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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#10 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman is receiving cisplatin ...
Hyporeflexia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +21  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—consistentwrongdoer3(21)
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ehT werasn si reolyfaxeiph bseaecu eht afnreetf rac of hte lcemsu sctethr elefxr has to og grhotuh hte roslda mari nda aodlrs roto ilgaag.n bmuD qnso,iteu I now,k ubt tโ€™si eht loyn enwrsa ttah amde essn.e If ouy urth het DRG, you ont noly elos ftnfaeer stoamic oysesrn fs,ribe yuo osal eslo hte erysons sdoebi lnvideov ni hte vrsiaou rleesef.x

You nca loas teg oihxfapereyl omfr iadangmg eth neeeffrt nnoesru htat eetrivnan teh celmus (lkei a )N,LM tub as oyu wokn tehes are ni teh aniroret rhon adn aevlrnt ria.m

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ankistruggles  a!hksnT I gaeer thiw .uyo +1
brethren_md  rGaet xinatano.lpe +1
gonyyong  Aeedgr - I nhikt I otg iths by iiknntgh buato estba ilsdaosr i)sylhs(lip dan hwy it hsa heaoxfriepyl si deu ot adrlso rtoo aaedmg +10
duat98  'Im dofsnuce uaobt hwy it wlountd' sueca lesmuc r.phatyo Int's ttah a eervf of NLM gadam?e +8
charcot_bouchard  elsucM ophytar onwt cruoc beseacu aaplh tomro uneron is rtooM tclnroo fo Cstoinracopli tactr no isth is nctat.i so on .yahtpro u nca mevo ihuitBts/ beemrer cuslme enispld ttha si sbenioerlsp rfo GIININATIT trsetcah eexfrl dsen Ia befri to RDG fomr rheew it pensysa thiw ahpAl morot n.nueor fi GRD is geadma ur mcluse is feni btu u anct tniiitae hetsrc xr.elef elifarxae +5
zevvyt  RGD you sleo RTD +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—jbrito718(48)
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yrev ilirasm ldoWrU souneqsit chwih mya hepl xpnae:il 3919#8

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by enbeemee(12)
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i etg why si't ex,fpelyharoi ubt why ont ifraitoslnib?l tis' losa na NML ings

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et-tu-bromocriptine  eigmIna a isemlp lfrexe cr:a you eavh na tferfnae eron,un meso rinneurneto hnaiesagnsn, and an netefref ornune ak(a MNL fI uyo dgamea eht NM,L uyo lwli gte lryxapheofei ude( to aagddem fleexr acr) adn llfosintaibir beseu(ac yrou MLN 'town eb elba ot yefvfietlce tncacrto slmeuc no od.ncmma) oeveH,wr fi yuo gdaame hte taenfefr ptar of het a,cr oyu wlil tslli teg a dmgaead lxfeer rac (aoyxrlp),iehef but ruoy mtroo unnore lilw isllt be leab ot do sti tastnimiulg ieefle,tvyfc os ruoy lssuecm 'tonw swoh awek ttnsooncacri ehwn tsilmueatd yb a eghrhi paaw.yht iKand ucosnnigf btu I heop I edam it a dta p!slirem +18
eli_medina9  /hu/.mlrcs1Fg/tziptmoO4:4Gonan pgigy back off your cnmetom nad sujt stop tihs pnklaa geami +12
hungrybox  yrVe fllpuhe ,meiag hnkats orb +
j44n  sit nto a efrntefe mroto uronne its eht oetfnn/errfesysa cnrahb +

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