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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 33-year-old woman at 34 weeks' gestation ...
Stroke volume ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio hy weird

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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eloW'udv been cnei fi hyet lodt yuo d2n" slaeitrntoc s"pcea on etlf ro

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paperbackwriter  tI nltuwdo' ehva tmetdrae cebasue het rrmmuu is edu to cinreseda roekst ,ulmove not ayghinnt yeanicmcllha owngr twhi eth ev.salv fI hyte hda aids A or P neth it mgiht ehva ullctyaa dceasu ermo ciuonsonf onstie(ss ec)t. +7
cport12  loAs na artponmti dise noet is atht hitw het adntiodi fo eht ptae,ancl mcsyteis csraauvl cserntsiae uldwo talcauly ereesdac enhrt(oa ragno eddda ni aaelpl)rl hhiwc suhdol elph potni uoy dtrswao an cnrieeas ni oktser vm.eulo +1

 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—seagull(1933)
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Bdo"ol folw to uivraso sangro sereacnsi ndiugr rncpgnyae ot emte teh iresecdan cmbotiela desne fo use.stsi us,hT veonus rurnet nda accdiar outptu caeeisnrs aldtryaimcla ridnug gc.eapnynr dCaicra opttuu udgalyrla arsnecies rgidnu eht stifr 2 rrseeitmst tiwh hte tslgaer eiarcnse iorgcrcun yb 61 ewkes fo ns.tgie3ato hTe eisenrac ni cdaraic ttupou si well tdaisslheeb yb 5 ekwes of tagsotnei nad raescensi ot 50% oeavb pnnergacyper vsllee yb 16 to 02 wksee of ttogie.ans ehT eirs in daarcic outtup cpylatily lepaaust afetr 02 keews fo nattgsioe dan eisnram edlateve iutln .emrt Teh iensecrsa in drccaai tpoutu aer coedasaits twih nncitafsigi acssenier in okrest mvleou and reath etra ()R"H


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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—m-ice(370)
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A otsf icsoytls urmumr si cmmono in yamn ntngreap mowen eud ot a ighh mvouel fo lfwo (rdnceiesa aciacdr u)tupot. eTh rmurmu ndste ot og yaaw iinhtw a fwe kewse of eevriydl ocne eht caairdc uoutpt si srecol ot elnibs.ea

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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p 169 FA 2190 - piiyhoclsgo hecasgn ni penrnycag

icrn O,C maena,i albliyyehtgc,rpiuao eehvlainrpyio,ntt nirc ilsolypis and atf laioiuzttin ot reeprvse cugeosl and AsA orf the bbya

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmle11a(102)
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my ayw was


DVE eisnasecr ni ngnypeacr ued ot an niacrsee ni lapasm oumlve

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—step420(32)
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I veah a neiqtsuo: ceinS CO = SV * H,R and in npyncrgae, monwe avhe an inseracde labas H,R yhw tacn' teh nwraes be us?ePl

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home_run_ball  I tdn'o inkht HR oldwu lnieapx eth gader 6/2 rm,muur but VS wuldo +4

 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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yM tbse suegs is thta hits tipeatn ash a pdcisbiu acrito levav dna ahs a mmrruu edu ot aerdncise elmouv aovleord ormf eht ann.ycgpre

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charcot_bouchard  nCa eb taclgonnei lidm updiicsTr sestonis .slao ti alos egaxeregta nurigd gper +
noplanb  toWdnlu' pircisuTd esssoint be a lsostciy um?rurm +
noplanb  I nema idolt*aics +1
centeno  I tkinh ttha a rmumru fo degar 62/ si a ucel orf wflo mu.mrru aeybM nay ptcgolhioa ecaus fo ruummr loudw be eagtredeagx in aynrcnepg edu( to nsdceriae bdolo u)mvole +
srmtn  h"uthAolg a rtaeh ururmm nda leakn lgsnweli yam be tcisaosdea ihtw areht ese,dias ehset tow spytmsmo aosl amy rocuc ndirgu a rlaonm cgynar.enp learyN 90 eerncpt of pagennrt ewomn ldevpeo a ahtre mmu,rru iwhhc may be due to het acisdeenr louemv fo obold oiwlgfn huthgro eht aethr iugdrn y.agrnnc"ep +

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