I uhogvetrtoh this noe gbi etmi. ncSie eht ieonutqs sida the sams wsa gisnresp no het teduios of eht thceara, I dgruefi taht dgrnui i,onintiprsa cb/ hte cetsh dsaexn,p so oemr a,cpse so het amss wodlu vhae lses feftce on het chaerat sa eth chest xaednsp na(d elync,osrev ti'd ehva oerm fo an eecfft irdngu enriapxito sa het cseht lwla t.)raretsc nap,teylrAp ti was utsj thsagrit pu kgbealoc dna I gtohtuh wyaaa to had.r pso.O
I lsoralpyne thtuogh fo tish sqnitsuoe nthgknii of ti ni etshe rsem.t. iSnec hte aptneti ahs a amss ni the arcaeht aekp itarypxroe nad iinsypatror flow lwli eb uepitr,tedrn nad dwuol eetrfoehr be easddeecr. V1FC lwdou also aehv ot seeeacdr yb sthi. iThs ialemidten lal eht toerh ehis.cco
keLi nay fo teh C,DOP hte ptantei sah a dicfftlui etmi ehiglaxn eht sirpiedn ari (tshu sit ldalce na vbctritesuo eiasdse)
DPCO lersstu ni FVC dc,reaees CVFE/FV1 atiro esc,edaer FRC anc,riese dan kepe preytaiox fowl seedrec.a
A otumr ro ayn toher obcjte taht wdulo rscsmpoe on or worarn hstee het rai way acrtt loudw ntesper sa a D.COP
hiIganln dna ehalnixg lduow eb tlemdii
It lcudo eb htta isth is a xiefd epurp raaiwy sun,rtbooict chiwh would teevpnr ltainniof nda oetdfnlai fo hte iasrywa edu to the rotmu mgpacinl ndwo on het et.acrha
I defguir tshi saw a ebarlavi rnhicrtioatac ctositnrbuo dna otg it ngorw.
drAcnocgi ot eT,apotDU aluRlIinmTAN arhaltce butiostnroc si irvalb,ea ilweh EmlnuaTARilX ahlrcate csoottunibr (elik ni ihts )cesa si xied.f
Wyh is heetr a ecsedeard ?FCV erThe si a smas ssgneirp on reh ah,terac hwo lcoud that oisplbes tcefaf gunl lmu?voe If we egvi hre enuogh ,eimt hwy ltc'unod hes eatk ni a llfu ae?bhtr
iH ugys nac nsoeeom pelsae latberaoe on teehs .nidngisf I eudnntdras esh sah ugln renacc tast'h nmgieipd rhe htec.aar tBu how is hist rieneetresvtap fo na roivuebsctt dd?rierso 'Artne ungl cesacnr tevieiscrtr fi htaig?nyn Tkhns a
oT tinhk ouatb iths spmi,ly it tlrilalye is na rniosutcbto so ouy nca juts coseho het sarnew itwh hte ODCP ikel T.PsF
ts'I a tib ciieuvtrontnetui htat eth FCV owuld eb dsedercae, btu eht aseorn ofr iths is seuaecb at het ned xeiiaprton rfo FCV, teh osietpvi luaplre uesrpers piushng het air otu ahs lzeeqdaui htwi hte serpeusr fo het aeptmeshro / iryaaw nwtiagn ot eepk the lvaielo .eopn tihW na nacriees ni the aaryiw tsaenrseic mrof het sunoicrottb, this azeaioliqutn itnop mcseo at a erihhg FCV. oombedSy actf kecch me eeplsa
ripostorniedop"ta deiutcrno in hte pake raexrtioyp lfow raet or imxumam itunem leuvom procmade htiw eht fecord xratyrioep ulmove ni neo dscneo F(1VE). It lsuhdo eb d,neto evoh,rew ahtt eethr anc eb a canntsifigi sslo in wiayra ssoiconrc-tesal reaa rbfoee teh tbkxtooe fegntailtn fo eth poisarytinr or prixoreyat sploo aer deuzlais.vi"
Tihs gimth be a rdthorarwtasfgi nawser, tub I aws egdowinnr hwy eht tanpiet dwoul hvae a dadeecrse ptoriayirsn lf?ow Beaceus to my dni,nrdsnagtue peoepl itwh icoetursbvt sessiaed aehv ubrtleo ebihragnt otu, nto in.. lCduo noesmeo lnaipex to em hyw it cead?eress
submitted by ∗nwinkelmann(366)
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$279$49@8hg98 "aBseecu eth tcooisrbtnu si eovba the laaelorv goseinr ehret is a ercdseea in iar l,owf tno lung ulsveom, hhcwi uolwd ekma ihst an oirtuvsbcet aolgt"yohp si het stom lfhluep .ptxnanlioea fI yuo knwo eht ostm iacbs poanli/iypoyhdothegtfioins of uictsrtvobe sv ririvecttse cihhw( I od, juts 'dntid ni tath stmo dipifeilsm ),way htne uoy cna ergiuf aynghint t.uo If toseimgnh is giictnpam riawya lfwo = tc,rebtoiuvs fi enghsiotm si iitngacmp wryaai vleoum = rvisttceir.e HKNTA OY!U