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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman comes to the office ...
Abnormal brain development 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +27  upvote downvote
submitted by taway(35)
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sThi usetnoqi si ahsrpde s,glrytane ubt t'is ltseysainel agkins "htaw olwdu naphpe if sthi aosmn'w rthpmdiioyyhso caebme ulerdolnctno eovr eht eusorc of ehr y?cp"gnaner

luyenrctr reh THS is dgoo g-t;-& lroecwno-dlltel CYoipyLrsThIOhTAHiHPomydEt ihgh SHT ;g-t&- rhe yodioyimhpshrt tusm TON be llenoldtrl-ocwe eu(d to irnpitudos fo hte RTS/TT/4HHT/3 cdereonin xs)ai

,oS nwo ahtt we atnnrusedd htta hte tuoqseni si ginkas w"hta odwlu phnpae fi erh irdptsmoyhyohi wsa neoltcr?lnd"ou

sAewr:n eismcirnt

I iknth ahtt hits qoinuets si epahsdr ,torclsiaouy tub arf be ti ofrm em to eritczici teh EMULS lignniecs .o.d.rba

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yotsubato  I itknh atth tsih teousqni si dhsrape ysut,oolcrai sut J ilke hte esrt of eth ENBM +26
b1ackcoffee  eaclxyt hwo seod tmraaeln ismaoohht can csuae cetm?srnii +1
notyasupreme  ckfba,fco1@ee s'it nto alnmtrea mhsao,thio scbiylaal uoy utsj veha to gdirrased teh IRTNEE ouqstine etms nad hte slat atpr of teh cnenstee (fi eht o'smm SHT gose up) anmes htat rtes'eh mrdhioiphyoyst igngo no, hhicw sacsue cis.inmert +5
b1ackcoffee  nhaTks uyo esoapneur@myt! +

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by direwolf(12)
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sihT hsa ot do tiwh addngirunntse tow ,shingt ttha emntlaar msohryohytdpii si diknle ot nn/ireaCreultsmi opmentleevd fo the us,tef adn lrmoan rcnegaypn i.ooypghysl nI nayer,cgnp daneceris msnheroo ltuismeat irvel pdoicruton fo sirvoau iensrotp keli Sxe nHomore Bindngi luGonlbi SBeTionxGy,r(h)H iBigndn lbuoiGnl B,)GT( et.c rMoe TGB oducrpde = eomr T3/4T is nbuo.d seLs T/T43 assceu mroe TRH ar,seeel emor THS seear,le nda roem 3TT4/ opinoctdur tliun rfee 3T/4T slvlee ear bakc ot mn.laor In a rnolma npe,yarcgn hsti nphpase on .obplerm nI osmoene ihwt -esiegptrinx ihodoymsprhtyi gh,uhot earalyd has drpieima 3TT4/ r,dctoouinp dan wo'nt be ebla to peek up hwit rcaeiensd .edmdna Tiher 3T lliw es,ir tub ihst n'owt ustler in ceiesandr 4/TT.3 i,yTcaplyl mnwoe whti toHma'hssoi srdniieg to get gnranpet llwi ndee to acrsinee etrhi lniereohvyoxt esod in aniiatotnipc fo hits engpncrya gcaneh.

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by thotaak(5)
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ylrmNalo raamteln 4T3/ aer erdqieru rof lteaf inrab pnveoleetdm eferbo elatf ohryitd lngda is .omdfre dAn rfaet etlaf idhtyro lnadg is feomd,r altef T34/ leshp in birna leveodn.tmep So rneesica HTS anesm dredeeacs trnemlaa T3/4 nad hust aehv ban ainbr n.pmoeteldve dnA yse /T34 scsores lta.caenp

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thotaak  Aciorgdcn ot Rsibnbo optoyaglh +1

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by medschoollovin(14)
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imtuAneoum sdohtrityii ka(a oh)Hmtosia + en;t-gp-&ngrat khnTi tbuao oibstpyilsi of efatl yopdsmoiiyhrht due to ybotndai aeeidmtd lntarmea dyshrmphoiytoi. aLsde ot sm.ineritC idgFnsin in atfnni ear hte 6P' oPt( l,ybel ela,P ufyfP cf,ae rgPudonitr slim,uiucb bteutrrPano u,tgeon and oorP raiBn eelvtmdopne.

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neonem  I o'tdn endudsatrn eht astl ptar of tish ituqnsoe smet .th.hg.ou if eth hromet's HTS inse*aesrc* dgunir gnrapync?e dWtoul'n thsi ufehtrr iacreens reh /nrdo(a hte 'utsfes) tpndicroou of 4T adn uhts rtccnuetao eth sportmohhdiyiy? +
poojaym  me@onen n.o eunmAiomtu hsroidyopyhitm si a etctondrsui fo eht tyohird a,lndg and a dseecrae in npiortucdo fo .3T/4T nA crseaien in HTS anmes ttah ehetr si otn enough TT/43 to itnihib H,RT nda os HST is gnieb leardsee ot lusttamei the ihtdryo l.ndag +41
arezpr  TS,H T3, 4T dna bolnogrhlytiu ctoann osscr hte tplaanlce .rrbirae +1
chamaleo  ap@rezr huohaltg estho hsnremoo ntca' sroc,s hte dboasnaiiettuo mfro oaHs'otismh can +1
yotsubato  heT byba sah tsi won THS hotguh +
sbryant6  HST oemcs frmo teh ,riitupayt adn tca no eht yidrt.ho dAtbniasieootu taatkc teh oryti,hd so TSH ndt'oes or.wk +
kimcharito  no togier htne? +
lola915  I ktihn ehtre si no iegrot baceesu teh 'aybbs yhidotr dganl ash tno ylluf eoedvpdel and shtee gmousmnlnoilbilu ofmr teh reotmh could ttakac teh oirdhyt gandl leidang to ssesiu thiw 'sti .lepdtevenmo +

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by apurva(101)
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hTe arle tnigh si TSH, T3, 4T nda ounlrybhlogit coantn rsocs elpt.aacn ,RHT e,ioInd TIS cna .Iossf cr rmeoht ahs hghi SHT esgndn(iorci rpiamry ptmo)hiirosyyhd —&g;t ooPr arbin movnldIetfepe tmhero ash SIT )osmhtH(iao &—tg; scsro the etpacnlla brriera —neIcesra in oyrthid dganl (yaM tpenres tihw toisrdr ta

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demihesmisome  hhhhAh hnTka .ouy hsTi was hatw I wsa itgryn ot esdnnadrut. +1
apurva  eeplsa oten atth free t4 cna ssroc eth eltacapn +3

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by b1ackcoffee(115)
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tylceax how deso nraaltem tmiosohha cna ucsea ?intciesrm

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lola915  ismtaoHih si cuasde yb anietodsbi tganais riytohd osdarpeiex nad rhyg.ouolbtlin Thsoe atniosbedi acn oscrs het talaenpc adn catfef iebsab ithyord dlgan uaigscn aeloctnngi .hioyopdimrhsyt +1

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by thisisfine (31)
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I ihntk sith esgt at a ntepcco tleared ot drtihyo evslle adn ctygnrnrep.eges/noa

gEnreots iearcsens hte elelv of i-iyenbintnxhrodg ,inuogllb ihwch amyriltproe ecsaedres fere T4 adn T,3 and nscaresie THS nuilt eth laiitddaon GBT ocmsebe trdeuat,sa nad romanl velels rea orerdte.s

eciSn hits peintta ash aemuitoumn siitdyhotr,i dna rseqriue xeiy,ohntr when reh eerf 4T aedcssr,ee dan ehr SHT sego u,p hse nowt ekma xaret .4T oS slseun she csnraseei ehr ixhenotry oe,sd esh illw eb diythyrphoo &--;tg ieimncrst ni hte feuts

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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ehre si a ocpy aetdsp kinl .

isft,r ihgh hst = rpdimyotshhoyi

woH cna imosiodhtpyryh tfcefa me dan my byb?a hioytrd ohonmesr rea rontiptam ot ryuo bbysa' iabnr nda onsrvue sytsme vlmed,poteen ntutdeera s—iepicltoomyehyapshyilrd durngi the irstf snttc—eirerma eacsu wlo IQ dan esbmorpl iwth mrnalo teldevpnome.

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submitted by seagull(1933)
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shiT alertic sfali to oennimt rpoo nraib eeelnomtvdp in moi.YdhtyrEPsHiR The hrutoa tmsu heva tnmae HmytiOirPho.dsY

isTh nusetoqi epsstu em ot no dn.e

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aesalmon  I eaer,g eht ceirtal uyo dienkl tstaes nissg" fo lftae yohtrsiidmyrhep hsuc as iactar,ahycd raturneetiin hrtwgo tadtnairo,er ciaacdr i,lfreua dan het eldmeptenvo of letfa ir to Ige " oehsc raswne E uidrgn the xmea - iyT"rodh aldgn n tgniaee"ltm Selrl ryntgi ot autenndsrd hwo they kleind rmisetnic ot a aesc rhewe eth te'horms prhismyodohtyi aws wlel oorelcld,nt dan tenh kased orf teh eluqseea fi rhe HST c.enisader Myeba dsieacner STH si sdeuppso to niadceti inenwrgos hdypriohyto - wol /43TT negneid to eb dtlemsatui yb HTS? +

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submitted by tissue creep(133)
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yM tgtuhho sspcore was if het oetmhr sha siderenac H,TS d'hse eb ugsin more nidoei ot upoderc 4.3/T igeaMnn ssle wldou eb aleb to get ot hte aybb orf rbnai .pdelmonevet

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submitted by neolidone(2)
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ihsT si a yevr trcyki quonstei in rmtes of anhrpisg t.i heTy emka us htnik tobua ahwt eetfcf gihh STH does on a setfu hlwie ti ryella mnate thwa acn hpepan to eth byba ni an tnoaadd-itbdieemy thohymypsdrioi oetrS .moh enasky so so .nk..aesy

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submitted by varunmehru(5)
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The mhtroe hsa imeuonumat dtiioriysht dan teamtetrn is vigen rof hsdirhoyyptmio o.nly hyw osde ti eratmt if eht toehr'ms THS si hghi or l?ow noittbiduoseAa oudwl lslti be ptrnese adn hyte dlwou aysawl caseu inisrectm eeterrcpivsi fo hoemrt onsrmheo ee.vll nI'st ?ti

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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ntimiseCr (liganoctne phrsoyt)dihoymi is eht ostm mmocon caesu of rbtteaeal tenmal dtbyliaiis. sseuaC opor birna .deeltevnpom

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