y,hea eviโ rvene aerdh of stppnloohiiipshda asnnergici PT etim ...
Nto erus if htat lletit tdieal swa to owrth us f.of I think eth ptnoi of the ouesqnti asw ot DI tpdpipalohshnoii nmsreoyd adseb no teh cinclail acrreiit ospts(nenaou robtoain + bssoohitm)r
I ucllatay etnw wond a tabbri hloe wthi sthi eno rncyltee - llaesetyins in oitvr ifdgisnn /== ni vivo ,igsinndf -cwlsiteo hwit pn-oipshtaiholdpi tnbiias.deo
oN neitomn of luspu natc,tagniluao t,idiacapinoirln or nait aeBt 2 aone.dstbii FA oteinsm pdloegrno TPT ubt iohnngt on PT. tWha a ceeip fo hits uoqtesin. tuB athsnk to hte dseud boeav ohw ipxnadeel ti
WldUor enomindet oogl"pnr aTTP (adn eiemmssot TP)" in SAP
b@2y6_ naC u lsaepe tlle hte IQD uacsebe eht eon I vhae nees it ysas, utA"golhh neptatis otnfe heav plnoreogd ttp uc(sebea eth poilahiodsiphtpn nseitrerfe twih ptt ,tt)se pt is "rn 8921
utsj to flr,cayi ulpus acgotian is ni oahdlnopishitppi dan rntsseep thwi aiolacpdxra scdinreea ptt +/- pt tepidse eseirnac krsi oohbmtsris
submitted by โhayayah(1212)
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$279$49erPnangyc + xH fo sosihomtbr -g;t&- knhti ositpahidlnppioh rndymose
hTe PT nad TPT are lnrdeopog /td crteenifrnee fomr eth tseiboidan to pldoophsis.ihp ohrnbmiT tmei
Hda ot nifd rreecahs tsecalir buoat it so atke ti ofrm ereh nda tod'n teaws ruoy ...miet