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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 53-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Fixed cardiac output in spite of increased demand ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio hy

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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thsi aniptet ahs oacispytmtm ricato ssnst.ioe hTsi cna eb dfieindtie yb hte aevciunlrrt errtohyhypp ot( oteacesnpm rof enedsicar tlcunainof edaatrofl mfro nnlooa-pctnmi rtcoia ,vvea)l dtmicoissyl rruumm nda hte tolnoiac at hte nmrola roicat raea.

erP eUaoptTD on cinCllia inaotfsitsanem of toAirc o:nseSist

zniszsD"ie nda pnyesco โ€” enyScop scoucr sa a tngirepnse mmyptos in maypoaltperix 01 nrtcepe of ttseapin twih tsicymtmoap evrese SA o(r roaepxmiayptl 3 nreetpc fo all tpniaest with eesrev AS) [3.] Teerh ear vareels pdoeoprs itsnexnaplao ofr exelrintoa dziissnze noescpe(ryp) ro eopyncs ni eptntasi hwti S,A ohbt of wcihh creetlf rsacedeed baeerlcr nsiore.fpu idiuens-Eecdexcr dalaitsoniov in eht esnecepr of an sbcutnoiotr ithw idexf idarcca tutopu nac tuslre ni se.ioyotpnnh"

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guillo12  hatW osed dfi"ex acidrca utpt"uo iynig?sf +1
usmleuser007  dex"if adicrca "toutup tmghi nmea that ithw teh nosestsi i.(e wornadre atoirc vave)l rteeh is a dimetil ro earhrt euddecr acrcadi uptt.ou ieEcsrxe uwodl ont eecansir ciaracd topuut eecsuab eth eniostss si cedasu yb a clmaaencih lpsy)h(iac terarh tanh a cichaboeiml cpessro. eeeh,rforT At nya nigve eomntm het tarhe cna ton reanscie sit potutu no tramte woh offeclyurl ti atcocsrn.t +11
fallot4logy  ywh not pontio eratl?riAa nspecimosor ? +3
sunshinesweetheart  algotoly@4lf LVH eosd otn lead ot rorocnay rtyear srsconm.eipo oynl yyllyeyar rleyra llwi mlpauorny ryraet tndoiali sacue rnoroayc ryreat ompsrncie.os lusp ttha louwd uscae aignna tbu yplrbabo duntolw earecsed aebrlecr fdboolowl ot o.eycnsp rhe ummrru + LHV npito su otrwad ortaci tneosiss chiwh esod cusea hesto -&g;t- efxdi OC +2
drpatinoire  agtoyl4ollf@ VHL cna escau noycroar etyrra moisepo,snrc ubt ilaycylpt nadeigl to ynrrcooa eimihcas reatf rxeeceis .ei.( altebs gannia ni thsi aetpt.n)i eTh isqtueno si akisgn hawt saled ot reh seyc.onp cnoSype uaacllty nmeas reh brina si cklinag bodlo upylsp rtpa.yubl +5
rainlad  how do we erlu uot ilatmr vvael raopeslp in stih aec?s +
spow  ida@nral suumrrm at teh ightr epupr rstanel broder aer toiacr in utaen.r Mrliat rsmuurm rea hedar at left 5ht tnliacsoret ta teh iiamdrayxll +1
jj375  o,slA dnoyob enonitdem hte iornm"tepn tefl rceilnvratu .slipe"um I idkna get rowhtn ffo by sheet. eAnyon ehav ghtuosht? lGoego asw ntligle em ti is fmor a threoryepihdp nelcetrvi os m'I tnighink rhe tiocar esiontss cesuas hte LV opyrheyptrh dan na pmuiels. sI shit the rtorcec ieln fo ngh?initk +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmile1(154)
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omrf oBmapd;o-s&yBndare rotciA isssnote leads ot peoy,nSc iganAn, and tLfe athre Suife a.nolycpre is due ot feilrua ot cisearne aidcacr tptuou due to nrescaied atfr.eadlo Ani gna si due to asendecir DVELP ichhw ldesa ot saddeerec ncyaorro bldoo fl.ow dnA left atehr farluei is ude ot isncaerde L.DVPE

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cbreland  ,aetrG maes gttuohh eocssp,r muumrr mdea em hktin of arciot inosss,et eprduopts by the LV ryehhyorptp in emts. Then uyo hvea ecsyopn girndu eseexrci auebcse eht rtaeh si otn aelb to keep up iwht eth dnamesd of het dybo +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—aneurysmclip(209)
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idceersdb a lssaaiclc rmmruu fo AS (ltea pig,kane dim ,ossitylc dirteaas to rcstiado b/,)l no ielsson on iogan rp,agh GEC - HLV d/t AS tmos lyil.ek its eirelved no ts,er urle uro b) rnrayoco s,smpa an VHL tndu'low moscpser roynrcoa tryrae tinhk( a tbi of nya)otma. iMtarl valve eoplsarp olwud a mdi tilcssyo i m ures no eno ekdcip srsspaorove dndciue otoen;hyispn seposrorsvsa ecreisna obldo esprseu,r tihs pt bp si 80012/ and a itesnntra rnesaice dt'onluw edal ot cespony.

het ainletaoxnp of eth ghrti rsewna si vigne in oreht cson,tmme sjtu semo hgstuoht fo imne for nwrog answres

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