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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#27 (reveal difficulty score)
A 47-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Monosodium urate 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: repeat rheum

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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eehTs are otgu ty.rcslas I posesup hte btes wya to neidaftfrieet isht ecas rofm oeutpdogsu is ttah eht lrcastsy rea rapsh map&; -nedehpeledas dna tno s.-ipamoeodhdbrh

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sympathetikey  epY. hTey erdit ot rohtw you off twhi eth t,piucer tbu hte wrngdoi in het mets asys its a ipc"rpoh"htaormgo -- tno xedoeps to pnael ldiazpeor iglt,h hewer uyo lduwo ees hte gvnteiae inbg.cefienrre +19
linwanrun1357  yWh si EMBN so eanm ot su. oD eosht eamn a tol in clnii?c +
suckitnbme  r1wni7a5@n3unl I yihhlg boutd uoy uwdol eb nogkoil ta yruo wno tijno iludf tpaarsise nstdaie of endgnsi ti to the .lab +3
nnp  awth thoes olewly etwhi dleunso g?fiysin +
peqmd  In clicni gotu is pailytlcy a naicllci ngdssaii.o If ouy nca trate w/ DSNIsA entdsai of etaiapsr uyo uolwd do .thta oYu wuold aepsatri if oyu rea rdcnniesgio ecitsp hiratistr so uoy nac egt lur.teuc I t'dno nhikt nayoen ipteaars fro ckeh fo i.t +
lowyield  n,p@n the lywelo wieth seudnlo era psthou iwchh si a ngis of cocnhir g,uto rariehtedazcc ihgoialcoltsly by eatsgagreg of icru dcia cslya,rts nca hwso pu as ksin selndou osmt mlynoocm no lerxneat r,ae encnrolao rsbau ro hielsacl tdneno pg( 674 AF 2)002 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by abhishek021196(119)
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aluCmic optoshaprPhey g]outdsPeuo[ Cs trasyl ear diborhom adn yeklwa nebirtn⊕f geir nrdue rioazlpde hitgl (elub elllr henawpa ot

uGto ooMsunim[do at tyreCsausl]r era deleen depash nda ⊝ reeinbtgrfni under epolarzid lhigt ly(owel erdun epllaarl l,ebhigltu unred apeerdrcnilpu lhigt

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mtkilimanjaro(18)
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soAl ot eont: criU cida YIKDNE NTEOSS aer rhmobdio otn dnleee sha.edp I saw dubm adn ghthtou gout altrsysc ni oyaslinv fudli rwee odhrombi dan rgftoo atubo enleed ephsa (:

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