FA 2019 page 152. The whole getting bitten by kitten things is a distractor. The two giveaways are NO lymphadenopathy and erythematous plaques with central clearing and scaly borders. Bartonella spp. is the cause of cat-scratch disease and causes bacillary angiomatosis. Bacillary angiomatosis can be found on page 469 of FA 2019.
also the word annular was supposed to be very helpful (it means ring shaped)...however my dumbo self didn't know this. Would have lead me directly to ring worm tinea
i got ring worm from a friend's cat and so my awful middle school experience helped me answer this question
tine corporis can cause central clearing and due to cat too.
submitted by โsoph(84)
Toto the dog (tinea can be spread through animals) was with the Three little munchkins, the Tinea tin man and with the wizard wearing turbin in the dermaophyte forest :)