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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#16 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Antiphospholipid antibodies ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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gcPnyenar + Hx fo ortmhbosis &;-gt- kniht dnpoisoiphhaplit ynedrsom

heT PT dna TPT aer opnoerlgd t/d nritneerfece orfm the oabditenis to hp.poidpsilsho bnhrmiTo tmei rln.amo

Hda to idnf hceasrer saticler tboua ti so eakt ti rfmo ereh adn 'dtno eastw rouy .te..mi

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monoloco  y,aeh eโ€™iv enrev edrha fo ospdpntopsliiaihh isinaengrc PT mite ... +26
goldenwakosu  oNt ersu fi atth ttiell ailted asw to rtohw us off. I tnhki eht potni of hte nqusteoi saw ot DI ldaipihstipohnpo smroeydn edabs no teh cilacinl iartceri osstpnenau(o tonarbio + sbohmort)si +5
johnthurtjr  I yautclal wnte ondw a btabri leho hwit tihs eno eelyrtcn - stnlsielaye ni irovt gfdnisni ==/ ni ivov ifdnnisg, seotclw-i thiw tholiidiohpppas-n bsnieioad.t +4
link981  No onentim of puusl cg,uionnaatalt ncaiirloinai,dpt or inat Beat 2 bsd.eotnaii AF etsomni epgolordn TPT tbu ogtinnh no P.T tahW a cipee fo sthi s.utoenqi utB shknat ot eth uedds evoba woh ladxeniep ti +9
yb_26  rdWoUl ntiomdnee lo"gpnro TTPa dna( esmsoemti T)"P ni APS +5
oslerweberrendu  62_yb@ nCa u epeals tlle the QDI bseceua the one I eavh seen ti a,ssy A"ghhutlo neasptit fteno evah lpodogenr ptt esaube(c hte idiphpotaniphols nereeifrts whit tpt ,t)tse pt si mr".on:I aDQl 2189 +1
kevin  sjut to f,yrcila uupsl aagnocti is ni haolodispiptpinh adn tpserens htwi doaaalcxirp edaisncer ptt -+/ pt tdisepe eeiarcns kisr borosmisth +2

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submitted by amphotericin(11)
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woh duolw uoy uerl otu )C n?inirmdaegsiyeofb I rsfit segueds SPA tub hcteidws ti aesbuec fo het TPPTT/ nihgt

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suckitnbme  You ohsuld be labe to uelr it uot yb teh oamlnr bnrmTioh .eimt onrmAalb oniefgbnri uolwd have draenisce PTTPT/ tub lsoa serdceani nhombirT ietm euabsec eth rentie hwaptya is pmidocomrse by teh aiibnltyi of bfrgnneoii ot eb dceelav to cngifonintu frbin.i +9

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submitted by โˆ—kms123(2)
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woH wolud ew leur otu bnmtnahiotri cyfeindci?e

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sd22  P,T P,TR and TT lamnor in minnraoitthb iceiycnde.f FA โ€˜02 p.g 248 +
sd22  *TPT lol otcrcueotra leaycrl โ€™shatn bene singuydt +

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submitted by โˆ—weirdmed51(30)
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myrumaS sern(icae ,I- MNLARO -+N) PAS : I,P-T -T,ITP +N- TT iieanngfDoiesrmb:y T-IP, IT-,PT I+T -T toiPrne C ecdf : PT,-N NP,T-T TT-N

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submitted by โˆ—rainlad(33)
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owH od uyo uelr uto terPion C eccfdieyni ni sith scea? sneo'td atht oals cnsareei iksr of hrstobiosm dan sagrcarme?ii

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suckitnbme  aalind@r iPonret C edfcnicyie e'odtsn uaesc alevetde TP adn TT.aP I ieelveb rte'hye bhto amornl and aaysss rof hte ideaess uesraem entrpoi C yi.tatciv +6
drzed  ePiortn C is an ignt,lt-aocuana os fi oyu ackl otcarf C, neht oyu hvea MOER giocttnl os.ratcf hiTs namse htta het PT and PTT uoldw tno eb gr.poedlon +6

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