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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
The 35-year-old woman indicated by the arrow ...
X-linked recessive 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: genetics process_of_elimination

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by stars and more(16)
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X nkdlie srseeeciv eethr cna eenvr be yna Male to laeM atrnefsr cines eht eaml fpofngirs gtse Y ormf ehrta.f the regeeidp oshws aMel to Mlae sminsrtsoina os hits nntoca be X endikl icvssreee

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weirdmed51  ??? +
weirdmed51  The ierdepge wsosh nylo dffeeatc ,ealm cenhe erhte hsa neeb flemae ot alme itsmonnisars .lia-merer)s(srfeac eecHn X diklen ee.issrcve +
weirdmed51  idneNv,rem I ogt it rown.g +1
freemanpeng  I geb ot drf.e.i.f AR si ucmh emor lnuykeil athn XR ni tshi cae. .1s ,RX uoy olny eden 2 arirrce i.2i evws RA, uyo )e2de(1n rrraice eviws ynnaod)l(2 ybso henitider thta etmtaud gne.e rooP BNME uysg, noinkgw onghint abtou m,tahs oynl ntkcsigi to dtsupi ea"Ml to eaMl stnmrn"isisoa wla +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by monoclonal(24)
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ehT pnoti eehr is, yteh aer sagikn us ot atenieilm the ynlo naewrs taht is ont lspisebo. I otg it owg.rn arde elwl lfasel

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ergogenic22  benm glo:ci thaw" if yeth lla ryrma earrirc "endiswv A 'enodst eeveonry ihtw amotluosa admnniot etg ti in the n2d oantreegni s(unles tcomneiepl cenerae) npti flee mdub +26
cavernosum  aotlytl a.eerg whta a tsp*id q!s +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by obgynnycstep1(7)
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Teh eripgede enetrssp su tihw MeMolaeatl-- ea.Trrntsme oihniss aer wto emosd of nenierhctai hewer l-aMaMle-oet smanstnosrii is l:)bim1s iopes lXi-enkd )ir2eecvse s otliraciMnohd nrheteician

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by trazabone(16)
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yM ndnatgneduirs si ttha if rsepatn ear uearnetld by odobl to eosth teeacfd,f we musesa atth yhet aer nto esricrar ni( eht esrvcesie .c)eas Tefoehrr,e if we aevh a mael tharfe defcatef ihtw n-eklxid eivcserse midraer to a r-rrcnnoa,ei 'treesh on way nya of ihs fgnspfiro doluw be dffecta.e

"If eno nptare is tno a ,eaircrr tnhe a hdlci can yoln etrinih a iesased aelell romf het rthoe .pretna nI eetsh mplbores, ew nca easusm that yan dinladiivu ngairymr oitn hte iyalmf si otn a r"ruc~cPc/igtCnrttdi/./ftsuucnte:.nposmsw.sonri/pswtcuseiwnn/.utside/-tshi

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linwanrun1357  If we uamses ttah ethy are nto csiarrer (ni teh csieesver )aesc Thn e owh acem it cna be ?!R!A +3
catscan1979  txlc^yae twahs' isad evaob r.eeh I tnkih -dnlxeki cssereevi is het lseta yklie,l but nto lmbesip.ios +4
furkan7  woH si x inekld seevseicr is het aetsl llkiye nhew we eden 2 crareir eaemfls fro omiltapyiibct fo both msuoaaotl cesiesvre nda X dknlei isrcesvee ieenrethcin ot hist epeeidr?g I hinkt tyboaliipbr of sheet owt rea teh Am I nsimgis h?itneosgm +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by ayhamai(2)
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e-lnxdki is not beslpsoi if eht mnaow swa not a rcriear tsaaoloum sreeevsci is tno oipselsb if teh moawn was nto a rcia ore,sr why ew hoseoc dxeli-nk

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utap2001  nI all dpgreeie noqtusis,e uyo chcek up orf 3 nti:hgs 1. fi eht cheetnaniri si tsuon(inncoout iksp ,nn)egiotare fi ey;&-sgt nmdatio;n og;-tn& eser.ecsiv 2. chekc emla to nos tsrtonanii,sms if t-&e;sgy o;namiauolst on-tg;& deikn.lX- 3. chkec aeml ot tgeuahdr ,asirntntimsso if ot;g&n- di.hmicnotrola /emrcis/icdfnbydpeoo/thh-oc1t/ht.eilartms:sn2t3ei0e-omub.sse6ml/1t0ep +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by therealslimshady(42)
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I hgohutt hteer ntew're upposdes to eb rkcit sosietunq no eseht tgishn.

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agraham416  haeY I sreamid eht toiqesnu oot. +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by freemanpeng(7)
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No noe alkts buota ?RA sT'tha cmuh erom yelulikn ni hits aces htan XR

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submitted by j44n(141)
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I otg nhtowr off seuebca ret'hes na arrwo tinop to the rtehe efduanfect detuargsh tiwh( na fadetcfe aehf)rt os I ohhgtut LXR baseuce hey'dt be recsr.rai nAd eetrh saw no niaegrneto ipsnkgpi os atht eamd em khitn AR

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submitted by failingnbme(3)
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hiTs si eth 3rd uqstieon I dtdi'n daer replpyor kf kf fyiktkf

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