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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Interstitial inflammation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—keycompany(351)
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anrUiyr tctra tsinoincfe aer hte tmos cmomon daucrieq ecsau of tisceeioVruc Ruefxl )(VR ni n.rhielcd RV anc dlae ot eRfxul htrypoeapNh, wcihh is rhrczadieteac yb rihoccn ttlluoibtautsrinie iamimnnaflot iwht frssboii nad rnirc,ags lgdaien to nerla ulae.fir

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lancestephenson  anC meoosne sleeap apxinle aht'ws ggoin on ni thsi trepu?ic hTis is teh SEMA TCEUPIR sdeu ni ENMB 02 and 21 wthi eon of them egibn a 66 yo/ ihtw iuohtlrela lecl canrcaimo nda the othre ngibe truluba athyr.op I tsju otdn' nowk yrmoean +49
spacepogie  d'I eb ahppy to edns hemt a ftgi crda to eauschrp mroe kostc sagime of kdinsey rof ues in erutuf x.sema.. +20
diabetes  i htink VR sohlud leda to ltarebli enyidk mgeada adn eerh only ltef kdiyne si ecef.dusftlhado ew pessuop taht thgri knydie olsa is fcdtefea ? +1
skonys  The ikd tsge wto sUIT nda ihs yikedsn kenu s.eslmvhtee AWAEKA.AA soAl lvoe how teh kid hsa orcch~~ni otnaflminmia ta 4 rys ldo. Ggreaba pic t.oo +1

FA 2019 pg. 587 on hydronephrosis +Distention/dilation of renal pelvis and calyces [.l Usually caused by urinary tract obstruction (eg, renalstones, severe BPII, congenitalobstructions, cervicalcancer, injuryto ureter);other causes include retroperitoneal fibrosis, vesicoureteral reflux. Dilation occurs proximal to site ofpathology. Serum creatinine becomes elevated if obstruction is bilateral or ifpatient has an obstructed solitary kidney Leads to compression and possible atrophy ofrenal cortex and medulla.

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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I EATHD hsit ,tcpurie tsuj lkei eereyovn else, ll,o so I did eosm rmeo ignidgg. eoveryEn lwboe is ,cecrotr htat teh otsnaietnrpe is tunsegsigg an niifesucto eo.rcpss TUIs cna esuac eutca ptspeinoeyi,lrh adn if hcicn,ro pegrsresos ot rhccno.i ernePhtoiisypl is a oibuiueartlislnttt eiaesd.s I nuofd ihts rfmnntiiooa indgegrra ti, dna in teh ltas rtpa, it erscbsied hte rgoss gtopoalyh of icocnrh ohisliptnr.eeyp mFro my eiietanot,nprtr ti ssundo leki ahtw het uceptir is iwghno,s btu I aw'tns ebal ot difn a euerbjtt/st as godo neo oninel eyt, os I td'on know orf .esur

ecAut otuetinlbriTsiautl Netsiirph: teAuc fnmatniomali fo tuesblu nda itmrittuinse acn euasc ,RFA nad fi the aotmimyalrnf pscsroe esssiptr this anc evlove ntio crcnohi tutiasenbotrlitilu sinhtirep dan cionrch itiatnelsrit ibsiosrf adn lurbuta yphoart iwht rski of siprrnseogo to teags-den dnekiy aeis.dse Tow oramj atgisoecer of tauce oiibttlilesuturatn sinetphir rea ecaut hlepoyiternips adn cetua theyviseyipsrint nillaeustiribttuot .sipntrihe

tcAue yisrpeeonhilpt: eusCda by albraiect cfnitonei tmso nomcoyml .E lico fcneinio.t iesyyistrpnievtH iuistetiltbtrunoal srhi:inpet sdauCe yb na ealriclg sopre,sne for pal,mxee ot a rgdu or ohrte enbstcassu that rae ,eenigsdt shuc sa arhleb riee.msed

By arf het mtos comomn urteo fo itefncoin ni eucat rlyesipohntpie is na iendcnsga foiincten ni the rriyaun ,crtat for al,epmxe rdvdeie ofmr a cbtlaaire ralbedd oif.nitenc ueAtc rioepenilyptsh = eintevxes lifnux fo NsMP itnihw eth usnirmi,tetti utsbule (ltsu)ibtui, and nemsul of usutleb W(BC sca)st (p/ib.P/JitBDthyl2:/yt).

hWti snesetrcepi or runcrceere fo utcea peiryslt,oiepnh eth esdiase sesropc evlveso nito coihcnr lnrohiestip,ype hicwh suulyal is edpcnioacma by dmkera oriosen of teh yipprlaal tip nelitusrg ni aoniltid fo teh cndatjae xcyal se(ilcitsaac).

hTe mots isathaetirccrc phoiltcago seurtefa fo oircnch lyeripepnsioth are teh ossgr agchsne ni the ykiden twih sbaad-redob sacrs ni teh nymraaecph oerinlvgy aares fo coracitl dna lmlryeuda yptarho hiwt naejtacd acc.iltiases ol,sA the teanetpnrsoi tssusgeg hhrnyeoidrpsso, adn form ym ,ahecrrse oipres,ohysrdhn hwne /hericsvnecr,o anc nirbcttoeu to eth erdakm lsos fo oetxrc and osbirrsc/asfsi fo the madeull (0usR0aAm.teu/ttd.lheR7teAta.NNdwTbHE/mM:Lph/L/phh.E) adn iliacctsaes hhwc(i I nikth is rptnese on hsti eitrpc)u. siTh is teh cssotle uictrep iwht riondptcsie I luodc ndfi atth ehcsmta the setm pisoaneternt ei.(. yerdorhuetr nad eh,yprohdsinsor ugsgienstg ecvuerrloiaest rfuxel neglida ot fectinnoi rfmo a" lgon nsndiatg ciottnobusr rbpylab(o aigont)c"lne so ekylil frmo a )chdil Eh0btMm..Le/tsu:wtReuENa.Hd.t/8hml/AhpdNeThapLt0RA/.

,solA to ntinemo on the rehto mosntcem psxsgnerei ouatitnrfrs htta hte easm uectpri aws sdeu rfo omsurt dna alurbtu ,rpythao from twah I ,eadr htta rsgso hlaotogy,p si the nelrega aaraepecpn fo oyrruedthre deu ot sruevobittc apyorthu i.e(. tublura optay,hr sbfgorsi/sni,rcari ceaxcysicaltslia/ tin,alodi dna nith oclirtac irm deu ot h.oytapr ogPholeotnci.lynmoa sasy atth teh siaicatelsc is rxeetaggaed in less eersve lseatcara/ips toioubscrtn csnie FGR si ont sueepsdpsr sewwyigy/

eoHp thsi shpel eyrvo!een tI uers pleehd m,e ubt okto AWY oto gonl ot s,rutndeand ll.o

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nor16  ecin ot ,bubj i odtn hinkt ouy eend all htsi rfo etshe utsqsonie +5
alimd  exnt etps si to od arndieomdz atl)ri +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—adong(144)
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Speru gnnnyaio yhte ear ignus teh esma iptecur BTU ouy cna srwaen twih ossrepc of .leniotimnai No assm ni eht pretcui so otn bsnsamaotspooterhil or .CRC 4 arey old os otn olyssmdioa.i metS osde tno lraely uce oyu tion rauemobsmn NG. Inetsda it ltkas tuaob TUsI hchwi wlduo veah mfaoatyrlmin roesepssc &t;--g stlirnitaeti lomfnaian.tmi

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skonys  lLo tehy used iths putrice ni a iffd axme and eth ewnras aws a wisml tumro hhougt +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bobson150(28)
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Is tsih insgya rteeh si usirracloevete uexf?rl I duolc vhea mowsr this eams emagi was on fomr 02 or 12 nad the erwnsa asw ismWl ortum

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hello  sYe, ti I nhkti ni obth sngtvi,ete hte tceirpu wsa aaciylslb rO othearn lbopisse lcue -- tub tilnydeeif otn needed ot wasnre eht .Q +16
presidentdrmonstermd  yM lochso usse odl "rer"eidt BENM qssntuieo for msxae dna eIv' laos eens thsi xctea mesa ecprtui litlpmeu i/me...tsw eidfnertf aeisnrcos I I tierd grenimemreb whta eth oesqusitn erwe ubt I sesgu i'st molyts evn.riertal +3
hyperfukus  AEMS +
hyperfukus  I osal ptu 'miwls outmr cb ti lfte yelalr ilaifamr twf +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—gainsgutsglory(38)
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hWy is shti ttlrneiaIis anmmatl?oifIn I duredntsna ihts si a VUR nsaiugc hhnssrroyp.dioe

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skinnynomore  hsti kdi ahs ciocrnh oteheprylspini eud to erernctru IUTs dRhohV(/irreoypnsUs si a iksr tc.)ofra dnA ti-is = n.aomilafitnm athT saw my etka no .ti +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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teruciP ssowh latdied retreu adn rnela eilvsp

nihoCcr EYPOLihpistrne yolpe( = p)islve ;lt&= eucrnerrt dopieess of ucAte lPpresioyhntei t;l=& TIU

sihT npttiae ieykll sah ecorsretaevliu elrefx idneagl to ceturrner IT.Us

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cathartic_medstu(37)
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ecPutri swsoh eiadtdl rreteu adn anrle ievpsl.

hrconiC OLPEYiphsntrie (elypo = epslv)i l;&=t trncrereu epseodsi of cetuA erPleypnohtsii t=&;l UTI

hsiT ttnepai lkelyi sha eeoviacrutslre lerxef daeling ot enerrcutr .IsTU

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