ave.)ob

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charcot_bouchard  uysG logan wiht lla inietnelgtl oscdnsiisu lsoa peke in dinm eh meaigdirtm 1 eyra ac.bk So it mtsu eb hoztsnoeipy cwihh is ngacuis tshi acebues cMaiur si ralaMai .eerf +28

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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ounFd hits garet otcdeumn tiwh dslies uabto het iefetfndr sa:ohpegtn 9-tti3S9iaagchG2g/_rp/1nrpm.ee0rbPr.psnngaic0n1rp0cp2t_afSto/ms//hd:s

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submitted by yotsubato(1208)
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Knid fo ryickt e.uinosqt hTe seiponoyhzt are iuhroneclqo snt.staier Btu eht spceise amy not be.

.P Flcpraimua is enattisrs adn lsoko ekli a nb,anaa ubt oyu otnd kwon if eht mlraaai in eht RCB si urmpalciaf ro .ont

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tyrionwill  wehrthe stastiren ro inveses,ti pddense no eth ,ginore not on hte csiesep alfi c nmicgo mofr itHia clduo be iietvsnse +

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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CORSEERU : CDC aaMia rl s:peeisc .P vvaxi %,93 P. lcmafparui %.7

WYH NPOHSYYEOZ ? 2 ernossa

  1. ehrusnfcf itngspilp ( htta iwred ecll twhi tols fo belu lei)stgtr

  2. AURDOSNH ( 39 pnrtcee era )axvvi

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submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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g.P 175 of 0192 FA ucirtpe B escdpti nfSurehf tpislgipn ednru laa.airM enSe" wthi P oelvavai"x/v

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submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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I hiknt lurincoehqo eirtseasnc wnto be peifescc to avvxi nda olu,vashte gmiank ti eht icrnrotec a.rnwes ruClhoineoq iacsrsnete cna lappy to .P paclmuiarF adn P. Mriaaael

nlOy xivav nad veoal useac zoithpeyon suht nagikm that het omer crela snewar

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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oesD yanneo kwon woh ot urle uto ?E Ie'v enrev andeerl utoab scimomongrrsai cescfiiyllap tgianatvic a cl'esl As,CM tbu hwne I eooldk it ,pu I uofdn sith tclerai (/m3.e0rw.ghw/pwpicCantc.ln3l9tnh.Msb5mP:t////v7iosci). The retclia sdoten' yciilpecsfla ontmien mluamipsod sa suign t,i tbu evlreas of teh couresser fro eth lritace .dose

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