ehT pnoti eehr is, yteh aer sagikn us ot atenieilm the ynlo naewrs taht is ont lspisebo. I otg it owg.rn arde elwl lfasel
Teh eripgede enetrssp su tihw MeMolaeatl-- ea.Trrntsme oihniss aer wto emosd of nenierhctai hewer l-aMaMle-oet smanstnosrii is l:)bim1s iopes lXi-enkd )ir2eecvse s otliraciMnohd nrheteician
yM ndnatgneduirs si ttha if rsepatn ear uearnetld by odobl to eosth teeacfd,f we musesa atth yhet aer nto esricrar ni( eht esrvcesie .c)eas Tefoehrr,e if we aevh a mael tharfe defcatef ihtw n-eklxid eivcserse midraer to a r-rrcnnoa,ei 'treesh on way nya of ihs fgnspfiro doluw be dffecta.e
"If eno nptare is tno a ,eaircrr tnhe a hdlci can yoln etrinih a iesased aelell romf het rthoe .pretna nI eetsh mplbores, ew nca easusm that yan dinladiivu ngairymr oitn hte iyalmf si otn a r"ruc~cPc/igtCnrttdi/./ftsuucnte:.nposmsw.sonri/pswtcuseiwnn/.utside/-tshi
e-lnxdki is not beslpsoi if eht mnaow swa not a rcriear tsaaoloum sreeevsci is tno oipselsb if teh moawn was nto a rcia ore,sr why ew hoseoc dxeli-nk
I hgohutt hteer ntew're upposdes to eb rkcit sosietunq no eseht tgishn.
No noe alkts buota ?RA sT'tha cmuh erom yelulikn ni hits aces htan XR
I otg nhtowr off seuebca ret'hes na arrwo tinop to the rtehe efduanfect detuargsh tiwh( na fadetcfe aehf)rt os I ohhgtut LXR baseuce hey'dt be recsr.rai nAd eetrh saw no niaegrneto ipsnkgpi os atht eamd em khitn AR
hiTs si eth 3rd uqstieon I dtdi'n daer replpyor kf kf fyiktkf
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$279$49X nkdlie srseeeciv eethr cna eenvr be yna Male to laeM atrnefsr cines eht eaml fpofngirs gtse Y ormf ehrta.f the regeeidp oshws aMel to Mlae sminsrtsoina os hits nntoca be X endikl icvssreee