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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
Electrophysiology of the heart is studied in ...
Ablation of the atrioventricular node 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by amirmullick3(76)
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CGE sgr.cniaT heT snaceitd betwene SRQ excspeoml is uuctnnyoilso tuoba 6 exb,os so arte is fs.aie cedhfntTu si a rd3 egedre lbokc hreew teh tiaar dna nlseirtcev aer aengibt nndpndteiyeel of eehctroah nda teh RR si tanvueqeli lal . hoelTang 2dn RSQ moexclp si SPERU rrwn,oa adn hretso ear laos ,arwnor ihhwc easmn etyher ipzragiedlno hksnat ot bulned of iH.s

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homersul  lsilt lsghiytl usedfnoc yhw ndidt' uyo ikpc ntaoaliris edon? Tta'hs yalulsu estrydoed ni Abfi ot rals'n'imoe eth RH +

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submitted by aladar50(41)
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rFo eht C,GE I nialyilti hhttguo it aws d2n eredge peyT 1 eusecab it emdees thta het RP treaivsln were ginscaenri ntilu a abte aws r,pedopd tbu fi oyu oklo ta it ll,yceso osme fo the P esvwa erew dindhe ni hte QSR exlop.emcs fI uyo nietoc ,ahtt thne yuo nac see hatt terhe rwee aurelrg P aswev adn aergulr QSR lx,oeepmsc btu erhte asw a cpmtleoe csintosoidai nebewet temh hchwi amsen ti wsa 3rd degere heart k,blco so eht rsnaew saw itnolaba eran teh VA ond.e

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yotsubato  ewnras aws obltiana nrae the AV o N it It wsa atbliaon OF TEH AV ndeo fle.tis hchiW efkad me .tuo +9
makinallkindzofgainz  heT ntngtea by esur "bwhtb"ar yass ttha rethe si "rp nheniegngtl grpyrsilsev"oe but teerh is h s.itnTo is 3rd eegdre VA c.lbko ehT P evaws cmrha otu ctysselnitno ta irhet now at,er nda eth RSQ oxsecepml hcrma uot at irhet own rta.e Tereh is tpelmeoc oinaiosditsc neeewtb teh P weasv adn SQR s.cpoexelm Teyh ahve no ehota.pslnrii hiTs is xtceayl hatw you lwudo ese if you latabde eht VA nod.e eTh AS deno dowlu nonuciet ot ot eeatrc P v.ewsa ehT ndlueb of sHi odlwu nnucieot ot eetrgnea lntiajnuco alorm(n nlg)ooki SRQ .spcmxleeo +6

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by sajaqua1(607)
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nuWtld'o tolat VA anodl blntoaia terysdo ot harimtitcthuyoy fo hte amepkrcae? hTat dlouw aenm hatt owelb teh VA done eth hhytmr dwulo eb pdriodve yb a crralnveuti cif,o dan sehto sulylau tcraee wied SRQ xc.sopleem

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haliburton  that saw ym nangsrieo as e.wll suseg ont. +
yotsubato  Sihytt MBNE rmrgaam esirkts +1
charcot_bouchard  .No No yugs. udBenl of hsi eltcado olewb AV oden dna it cna ngaerete esl.puim ti alcls coiutnnj epcsae mhryth dna wrnroa com.lxpe lewBo hist si jeikpr,nu ubdlne arnbch pam;& tlcruvaerin sm.luce ohest ear dewi ocxmelp +20
abhishek021196  reeTeemechgr lV )- dh(lcepkoTditAbo arati nad svitecnler abte nlyneinepddte fo each e.thor P dawnea vs SRQ esoplxcem otn ymyhlhrcaitl oeacd.tiass Atialr arte inecgu&at;vr rtl yUslaul eetdtar wthi Cna be uybasdec y3Lm asiesed +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by fallenistand(27)
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sTih uoteinsq is ksiagn hatw owuld useca !tshi RP eartnvli sesmgni up si an eussi ta eth VA .ndeo So aaigbltn teh AV doen wdoul euasc etrah clbk.o

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mutteringly(33)
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UW uQesnito d:I t1igT e76sn9 a yvre lmsiria cptoenc nad sdvpeori a aretg anpnetlxiao fro !siht

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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In rosdab dan ,eyobnd tI is adis atth tdirh erdege atreh cbokl si deu to kocbl ni teh SHI rikejPenu mstye.s So why louwd otinalba of AV nedo esacu ihst aessed?i

Wlutdno csnuedtrito fo aptr of ftel vniecletr be a rttebe sranwe ?

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brbwhat  dHa hte eams t,obud daeR hte aptr nagai adn ondfu Tseit 2 Is ecuasd henw erpikujn si ingangh yb a ahrtde adn hrftoreee osme esplsmiu oec,cdudnt semo Cobn .ht is eduasc by knrieujp not uicdcnognt iesmslup fmor a,ns osem ewlor eamkcprea ie prneukij ro ihs si airldpesngoi by elfits heecn eivsetlnrc eatb dnnlyetipdee.n Tereh si LKOBC in uikjnepr fro coniuonctd ofmr n agso.nAm toiopsn het olny igtnh that esseahlsibt ihts kcblo is avn niotl.baa +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by methylased(20)
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aulreRg hrytmh octun( eth e,obsx re'hyte ms,ea) 1 nuccoedutdn p ewav ihwt larrueg hmrhty g;t--& rtaai nad tleicnvesr agbetni endyeedtnnlpi eyl(ikl eisntvelrc ltcr yb rPei-isjuHn)k t-g;&- pmleotec (r)d3 ahrte kclbo t;--g& ANV iaolnbta ih(ts is talyalcu ndeo ofr tsp iwth Afib soesmim)et

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submitted by endochondral1(24)
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I huhttgo ibnaltoa fo eht av nedo asw a xt ofr a bfi tno htrae k?clbo

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underd0g  ehT teoqsinu akss for het AESUC fo eth aehtr k,cblo otn ttret.eanm +

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submitted by osgoodschlatter10(41)
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I hitnk the ietosqun freers ot a iecnrosa desauc yb nioblata of a ruiralctap noiger fo het trha.e

If ouy ookl fullcaeyr etehr rae emos rteauepm-r crlurtevani tesba r(o erahrt jsut ).1 -rarPeeutm iurtvrancle etsba can be usadec by anailtbo of teh VA dnoe scine het AV enod is besnreislop rof rthhmy croontl yb ncilngtlroo eht benurm fo SA deon pmsiesul ttha rea dertttimnas to the anuerlvirct eartciclle rk.ntewo

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by kard(52)
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teanitsP who gunedor na VA oden ainbotla era aols aetlpindm whit a keamrpeac ot pehl nanmaiti a nmolar hreta .tare .Tx for mceoeptl kcolB

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by goodkarmaonly(2)
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ehT CGE hssow a biotzM eyTp 1 kbocl ng(inlorogp PR owleoldf by a odppder haTvs weee. bcoksl uuasyll esira as a cuopybrtd fo a cidsuonnlfyat VA do,en os tabalnoi at teh VA ndoe si eth stmo oraaprtpepi awresn in siht seac

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kcyanide101  hTis solko eorm ilek a oibzmt tpye .1 Yuo acn eapmroc eht ecg argendis ot atht on .AF... isFtr eDreeg HB p&;am btzoMi etpy 1 rea uulalys AV .pe..sbol.rm ehWil oibzMt ypet 2 adn r3d edgree aer SIH jkpinuer rfibe iussse +

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