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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#22 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Adenylyl cyclase ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: endo repeat

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submitted by โˆ—osgoodschlatter10(41)
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Teh cperteor in seniqtou is a G enoiprt eotcrrep no the ipuitraty smas. shiT owdul eb eth RHHG rct.erpoe The GH roecrtpe lwil be rnsepet rmaonstewd os ahtt GH lrdeeesa mfor eht ipyruiatt cna bdin to ti (eeths ear TATSA/KJ .HHpectr)se RGro soperetcr era sGยฌ t.sreproce heeTs certroeps are nbuod ta the talin-huuapbs to PGD in teh iitvncea ttea.s hWen GHHR sdbin ehty aadvectit wnhe TGP hatcesat to het nshautb-uapli taensi.d dnA bheyetr oorepmsto ednyal lcsacye PGa.citsav Tetiy is ssboinpeler ot ceavel tshi PTG rfmo het hpala btusniu ot iwtsch fo hte teeeo.cpr ofereTrh a lcka of aseGPT ittyaivc llwi errdne he Gs pceoetrr ni a polondgre no ttaes ๏ƒ  aenreIdcs cvattiyi of lAydne l.sCcaey

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osler_weber_rendu  tilnlBira xatoeanlpin +1
skonys  sI it less oubat RHGH gavnhi a P3I anorsedcy negmersas ro HG nusig A/KSJTAT nda emro atht ew were ssupodpe ot ecenizorg hatt aGs is a Gs pdcouel peetocrr nda sG rswok rthhguo lndelAyy cse.yaCl PGT ndsbi to Gs nad mtus eb dpoytlhsaeohsrep yb a sGPaTe to eb ivdtniceaa. caeeBsu eht tromu leslc lcka ihts cuoif,ntn Gs astys hhorpolesapydt and ydlAlnye leaCycs tnconesiu to be tacdtea?iv Im just cfnusode on fi kinowgn teh aerydocsn grnseesam styssme evne termat ro fi comyaelgar is thnowr in as a trtidacrso form the oofartinimn ped.doivr +1
weirdmed51  GH steondโ€™ vahe P3I ,rgemsnese ti sah AMPc +
weirdmed51  HHGR * (ror)ys +

This is really helpful in explaining why the question is NOT asking about growth hormone receptor

+/- qfever(67)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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tGworh rhemono glsrnieea rheomon tasc via epcoG-udl oprect.esr G uopceld trcpreseo need GPT to eeombc vtcadieta adn PesTaG to ecmebo diaeivnctt.a

No s-aGePT ;-t&g- chrioylcanl etvica gwhrto mroenho eniagrlse oroehmn perrocte -t-g&; stanocnt iiaontactv fo lyndyela ccalyse / cPMA aapytwh adn eleresa fo gwrtoh rhoneo.m

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mcl  ihsT ierguf si ufleus p1tFcc71e6.4-0gu-04upf-1tfa.6rie0m/coeg5h:la6a2e-3ps3db40san7ie.r2001i7u/ia22es8wdmed7sa93/./528s2068b1//5ofdz-ng- +1
mcl  uwae1c556[2p0dc/36Fia-4m.2baniozeleagt//fs7207e6f.s730-200i1o1s5hbep8884/p/]gs90kn:rne17d-.cutd/ea-is.--u2raif(2ml43)1dg60 +
meningitis  owH did uoy kkwno it swa RGHH nda not HG p?eesr +4
meningitis  ee;ndrnvim I sujt dera nodw b.wloe kahTn you +19

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by goldenwakosu(7)
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Why is het wrasne dyylnlae acly?ces I leodok ni FA adn I asw hatt HG sues teh SJ2TA/TAK hpyawta nad taht IG1-F sseu the PMA sKnaie pwa.yhat otN uers woh yelaldyn cesalyc slayp otni tsh.i

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pug_sheen  I nikth ethy rea aglntik btauo het GHRH eeprotrc no tsmapotsor,oh hhicw orwsk uhgrtoh hte AMcP pahta.yw +
staygoodpupper  I dnotโ€™ wonk hwo ti ertseal to 1FG/-GHI ni trr,ilauapc but eth oquiesnt sida rteeh wsa a attoumin in eth hlaap tnsuubi fo ,sG wichh aeatticvs yldylena ayc.scel +3
kash1f  I greea het eitanpt sedo vhae ,goycralmeA tbu ni teh euioqtsn it dtlkae utoba who het pnateit dah a ottumnai hatt pvtreeden eht GeTasP vcittyia fo .Gsa So Gs dowlu be oviraetcve --> esxcse dlyanley lccasey +31
hyperfukus  ghu i asw so dectiex too bc i hhgoutt i dbmrreemee jka ttas leiicpaf +3
skonys  'toesnD HHGR tca uohrhtg na 3IP naerocsy nsesg?mear +
xmen  het mrotu csreseet .GH HG act aiv a STATJA/K .ahPuatytB w hte GH tecoisnre is mlseutdait aiv a HHRG rghuoht a s.G Tihs Gs ni isht om'utrs lcels si duatetm adn si eenypalnrtm ctaf.i os McPA lliw er.naseic +1
weirdmed51  nsosy@k HHRG rwosk iav APMc +
kcyanide101  HGRn si P3I --- eebemrmR TAGO AHG? GHRH si ACMP eebrremm FALT ChMAP +

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