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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man is brought to the hospital ...
Alteration of the thermostatic set point ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—keycompany(351)
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itnretaolA of eth acttoemstirh ets otnip is a hatlihapyocm sceprso aedmtdei by pilgstorsdanan dan si ideeneptndn of teh iacepttsmhy onvusre msyets.

B, C, ,D dan E lla errieuq chpisateymt evrens ot tllicie a psereo.ns

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pg32  nCa eonayn niapxel teh nahmmiecs nbhdie ensirihvg adn hte hsypiamttce vrsonue tsesmy? +4
mdmikek89  ahuHytmsloap ealsyr hourtgh the ocnuatmoi nrovseu mt.yses Yuo tuc eht larye, uyo cna yonl cengah eth tethmrcisota est pi,ont tub the oydb c'nat crae.t +1
umpalumpa  ,yuGs I ihtkn thta rfo eth eignvshir arnetiaelvt teh npoti is TON ttha eiyspachtmt srenev conotlr hvirgisen t(a,ycaull I v'anthe donfu ctaseril on empbdu ttha sysa hatt ehnvigris is onecdorltl yb smchty)taiep. TeH seaeist ywa to ikhtn si taht isth pt ash a ietsmysc ntceoifni aa(k mcStesy-isISR tloraymanfmi prsonsee nrsdm).oye In RSIS, tp anc vaeh T;3l&t5 C ro t8&g;3 C, BUT it is mroe momonc to heav freev hnta rayet.hhomip rCigenosidn it,sh yuo can leaiys oleu-urt teh hgiervnsi .teavitenrla +1

Even brown fat needs SNS == release of NE == binds to beta 3 receptor on fat == uncoupling of ox phos!

+6/- apurva(101)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—qfever(67)
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tlhuHyaspmoa ocilnlrongt turrtemepea tse tpino si yreiflb netmdieno ni hPmtaao 8201 notdeii apeg ,31 aretpCh 2 III rCdnliaa sngsi fo nnmimtliaafo D. reevF

nseyegoP t;g-& oecpghmraa leserae I1-L and TFN ;t&g- rdeasniec xsgacyecoyleon acitvtiy ni tlasmhhoypau rcesvuarlipa sllec -&tg; caisedern tayosphhlaum G2EP ;&tg- ridesa prttrmaeeeu ste tnpoi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by gribear(0)
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Can seoomen paielnx ywh hewn ouy nsetrcta the lsiapn rdoc uspirero to the veell of ytistcemhpa olftuwo -- nad ouy tge a tmceyiss tcinnefio -- teh rsnespoe si ltotiaerna fo het trtmiaochtes est i?ptno

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its_raining_jimbos  So I ocesh tath oen ebacseu ets pnito is colldneort yb hte hpmhlautoays (PEG2 and -I1L meaeidt fvere in teh astluhaoy)hpm nad eht rets of het swenar hicesco dvovinel ogtiehmns lobew het elelv tath ahs neeb stnrdeeatc. toN 1%00 reus fi โ€™htsta crtucaea thuoh.g +5
noselex  edAerg ihwt io_gn@it_jasiisnmrb -- erevF is mdateeid by gilrtane est tniop in mauha.tylpsho lAl eht other ,ehioscc sa afr as I anc ltel, nlvoive himyaeptcts resevn dan teirh ectefsf ta ttrgae gsnora. +2

You might not be able to change the temperature because you have no sympathetic outflow, but the actual "resetting" of the thermostatic set point is mediated via the hypothalamus and prostaglandins

+2/- spow(50)

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—j000(17)
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i gto shit ountqsei nro,wg tbu i khtin atwh hsti qonstiue is ayller isgank is hawt sapepnh in a scymties feoctini:n chwih si vrefe

ni syesmtci n,entiifco teh tosm svooiub gnsi ot oklo rfo si a f,vree ont ycnesiesral hsni,grvei ,tgwsneai haet dntorpuoic by obnrw t,fa .etc

nad who edso evfer ?orccu elki mseoneo daealyr n:otmeenid seneypgo t&-g-; pmeagrschoa erleinsga 1IL nda FTN hciwh erecsasin XOC vcytiati in laphamyuhots ilpaesarvrcu sle,cl ircenase ruodpction of GE2P in aytshoalumhp and trsee het epetrmrtuea tse ionp.t

i hnkti the hlewo aspehr cle"ptmoe nsnoiattecr of teh anplis rcdo pruisero ot eth llvee of e..hpst.mctayi" si a trcandi.tosi it utsj ellst ouy ahtt nepeeldotvm fo a everf hsa onthgin to do ithw ti

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j000  vepdemloetn of a freve ni iscteysm notcefiin ahs gnhntio ot do wthi ttpmshyaiec uresovn lof,w os evne t'is judn,rie fveer olwud tilsl c.uorc I nhkit hsit osequint is tjsu aikgns ohw oeds feevr ucocr ni mlainnctnooaieni/ifmft tniiaoust. +1
b1ackcoffee  o,S owh od ouy axilepn eht tauacl veerf yb utsj aignchgn eht ah?set?ttrmo evFre ceftf'e' SI unedr itemStphyca ,cltoorn sjut eht gnanhicg the eetprtermau kl(ie htortsmt)ea is eetidmad yb synoectik nda slpoy.tamhuha +2
j000  oh i see twha yuo ena,m llwe i dd'nti ownk ,hatt so sankth ofr rnagliiycf h.tat rhwo,vee adebs on uroy inoaaen,tpxl it dlowu ltsil tge su ot het rihtg senrwa wchih si iteanartol" fo itesaotmcrht set ,"ipotn ton eht rfvee etefcf sl.feti +1

So, how do you explain the actual fever by just changing the thermostat?? Fever 'effect' IS under Sympathetic control, just the changing the temperature (like thermostat) is mediated by cytokines and hypothalamus

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mdmikek89(6)
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ykaO ybso dan ligsr tshi quisteon si eisrae than ouy nkiht.

laHhymtosaup ryesla avi the tsphmyaicte ursneov ytsesm to ntoolrc eth dboy nhew a nwe tse otipn sa eneb eardehc in lste ace.ussy.f.v..rea.e n.inft...b.iceoy

fI eht ncietoonnc ewbtene eht yuhlaphsotam and nplisa ocrd nmi(lay eht ytscpiteahm f)wootlu is ,cut het autalhsm cntano rleay eth oybd oeinartc fo a reve,f btu eht alhotuasyhmp itsfle nca lstil ahencg eth tse oi.pnt


hWntii hte rbin,a eht ucooamnit osrunve tyssme si raedegutl by eht yhsa.taumploh iooAcutmn nsucoifnt lnieudc olctron of ia,reronipst dciacar itanuoeglr h(te iacrdca cootlrn e)tnre,c rmoatosvo ctiytiva (eth ormavosto en)trc,e nda eraitnc ferelx ocisnat suhc as hgcuin,og insgzee,n aslnoilwgw adn imogn.tiv

B-E occur as a teulrs fo a nhaceg ni set itn.op

A aheppsn to ceasu het BE- hnew a wen ets piotn is eda.rech

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—isaacyo94(13)
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In tsmiyecs ni,fcoenit lwotn'ud ouy tge untoseacu OILIvNasoATD ..ei( ieditruistvb os)?kch ishT asw my arnsiogen ofr hsncgooi )B in iths cakyw .tuisoqne

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neilfespiritu  Seam +1

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—gh889(154)
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morF reuSoonnkoHyeahkd on ite:rdd

hatW het noestiuq is ttgieng ta is teh hetpacimtys anich wsa .aredps tI wsa a riltereb way fo grdoniw it.

Yoru niearrto yohhlasatmpu si irnelspesbo ofr ionolgc euaetfrs dan si rdeun hprtsytcaeapiam .trlnoco A leison wulod escau mtehrpy.aehir

Yrou trosoipre hasotalumhyp is sspleornebi rfo igenath nhew oury'e oldc dan ot arentege eth ereFv eensospr nda si undre ihtmytepacs ooctrn.l A enlosi luodw scaeu ipeo.mtyhhar

In tsih eunqtosi it is psylmi giknas a resopn etsg ck,is tahahpsluymo aws rsdaep, wath

nAresw: uhmtaolhsapy wlli iltsl eb ebla to etvlaee tes bdoy euremttepra to eabttl eofni.nict

iH:tn IF eyht gvei a ntsoeqiu asmilri to shit tub errdwoed ot ednicul a eolins fo eth ctiapetmshy iebsrf ro of teh lomuas,pyhhat yuo wodul ni urtn NOT be elab ot aetegenr a erevf oerspens to oe.nnifcti hTe syahhoplmtua dluow be iltnreye eundr htcieyrampaastp rcolnot

hTis ddsa mero ncoextt ot hte actf eth Q ettsas htat het thtsaeyipmcs aws psarde

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oslerweberrendu  oS, iths ssay catysphiemt slao esprda and styouaphhmla oasl s.pdrae Then wtha swa onrwg iwht shit lclician ??seca +1
adong  i tkinh eht ctehptysami tyssem si talalyuc piremida bc/ is't uct beoefr ti anc "oao.ttf.uwl". slaet si't hte ylon wya siht kamse eesns +4
suckitnbme  I g.erae I tkhni teh usioqten etms si angysi het mtsechytpais rwee lsdieeo.n Nto hatt teyh ewre rp.asde +4

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