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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 3/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
A screening test for cancer is developed and ...
Data point labeled โ€˜Aโ€™ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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iwoKgnn the R+L ulave = 01 dose nto phel ot seolv hist Q eeaucbs esmnagitti eehwr 10"" slhodu fall on an saxi si byaarirtr. Also, hte tdaa otpisn rae sidtnracoeo -- htey ahev an aevlX-u nad a ulvY-ea X,( )Y.

ehT ywa ot apcrhapo itsh Q is to wokn tath a hgih fsticcyiipe aensm taht a ioeptvis srutel si r,vye reyv eilkly ot eb a ertu

puSpeos htat hte yftiesciicp si 09.9 -- tish is 9%9 tcyceiipifs. ,hneT uoy oklo ta het rp.hga hTe ix-Xas is e"cy-icf.tp1si"i oS, psopues hte steb etst sha a iefsytciicp of 99.% Thne, luaecctla ic tfis1epyc-i = 1 - 909. = ..001 uoY ulodw thne secho eth npaiattod tath nsrpocsdore to gnhiva na lXeu"v"-a atth is cltsoes to the r.nioig nI hist emorl,pb it ercropnossd ot daat ipotn A"."

Yuo tn'od vene eden ot knwo a ifspccei scpcyfetiii velua ot svoel tihs pb.remol llA ouy eend to od si transdudne htat if eht cisfctiyiep si meyxlrtee hg,hi you illw ndee ot infd a idaoptnta htta si sltoesc ot the noiigr -- at aeslt for het uleav ni teh -sxiaX in eht ectoiaodnr of the atad ptnio -- ecauseb eht sai-xX sdcrroneosp to a acuaciltonl fo p-cic"f1ys.eii"t

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link981  tEnceelxl opaxnnltaie utb a ronim .99-10 = 0.10 not 01.0 :) +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brise(86)
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The ntsqueio si ikgsna ahwt piotn lwuod be eth mots ekyill ot eulr ni ,eacrcn dna ghhi yieifcicpts hwne spiitevo elsru ni rc.acne heT thgiehs ipiesitfcyc aluve is A, bc eht eth X iasx soswh (iifp1-ic)et!ysc

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sbryant6  iSnP dan tSNou. Sicfecyitip i,n eitiisyvtsn t.uo +9

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—adisdiadochokinetic(89)
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oHw many eeolpp tnidd' ese atth ti swa i1cpfse-ctiyi nda epcdki E iekl em (:

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jfny21  reHe +1
eacv  !yesss em oot .-- +3
jinzo  em oasl :( +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—alexb(53)
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The swdor so"mt e"yetceffliv uesnfcod .em I uhthtog ot eyfmsl "nvee if it ash the igetshh tficcsiyp,ie t'si not vyre ifetcveef if tsi' tog pures low syvitenitis -- escni ti iwll imss a lot of the uret v'+es (ganliif ot lure in nrccea fro teh nose atth etg m."ds)ise tTha was a rtyos I ltdo ymlsfe uabot rthie use fo teh sorwd t"smo "feeytclvife .oll

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—amirmullick3(76)
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ryeV y.sea
nyii;sv Sttie OnS.UT
ttvsiiiSyen is uory Y sa,ix adn the higrhe yuo og, het remo visenes,ti hhwic snaem ouy nca rule UOT r.neacc
o S A is eht tesla ie.ssitenv

;ipetiSfcyic INSp. fiSpeicc etsts ulre otu eacnrc. If uyro ccepsfiiyti is ,1 hent ite1ysipc-fci ouwld be ,0 cwihh si hte 0 tniop of het X sxai.

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—seagull(1933)
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ihTs is a idilhkeolo .otria R+L= pnScf-Ssiee/1

yAn eauvl getarer nath 01 (rep sfrti d)ai dcdnatiie sfseel"uuns fo cgstoiaind stte" hwchi si ceamlrabop to PPV gunril( ni a .dz) itPon ""A is het sstolec armk ot hweer 10 ohldus be on hte Y xasi.

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brise  hTe neoqtsiu is isnakg athw tpino owudl eb the tmos keilly to urel ni c,raecn dan hgih fepciyiistc nhwe pisotiev elsur in caecn.r Teh igethsh ifceyiictsp alvue si A, bc eth eht X axsi ohwss yifscc-p(!iite1) +6
hello  bires is or.cerct gnoKiwn hte +RL uavle = 01 dose tno pehl in shti sutinoait ubeaces tiagisetnm reweh 0"1" sdohul afll on na ixas is yha ib rtTarr.e ywa to popaachr tish Q si to wonk ahtt a ihgh iyeitcfspic is illw aenm ttah a toivspie lersut si rvye ervy eliykl to eb a ruet otivi.spe In yh,orte usspope atht hte iifcscieypt swa 9.90. Tish is 9%9 csiiet.fiypc nh,Te oyu ookl at the hr.pag eTh a-isXx si .yii-fpt"s"i1cce S,o oupepss eht tbse sett ash a fyccipetiis fo 9%9. hnTe, nlataculcgi cifpse1iict-y = 1 - .909 = 1..0 Yuo dolwu tehn ohsec het odpinatat thta eodporscrsn ot vihgna an uXlv""ae- htat is setcsol to hte gi.nior nI tshi ,elpbrom it nsdsopecrro to atad otpin "."A +4

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