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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman comes to the office ...
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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by taway(35)
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hiTs qeiunost is adsehrp rnay,tgsel but it's tnayessille isgank h"wat woudl pahnep if hits wmson'a smrhihodytyiop mbeeca nnuotcllrode vreo eth uosecr of reh acy?reng"np

lcretruyn rhe HST si dogo -t&g;- ellrnltocw-dleo HodoYHTitIypOmAsiCryPhhLT E ihgh TSH -t&g;- rhe pyotiyhdhisrmo tsmu TNO be eroe-dlltllcwon (ued ot siironuptd of eht 3/RTTHHTT/S4/ ecirennod isa)x

o,S onw ttha we rsuanndedt atth the inesuotq si gsanki hw"ta ldouw ppeanh fi rhe yhdhsriimpyoto was nc?lot"unldreo

n:Arwse cismrenti

I nitkh ahtt ihst usoinetq si eaphrds isacl,tyoour ubt arf eb ti romf em to eticiizcr teh ESUML ielncisng .odab..r

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yotsubato  I htkni atth tshi uiqotesn is rhsdeap oauotsicy,rl s ut J liek hte etrs fo hte MBNE +26
b1ackcoffee  teaxcyl ohw osde nteamalr shimtahoo cna aesuc ei?ctmnisr +1
notyasupreme  cokebff1e,@ac 'tsi nto eltarnma ootshiah,m bcilysaal yuo jtus vahe ot reargdsid eht TNRIEE eonisutq tmes dna eth salt prat of hte enescent if( eth mo'ms STH gsoe )up senam htat shet're imhdosptoyhriy niggo ,on whihc auecss irs.cemnit +5
b1ackcoffee  Thsnak uoy ersunotepym@!a +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by direwolf(12)
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Thsi sah to od iwth nnurneadstgdi wot ,hsgint thta tneamarl dopisyirtmohhy si nedilk ot nu/maseCrintrlie tepemenovld fo the sftu,e dan lanmor nyncerapg op.goyhyils nI ng,enpcyar resiednac ohresonm mtsiteual lriev optuicrndo fo ausirov otnpreis klei eSx oeromnH diBngin onGuillb Srxnh)THoB(,iyeG nidgBni lunioblG G)T(,B cet. erMo TGB drcpdoue = omre 3TT/4 si undbo. Lses 4T/3T scueas rmoe THR lsera,ee oerm THS ,realese dan eomr /3T4T cdtouirpon niutl erfe T4T/3 leevls aer back ot m.nalor In a olnamr ,ncyaprnge sith peaphns no belp.mor nI ooensem whti prxtegseni-i rspytiohhioymd h,huotg ardealy sha edpriiam 3TT/4 drptoucin,o dan t'onw eb laeb ot kepe pu wiht rnaeiecds dem.dna hreTi 3T lwil ,ries tbu sith nwo't ruelst in ceisaenrd T4/3.T cpTlyliay, nweom htiw Hoi'shamsto dsenigri to teg rnatpegn lwli eedn ot niercaes rhtie nelhtrvoixyoe edos ni pcatatninoii of thsi ngaycnrep ghca.en

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by thotaak(5)
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Naolymlr larentma /3T4 era euriqder rof atefl bnrai ptdnvomelee rbofee tflea riytdoh nldag is m.ofrde ndA rfate eflat tirdoyh dngal si mrdfo,e elfta T34/ plehs in arnib ovmeen.etdlp oS neaersci TSH names daceerdes nlateram /T34 nda htsu evha ban ibnra onvteemd.pel And eys /T34 esrsosc c.tnlpeaa

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thotaak  criongdAc to iRsbbon ghoolypta +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by medschoollovin(14)
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mnoteumuiA yiohitrtisd a(ka aHosi)thom + -rgenp&atntg;- khniT tuoab iliystiobsp of tlafe yoydhipithsrmo edu ot btdonayi deeamdit rmatlnae psdto.hhmyyiroi sdLae ot Ci.seirtmn Fdsgnini ni tanifn ear hte 'P6 t(oP bl,lye aPl,e fyPfu ,faec dutnirPgro lumisuib,c ubrtetnroPa geuo,tn adn rPoo niBar md.enoevplte

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neonem  I dt'on ndderutsna hte last trap of siht esutioqn emst .h.hutog. if eht tosehrm' SHT *se*ercsian gdinur ryc?gpeann u'nldtWo sith rfeurht ensarice reh (nra/do the esft'su) dcniotpour fo 4T and htsu rnotcctaue eht hmiypsdyhooirt? +
poojaym  een@nom o.n Atommuunei ohtiyshpmroiyd si a iusretnctdo fo het yhitdor ,nglad dan a eeasrcde ni dipounrcot fo T4/3.T nA ercsenai in HTS nsame hatt ehert si not hgeuon T/3T4 ot bitinhi R,HT nda so STH is niegb aederles to etiasltum eht yhodirt .nlgda +41
arezpr  ,HTS T,3 4T dan lhigybnrtuloo cntano rsosc eht aptlnlcea ea.birrr +1
chamaleo  are@rpz thhaulog tseho enromhos nact' orsc,s eth oteinatousadib rfom aitso'hsomH anc +1
yotsubato  hTe ybba sha sti now HTS uohhtg +
sbryant6  THS esocm frmo the ruyp,tiati dan cat on eth irdthyo. aiotsAnieodbtu kactat hte yh,itord os HTS d'setno k.rwo +
kimcharito  no otreig enh?t +
lola915  I tinhk eerth is on reiotg bsacuee het 'bsaby dorhiyt dlagn has ton ylful dedlepove adn ethes lnuiomglolusbnmi mfor the mhrtoe cudlo ttkaac eth tdyhrio ngald dilenag to suises itwh sit' eoteldv.nmpe +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by apurva(101)
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heT rela inthg si T,HS ,T3 4T dan ruogntollhbiy anontc rscos c.eatnlap RT,H ,enIoid TSI acn Iosrs fc. merhot hsa hgih HTS rneiodsgcni( rrypiam iyodsiryphho)mt ;&—tg ooPr irabn nleo Imtdefvep mehrot sah SIT tos(imhHa)o g—t&; rocss the anpceallt aerrbri ecesra—nI in iothdry dagln ya(M reptsen ihwt rdriots at irbh.t

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demihesmisome  hAhhhh Taknh u.oy shTi was waht I asw igrnyt ot dsnedaturn. +1
apurva  eelasp onte thta efre 4t nca rssco the tapecnal +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by b1ackcoffee(115)
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lcxyate woh odes eamtalrn ahhmooist can cusae mnret?icsi

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lola915  Hhtasimio si sceaud by tibnoaeids siatgna otyrdih eapxsedior adn tnoyuloihglbr. sTohe ointesadbi cna crsos het nacetapl nda etfcaf ibebsa rodytih nlgad uicgsan gietalnonc yr.stohpiyodmhi +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by thisisfine (31)
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I nhikt shti tsge ta a ctpeonc redleta ot odhytri sevlel nad en/r.pcynongseeragt

rnsEtgeo cresneais eht ellve fo ioitidnengr-nhbyx uigb,llno hwhic yermrltoaip srcedasee efre T4 nda ,3T dan aescrsnie HTS tluin het dtadinioal GBT boeesmc saeda,urtt and amonrl levles are eodte.srr

iceSn hsti neattpi sha naemmouiut itrioitdh,ys dna qseieurr n,ihryxote ehnw hre efre 4T dsaeec,res and ehr THS gose u,p seh town maek rtxae T.4 oS neulss esh isersneca reh htnxeiryo e,osd esh wlli eb ithyoprdyho t-;g&- encirsmti ni eth tefus

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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erhe si a oypc pdesat nkil .

isr,tf gihh ths = oyhmiihprsytod

woH can irtdisyoymophh ftecfa me nda ym b?aby hirdoyt hoesnrom rae totpamrin to oryu abb'ys narib nda snverou yssmet dlveeetp,mno eeuntadrt esiytoaso—rdhpyclleyimiph dirugn het rsift titr—eemrsnca asecu lwo QI dna sreompbl hwit omlnar vpmd.oletnee

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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hsiT aiclter sflai to onintme orpo ibarn metpeedlvno in iErodHtmhPiyYR.s Teh trouha mstu vhea emtan myhidPsriOtYHo.

ihTs iuonsqte supste me to on

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aesalmon  I ,eearg eht cletrai yuo idkenl seatts s"igsn fo ftlea pmreyodihshyrit ushc sa yarcaaihd,tc runtteneiria ohwtgr dta,rtorniae adaricc e,rlaifu dna hte evpneolmdet fo eaflt eo Ii r g"t sohce wnsare E gndiru eth mxae - T"yodihr aldng Slmnltr enleei t"ga ytgrni ot rstdundena ohw hyte deklin mnesirict to a sace hweer het thmo'res mhytroidiyspho wsa lwle ltrnldo,oce dan hent aeskd rof eth ueeasleq fi erh TSH dcr.nseeai bayeM ceinrsead HST si puoespds to necdtiia wginrenos ydyirtpohoh - lwo T4T/3 edening ot be uedtsmliat yb SH?T +

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submitted by tissue creep(133)
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My uotghth prseosc asw fi eth otrhme has nirdcaees SH,T shed' eb nsiug meor dnoiei to uropecd 4T3/. neaMngi sesl wudlo eb eabl ot teg ot eth bayb for nairb dt.moneeelpv

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submitted by neolidone(2)
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isTh si a evry rctiyk tnosiequ in mtres of gasprhni t.i Tyeh aemk us tikhn otuab twha tecffe hgih SHT dsoe no a sfeut wileh ti ylrlae entma ahtw anc pehapn to het aybb ni an oenittediydbmaad- hhpsiimdoyoryt o o.tmSher skeyan so so ey..nas.k

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submitted by varunmehru(5)
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The hterom has mutouimnea htidoisryit nda rtmetante si gvein ofr dihyspiotohymr .onyl hyw edos ti trtema if eht 'emrotsh HTS is hgih ro o?wl ieoniouAtdtsab wodul tlsil eb reptnes adn ethy uolwd aawlys useac mrstiienc iierctespver of hmeort emnrosho evlle. It'sn ti?

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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sCemiitrn caoning(let r)ipyshtdomhoyi si eth omts nmomco sueac of rlebtetaa nmleat .idlsabiyti auCess opor ibrna .tempndoevle

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