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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brolycow(33)
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eH ahs rehat freauil cihhw edlas to a eearsdce in nlrae bdolo fowl dan anerlpre aoitaz.em nI aprlneer oiteamz,a r:CBUN itaro is &tg=; 2;0 Aavnciiott fo the RASA tmyses ued to teh pelrenar iamztoae asemn taht eht epcs rvag is gihh ta 501.2 adn he si idgnlho ootn oumdis os iuryran msodui wlli be owl 20lt(&,; aFEN t.l1&%);

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figprincess  did you eufgri tou the eht arito by ctlyuaal igndvid otu the unbesmr ensci the q 'itdnd vgie ti sa a ?atior saol tahw recusreo tllse us wtah erelpran pecs gtivrya uslodh eb? +
brolycow  I tujs yusulal errmmeeb from lscsa hatt spce avrg 10.-01.1010 is ecedsrodin etldiu nre,ui dan tnhnyiag 5201. and abeov is enc.attocdrne oFr isth esiotqnu sleccfliapyi, I think I ermmeebr herte nlyo ngeib one ionpot htta evne adh eth iorat ,>2=0 lal fo eth erohst eewr iekl 51 ro s,sle os usjt ehav to erul hetm t.uo +10
benzjonez  eVry lfeuhlp dovei orf ucate dieykn uyi:rjn /bco:wupthDt2=mwhMws/6.ou.pbta?yxt/KKcevwIQ +11
notadoctor  toAernh eltnxopaain htta phdele me is hatt iinlityba ot rteoncnaetc teh nreui esman smgetnhoi si wgnor ihtw the seny.idk If oyu veha idetul iner,u or het cspe giyarvt is eeebwtn 00..010-111 ni sooeenm iwth low ineur utpuot it sgstusge eitmhsong si owrng whit eth ntiooaencrtnc snmamiesch fo the iekndy. aBeescu isht eonsrp dha sgiceonvet retha ilfeura we erwe yealdra kinoolg rfo tisemghon hatt cdheamt up ithw lprnreae mitezoaa os we nac tepyrt ucmh get dri fo lal the wrnsae ihocsce atht tsgeusg erhto .eaitszaom nThe fyilanl to gte het ierspce arwsne I eklodo at eht rNBU/C oatir wchih uyo luwod etxecp ot be &g(i;hth=g 2.0) +
mikay92  Wdulo ullyf cenormemd eht idOnenEdleM ivedo no AI.K esGo hrgtohu the rei,teilffadn lba lsurtse, eetmt,ntra tec ni a evry elrca dna ocenisc .enmarn +
drdoom  estpro aiv jeznnozbe@ -t;&g yhb6/vwohmpt/MxtDK:? +
drdoom  9y@mak2i si htis teh EMedOdeinnl eodiv ry'ueo iergernrf to? ;gt-& /zttouyeFu/:EgVt0/s5hNt.pbMW +1
drdoom  aa!h erhte is an eaddtup AKI iedov tbu uoy edne an MeOEnnddile )(eefr utnoacc ot evwi it: s/nrne.tndito/plirhcgnyoosy/opr-urmuyd:/ea/egdehpl-ecaejiq/ktuenai +
popofo  I ndsdneurta atht rCUBN: tg&; 20 fi laenr pfuresino si drprai,ee ubt in treah rflauei uwdlot'n treeh eb denrcsaei onretsiec fo AP/NPBN ofrm hte aaitr htat usehps pu the mdsuio ni?oxrcete +
an1  hwat uotba N/PA NB?P if HCF is pnseter n'owt tshee down eaultegr ASRA, aildgen to elss DAH and a mreo ldeuit ?unire I nnsaeudrdt iths q says teh rueni uottpu has sdecdreea os htis dowtn'lu eb eth csae .here tuB hwen would ew wkno thta hyet awnt teh ANNPP/B oet?ryh +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by lostdinosaurs(1)
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eHy nac oensmoe xleanip eht reanl idnsig?nf sioPhy si fyeidelnit tno my tsorgn iut.s

sI it scuaeeb he sah lNifaud+/ tnteinore hatt ish cpiiscfe avriytg nad a+N ear os wl?o sI eehtr a nsoare fro tshoe feicpisc rit/BNinenecaU ervo hte tesrh?o

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brolycow  eH ahs hrate aifrule hicwh lsdea ot a eseracde in rneal obdol wolf and nrperlae .azmtieoa nI reerplna zoaiaemt rNBCU/ otrai is >= 02; tnAtcaoivi of eth RAAS emtyss due ot hte nelrpaer atiezamo aenms htat het pesc argv is gihh at 250.1 adn he is gdinloh toon moiusd os irranuy idmsou lliw be owl (<20, NaFE )<.1% +7
mousie  gAeer hiwt eba,vo HF nad ont tgiakn sdme ulodw iersecna ro ttevciaa RAAS = seracnie TAII nda Aledeoornts ihchw adels ot boyd gaitnenri aN dna O2H so teh rineu iocnnatnterco of Na lliw be wol nda the uenri wlli eb vyre cornntecdeat i..e hhig SG. I n'ddti thkin tboua het :BrUCN > 20 but ihst wdoul veah lsao rnorweda ti d!own +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haozhier(23)
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I scohe C eueascb I hhttoug ti sha been urfo eweks os ti mtsu vaeh enbe uaetc bruautl .soinrsec naC ynoaen xiplan?e haTs!kn

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miriamp3  zi@hoehra if yuo rea iddcnegi to ntihk hatt he had a ATN seabuec of eht 4 .keswe. ehnt eh hsoldu eb yb onw in het orvcreye pl,arhapysou(ie nruc/B all)f Btu he si whti HF dan his ieunr puotut sah vessroligeyrp e.esecrad So AIK lraerpen HF /ncuBr 2t.;0&g eth yoln one is D. o'Dnt tge nsfoudec wtih hte rets fo het ii.rtafnmnoo +
jesusisking  I ohtguht het mesa inhtg so ohcse C as elw!l +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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If uyo ewre elki me and rwee iingtnkh atth ihst is aucte urbtula enocssir eusbace hte UW btlesaF/A gaasspe oienmnt HF as a asuec fo ,ATN neth drae o.webl

uYo hvea ot tdunenadsr atht caetu eknydi jiuryn issext on a mctpesur hnew it csmeo to laern lobdo wfol sacrd.esee If uoy avhe a tinpeta ohw si uicgorli dan how has adh ernal dolbo wofl lsos eu(d ot sevcsxeie iudriect urseev,o F,H ghee,omarhr eimsiach fo aasliyblc yan au)sce teh irstf ngiht to appneh is NRALREPE A.EMOTIAZ Aesdrfrwt,a uoy ergprsso to tueac uubratl reconis,s wheer yuo lwli teg het aiclssc eedrcssae unire ilm,ytaolso erinu aN+ eecdsesra, eFNa+ raee,scin and mersu N/UrBC ersadcese.

meeRebmr shti si a trepcusm fro lnaer lodob lwfo asreeced,s eht eorm vrseee eht mreo naccehs ti lliw rogpsrse to T.AN nI tsih e,sca its rlenpear tzm,iaaoe os ylon icehco D smeka essne.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—handsome(3)
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af 0022 gp 061 'RHSEEt a aeblt btoua slaevu . ifeilepexmd by teh tqnosiue nda eht oiegolyt fo pre enlra oahtmeiza as seen ni teh tpeanit -HF.

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