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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-year-old boy is found to have an ...
Staphylococcus aureus ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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cPoystehag ndee ot roeudcp ydohngre eixdepor rfom yngxoe ot be labe ot dregnuo eht vedtoixai rbtus atth wlil lkil ria.ctbae

reyHdnog xrdeopie anc coem mf:ro

  • A nicrateo zcyeatdla by NAHPD adsieox insigs(m in nicorCh otGonamuulsra Dsiasee)
  • rcutodPoni fo endogyhr eixoderp by won nfecngtii ceraabit

edrgyoHn exodiepr acn be gereddad yb seclataa in asiptavlsiecae-ot moaigs.nrs htiuWto nrhdgoye epediorx theer is on eaciront of ryolhdyx hlieda dcasilra dna no neuositrtdc of the .ehtgopan

eTher aer owt telacasa ovpsitei oiasmsgrn ni het sas:erwn .E ocil dna S. rauus.e We ear remo yoclmmno ni ancottc hiwt S. usreau nad it is teh emor ocmmno enoghapt so 'httsa the .wsnrea

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rogeliogs(12)
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Tsih ostuienQ tis tabuo srtyapiorre brstu

Pttseani wtih ADNHP y=cnrihcecicnoiefd mgatrnulsooau esaeisd ()GCD

nEev guhtoh itnpaest whit DGC cn'at meak eioxd,pSuer yhte cna esu it ofmr het catrieabs dna ncoetrv it to heclba OLCH adn llki eth isa.atebrc

TBU catisarbe iwht aalatces emnzsye rteznaulei hitre won eexospudri dan satth wyh the DGC teaiptn a'cnt lilk

saelatCa eopistiv eiat:rbasc .S uersau - gsspeurAlli

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thomasburton  I gthotuh o.liEc aws catlaase pstvioie too? hWy can atth nto eb orrcc?et +6
mb10  F(A )618 eaCasalt +() combiesr, eeaplsicyl S ausrue +4
makinallkindzofgainz  otba@hrosmutn - eesuabc tsirF idA idsa o,s so csuk it +1
jurrutia  tauhnob,o@stmr seeuacb S euarsu si omre mmnoo.c I ue.sgs +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by rogeliogs(12)
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Tshi tQniuseo sti touba rrrypietoas sbrtu

iasettPn ihtw PNADH r=neyicficceonchdi suanturaomgol idessea )(DGC

vEen hothgu enpatits hwit GDC nt'ac aemk Spdixeueor, htye nca use ti omrf hte itsabearc and ovtncer ti ot lcahbe LOHC dna ilkl het

UTB riescabat twih taalscae emynzes erulaetzni eihtr won udeeorspxi nda thats ywh teh CDG teniatp cna't klil .hetm

lseaataC :iptiesov S. auurse - iugprlseAsl

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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speeal lpeh -- fI esaacoattivs-liep retbaaci znteirleau tiher won opserxd,eui hwy 'nsit it eth eacs orf vlapeastais-cieot ibacrtae ot ntciofensi in o?eryvene

'Im tno dtrgninsauned hte ntnoeconci ot NAHDP osixade yciincef.ed

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hello  to *csuae* osnfiintec ni enevryeo +
bmd12  Bc eeeronvy sn'ti ADHPN fiiet,cnde nmeagin htye acn pdcroeu tiher wno xedsieuorp tuihtow eginnde ot reyl on eht exdsrpuoie odrcduep yb eht atai.rebc +1
bmd12  so enve fi talaacse eitiopsv iagnsmors entziaurle iehrt wno eods,erxupi ruo bdoy si dgurpcoin ist won nad nto yerignl on teh oesn epoddrcu by .tribceaa ouY yonl bineg to ryle no the udxeiposre orucddpe by eractbia fi uyo are ANPHD i.fnctdeie +

 -9  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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tneiQosu si knsgai tuoba dnestcaelapu rsimsngoa ingtfniec GCD teia.pnst ilc.oE is alos ueasltdnpa.ce nCa nayeon xnpead no tis?h

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keycompany  Setp aemouninp si the somt ncmomo eiochtgpan gnarsimo ni GC,D nad eth sotm cmmnoo cusae of aninmeou,p ttoiis ma,ide iingtn,mse dan .isepss lWeih CDG rae ta na daeicrsne ksir of aptnesuldeca .E clio eicftsin,no wv,eroeh ehty aer ta MSOT ksir rfo S. mpneou. isTh is dnki of sjtu a eoamtiznmori cfta ttah uyo ende ot owkn atuob .S .npmeou +
keycompany  ryorS ilsengh si rcaelyl tno ym ist,h btu uoy gte eht tinop +
biliarytree220  GDC is tpeelssicbu asnatig -aieliaascpsttveo arnsimgso (FA 0,91) fo hhciw .S euasur si the one to oolk tou fro. tsI' ton buota ctdspenluaae mgssair,no klie I ahd it unecodsf ni my e.adh +6
.ooo.   You are lpoytcemel hrgit uoatb iEClo. gneib ncetaepadlus nda si aslo a AC+T imgroasn dan paisnett htwi GDC lduwo ahev na creeasdin iksr fo ctoniefni fro hbto .S seAuru dna E. lioC. oHw uyo rnoawr wdno eth two is het omts omcmon onitsenicf rae S. Ausrue nda gessuAripll A(F 019 ekil needntoim vea)bo nad alos ingsu eht encpnomiu "stCa deNe LSASECP to lheBc iehrt "asabHlril AF( 182) ocdNraai, doeou,snPsam e,irasiLt liuple,srgsA adaiCn,d ,iCloE. a,copilShotccy ierart,aS B pcacia,e H lopriy +12

 -10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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:tNeo teh ssoitnueq tsadet "resrtorpiya rut"bs ugseingtsg na UTR oniitnc.fe

1) sthi sleur otu anhyitng ubt itrspyearro ioincften non( rep ciinetno:f .E ,iolc .E emu)aifc

2) DGP6 ydeccfenii remo cstbeesuilp ot lecsataa sptoevii mnsgsoa ri -- this lersu tou lla( pster omsisang)r

3) tfLe wthi .H luazefneni p&a;m arhp.tS suaure (BTHO rea acteasal i)ptveosi

)4 cauEdltpsean oagisnrm rae somt ngccnrneio hnew tehre is ineap.lsa

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imnotarobotbut  toeisRrprya rtsbu has gitohnn to od thiw a risrpatyoer nc.iitfneo It bscedires hte soesrcp of tagsconpgiohy a itcaerab adn singu APHND SR/dxeasoOi to lyse it +5
belleng  Apusglrlsei si llits ni teh nngnr,ui ti si asctalea visoepti as otn a coeich +

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