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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Inferior rectus and inferior oblique ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dr_jan_itor(87)
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tOinop A is het noly otnipo eewhr thbo selcsum rea tapr of the ioarbtl ,olr loA.sof teh tsla eneecsnt ni the qeiotnus smet si a attlo rimefdyo fo wath neo ouldw tpxece eth qsinoteu to eb It is ont akgins for yuo to esusam htat thsee lmcseus haev eenb reedv,se pdazlyaer, or rnereded .dlcafi tI is gksain you ot aemsus that hyet avhe bcemeo tpen"p"adre if eht eucmls si adte,nprep tenh it nntaco lwola hte yee ot oemv otni eeharvwt ioiontsp it olduw be ni enwh eth mcsleu si at sit egedhtnnle ioonps.ti So ni tshi acse, tI is the oniferir suerct gineb pedpatren in a lytnancfiolu soenerhdt spoitino that si pinnvrtgee drpuwa z.ega

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cjdinurdreamz  im cefseddsntu.o.on. teh IR maek the yee okol nwod so fi sit dprtepa hetn hyw si duwapr zega eteacffd nad nto woddnwa?r +
nutmeg_liver  menrduzdaij@rc ti sedo meka oyur yee oolk nd,wo so esnic t'is tedprap in a tanllconuyfi rhtoser spintioo eu'oyr pdepatr gloniko n,owd not p.u +5

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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riltbOa forlo ueftcr:ra

-1 airotlrafInb eevnr ruiny:j bssNumen nad seaheasitpr of eth pprue ,ehcek perup ,lip ppeur iagn.gvi

-2 tnerEanmtp of the nerifrio crsteu lcm:eus Ireadimp aprdwu geaz

-3 shpmtnEosiola

4- ugnisCol fo alalmyrxi snuis: rpeTraod nigs

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minion7  if RI lesumc is efedacft ti is pmrideia drwwnoda za!!ge! +
makinallkindzofgainz  miin7@,no If hte rfeoIinr ecstRu mesulc si mderaiip (e..g veenr unytfcs,dion) nteh se,y raowdnwd agez ulowd be acefeft.d eroeHw,v the nsoeitqu attses that heetr is NRTTNAEPME of m.sscule anTrpgip eth nierifro erctsu elscum synalseteil klsoc hte eey tnio a awdrdonw z,gea teehroefr igiprmina rduapw zega, sa eht erfiiron cteusr leumcs is teeansislyl rtpapde ni nnirctc.oato +5

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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its bc tsih era hte nlyo 2 eucsslm no eth oiltabr oflor ogl goe atorlib olrfo susclem in ooggel migeas?ONlR=bOstrNoctcg./&F:u#aEh=Mr.w1gtlhwLihrP:btmcciwmscaagsim/ooN=lusosq/ep+mee

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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rInefroi oqlbuei = lehsp you kolo up ;am&p .ni

soA,l yeth sida lroof of the ib,tor os it askem nssee ahtt eth errinfio essculm odwul dg.amdea

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sahusema  I nokw euor'y .irtgh I swa juts os tmrefooalbucn pinkcig an anwres hwit rner"ofii rt"sceu ebsueac emdgaa to teh ierfnori eutcrs odes intngho to apxienl eth acncllii gsninifd of ipmiadre wpudar .zage lsseUn het sclume si lahlisycpy usktc dan 'tcna lerxa ro ntgoshmie +7
emmy2k21  .Ageder yhW wldou a acdufnsoylitn nirforie uersct btertiunco ot apriemdi adpwur ??ea?gz I lndmtiaeei htat swarne oceihc and tog ti wonrg :( +2
dr_jan_itor  ni hte tasl teennsce ti kssa uoy to saesum an apmtnr"t",ene so ti is uylcalta hte inrofrie esutcr wcihh is het ceusa fo eht adwupr geza pysa.l The reteadppn lcusem si atnlyiclunfo artdppe in t'si tesrohedn poitsin,o yerbthe tno glialwon eht rtboi ot gaez uprda.w +16
chandlerbas  !abm d_r_trionaj utsj eacelnd up hatt oiusnofcn +2
weirdmed51  Why nifriroe uiqlobe ?nthe osneโ€™Dt OI hepsl ot olok pu ? +1
freemanpeng  May be RI si rernogst hnat IO ni rowdwand za?eg +

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—blah_blah(1)
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rIfnrioe bluieoq nda iforrIne cutrse cuslme ear bhot ni the rbaloit olo.rf ettpnarnEm fo sehet usslmec wlli nto lloaw hetse vudilnaidi ssceuml ot do tehir ocni.nfut

IR = yee taocnn olko ndo OIw = yee naontc oklo pu

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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naC ayneno enpxlia hawt pdaloip""i lpes?mii I ogt tcusk y"eesbth iillncca nigdsn"if hinikt(gn wudarp aegz+ .o)idp.pia.l. rO is aipoDi"pl" sutj a fucpcsieni rdwo ni ?ex?am

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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The oqleisbu do eht posteoip oicatn of erith e.nma ferorIni iolbeuq osmve teh yee UP and UOT xneo(t,rtio o,intveale .ntAud)cBoi icneS het eqsnotiu ssya thta rhtee si a utrafcer ininvgvol het btaiolr lofro, taht umcalaaitytlo selru otu D iaelmd( ecrstu dan froeinri bil)quo,e algivne eht lony illacog esrwna ot be het oifernri suetrc nad frrniioe ou.qelbi Ht.EuhWme?oh=sW/ww/Kb/ItyIotvuwcaDkcWwtl.p:

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aishu007  h,i utb ioierrnf ueiqlob emvso pu dan in dna nto out +
d_holles  =cpVut/?teyitotv:wwAwaUJ/wK32o.hLh/msZ.Zcbu nI eacs plp eedn a rrfeeehrs +

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