Treatment of acute gouty arthritis Several drugs are effective for terminating the acute gouty attack. Colchicine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and corticosteroids are standard approaches. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is also very effective, but has become increasingly scarce or too expensive to be a practical alternative in the US. Regardless of the particular agent chosen, the sooner these drugs are started, the more rapid the response. If a patient cannot take NSAIDs or colchicine, the choice is among oral, intra-articular or parenteral glucocorticoids. Local application of ice packs may help control pain. In some cases, analgesics, including opioids, may be added.
Drugs that affect serum urate concentrations (E.G., ALLOPURINOL), including antihyperuricemic agents, should not be changed, started, or stopped during an attack, as this may worsen the inflammatory response already in progress.
Although acetaminophen (Tylenol) is not considered an NSAID, it too may provoke an aspirin-like sensitivity.
Pt has ASA intolerance asthma, which means NSAID is contraindicated. Pick colchicine.
Why is it that you can use acetaminophen in aspirin induced asthma and not here? I literally chose acetaminophen bc in another nbme it said to use it in aspirin induced asthma
submitted by โsympathetikey(1600)
Acute gout treatment:
I, like a dumby, misread -zone for -sone, thinking it was steroid picked that. For anyone who cares, Sulfinpyrazone competitively inhibiting uric acid reabsorption in the proximal tubule of the kidney.