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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Inferior rectus and inferior oblique ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dr_jan_itor(87)
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iotpnO A is eth olny tnoipo erweh thob eslcmus rae tapr of the arolbti .fl,soorAol teh tlas eecnnest in hte onqtsuie smte is a ttola dyromief fo thaw one owudl tpxeec eht squeitno to be s.knaig It is ton gkinas orf you ot seusam atth sehet uslcesm ahev nbee edvs,ere yreapla,zd ro rrndedee d.flaic It is inasgk yuo ot uassme atht they veha cboeme prd"neeat"p if hte lseumc si t,enpedrpa ehtn it notcna lalwo teh yee to vome otin erevhwta iosntiop ti oluwd be in hnwe eht euclms is at ist neehdltnge ipot.nois oS in itsh cas,e tI is hte foreiinr rutsce iebng ptpnaeedr in a oyfcluialtnn eosedrtnh optsnioi taht si envtripgen pwdaur zae.g

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cjdinurdreamz  im n.sdsounf.edeot.c hte IR emka hte eye kolo down os fi sit epdtpar htne hyw si pdwrau ezag fafdceet and not wdndar?wo +
nutmeg_liver  drircmdjane@zu it edso kema ouyr eye kolo ondw, os nsice 'tsi ptaedpr ni a clniuyanfotl hosrter pintoois ruy'oe pdaprte inogokl wdn,o nto up. +5

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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Oritlba oorlf afu:rtecr

1- oalIirbnfrat neerv nurji:y Nebnsmus dna setspiaehra fo hte ueppr ,hckee ppure i,lp eppur iv.giagn

2- neptmaErtn of het riienrof urctse usl:ecm dIermaip uparwd egza

-3 opshimslntEoa

4- inColsgu fo ymilxraal ss:niu rdoperTa gins

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minion7  if IR emuscl si tefcdafe it is maiieprd woanwddr !ga!ez! +
makinallkindzofgainz  ,on@7iimn If eth ifrnroeI esRutc ucmlse si adeiimpr .g(.e eevnr )n,tsoiyfnudc tnhe sy,e orwnwdad egaz olwdu be tfef.aedc woe,reHv eht osqitune sstaet atht heter si NMAPNEETTR fo .selcsmu npiTgpra het inrirefo urtces lsmuec lilnsteyase coskl het eye iton a nwdwdoar zae,g oerfhtere agniiirpm pdrawu ea,gz as eth nfroreii eurtsc lcsume is nyletsslaei paptrde in nacoittrcon. +5

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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sit cb hist are het ynlo 2 lsscmeu on hte rbltoai lforo ogeglo oairtlb oorfl lcumess in leggoo ig

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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rirIenfo qeolibu = hepls oyu oklo up ap&m; n.i

sl,oA hyte isad lrofo fo hte bot,ir so it ksema snese htta het nrfioeir csluesm uwodl g.adedam

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sahusema  I onwk uyro'e higtr. I swa sujt os oeocbumnlfart nkipigc na easnrw with ionr"rfei rucse"t basceue gadmae to eth eioirfnr ertcus osed ongitnh to eaxnilp eht lcnialci nidnsgif of iemipadr wrudap .gzae sesnlU het lsmuce si yhcalspyli ktusc dan act'n lxear or tgmonsehi +7
emmy2k21  eAeg.dr hWy luwod a lunidosytcnaf froernii rcutes ettroibucn ot apierdmi rudwap ?g?z?ae I leitniamde that snwrae oicehc dna got ti wgron :( +2
dr_jan_itor  ni eht alts tenenesc ti ssak yuo to ssmaeu an tetpnn"ema"r, so it is luyatlca eth eirrionf eutscr wchhi is hte sucea fo the aurwdp eazg pl.sya ehT tepnpread lsumce is alnucflynoti artpdep ni is't eshdrntoe inspoi,to yreehbt otn gwoalinl het oitbr ot aegz rdw.aup +16
chandlerbas  ba!m tajrdir_on_ just edlaecn up atth onufonsic +2
weirdmed51  yhW eirfnori bequoil ?tenh โ€™eDtson IO ehspl ot loko pu ? +1
freemanpeng  Mya be IR is ngserort ahnt IO in ddnwaowr ez?ag +

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—blah_blah(1)
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frIieron ibueolq nad nreifroI trceus lesmcu are hobt ni hte iblraot lfoor. pemaEntrtn of tsehe sumcsel illw nto oawll hetes inuviddlia lmsusec to od etirh .ftnniuco

RI = yee nocnat kolo own OId = eey notcna oolk up

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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Cna enyaon aipxnle wath oid"i"lpap limeis?p I otg ktucs bhs"etye ialcclni "ndfsinig iing(hntk dpwura ea+gz ).a.ip.lio.pd rO si "iioDla"pp just a iepcnscifu rodw ni e?a?xm

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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hTe quiesobl do the opieopts aniotc fo tihre a.mne rfeIrion ueoblqi vosem hte eye UP dan UTO ix,eotron(t eo,ineavlt odi)AcnBu.t iSnec teh inusoqte ssay that hrete si a frerctua vgnionlvi hte bloiatr ,orfol thta aoamuytiacllt esrlu uto D imlad(e erucst adn erofinir blu)eo,iq gvleain eht lnyo cllaigo snaewr ot be the irnroife tseruc dna riierfno ib.leqou tws:hbtI/=Euowk.wmyltHep.KIvucch?tW/wDaW/oW

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aishu007  h,i tub reiirofn queobil evosm up dna in nda ton otu +
d_holles  p/aitteuZo3yt2mwhJocVKu/hw:bww.tA?v.c=sZL/U In acse ppl ndee a erresferh +

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