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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Discussion of the diagnosis with the patient privately 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: syphilis ethics repeat

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submitted by peqmd(74)
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oqtnsuie si kiagsn wahs't the tbse nxte setp tno alsyenseicr awth si the tbes sgdotainci es,tp chwih is sweoatmh of Step 2 naitotro lsfhe esqntuoi f(ro lepepo hwo ateks pSte 1 efrta is)o.orntat LD,TR tbes XTEN spte is tkal to rhe ftris ta minumim ouy ende ot timrenede if esh ash acc.atpyi

hWeli the anittpe hsa rteypt abd M:MES

.B Is teh setb xten tpes. ouY edne to siudssc wiht reh r.fsit =;> itnrmedee ehr odesicin imkagn ictyacap t;&g= nthe opeerdc rewhteh to isdscus thwi rhe hetdruag A(.)

aLrbmu eurutpcn is het sbet iotdsicgna step. rwoeeHv, ni hist ntoseiqu 'reeyht nakgsi yuo htwa uyo deen ot od ot vnee ecderop ot stih te.sp I.e. egt ehr ccaiyapt tehn oyu can eercopd ot um.rbla ihsT is aesucbe mrablu crptueun is oerm iisnevva nad y'lulo dene to sssesa capycati sa lwel sa egt irheet ehr if( ehs sha )acyatipc or a.udgehtr

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submitted by centeno(3)
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I guhohtt atht teh gtnivoeci imatmipnre cdolu be het sianofianettm fo ohrsuei.sipnyl In ot,iddnia eht rcodot ulshdo lkat reiycldt to eht inattpe to ekchc rfo eaulxs us.abe

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j44n  The mmmiaxu ESMM soecr si 30 sopn.ti A eocsr fo 02 ot 42 tsggseus mldi me,aednit 13 to 02 estuggss aeeortmd eimad,ten nda esls tnha 21 caesntdii erevse itme.daen On eear,agv eht MESM rseoc of a rsoenp tiwh emreslz'Ahi edinlesc oabtu tow to ourf sotnpi chea he.ayse r lyno sah diml tni.eaedm I hda ot olok hits pu esh dclou itlls etrnia rhe tpyaccia +1

All patients, including those with dementia, should be assumed to possess the decisional capacity to make medical decisions unless the physician determines the patient does not possess decisional capacity.

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submitted by lispectedwumbologist(122)
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naC ybndoya epxilna hsit ?eno I upt etrepeda estts ubcease I mssueda an e-yld-3roa8 amnow is na unaulus miapegcorhd ofr

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m-ice  83 hgtmi seem na ouconmnm eag, tbu ew not'd nkow rfo resu erh exausl h.yotsir eSh ynlo yentrcle 8( hnosmt og)a ersdatt higswon emso gnssi fo ildm ivigeotnc .pmrmtiniea eSh sah lal heest reltssu nmiyiglp hatt ehs sah h,lisispy so teh tosm eillky sernwa is thta seh has hsi,sypli so ew ludosh askep ot reh eyvarplti botua reh euxsla rohtsi.y The estst o'dtn syiersnelac smean ehs tgo iiylssph reyv en,lretcy sti' iopsblse s'hse adh hiiypssl ofr a wlieh adn nveer ogt ter.aetd +5
mousie  I dnntuadesr atht she ludco iysopbls vaeh siipyhls btu I lsao ptu ateerp sstte escaebu I kwon ereth aer a few hgtnis ahtt can eucsa fslea iiovepts RsLDV ubt fi hes asol has a + RPR edos isth ekam a FP lsse ?kelyil Adn asol fi hes hsa mdli ngovietic mmieartpni oyu tslli isscusd whit erh nto reh aegduhrt rotrcec .?.. +4
m-ice  ihsT eleftnyidi codlu be a lsfae eis,ptoiv but fobere ew atnw ot ensdcroi it to eb a afles pesiio,vt we uhsdlo tkla ot teh tnaietp oubta it laepvitr.y ssAnmiug taht it's a fleas iseitopv erebfo asikgn the taniept uobat it cudlo edlay nmeattter fo erh yslhp.sii e'rehTs a eccnha ehs dt'ndi anwt to esdcsilo ehr xasuel ityorsh ni tnrfo fo ehr drugheta ro emayb esh aws asrmdbaeers or dn'tid iknht ti was ortimtanp to n don. tie nmA e'yruo asolleybtu rgthi, hse noyl hsa midl nciigveot ri,tmnepami os we mtos idiytfneel lhdosu tkla ot eth taipetn enola twuohit rhe erhutagd isf.rt +4
seagull  hSe ash ideeatmn. Seh 'sdneot vaeh teh ccaaypit ot eetnirmde ehr nwo cera 2(23/0 EM.)M I eelf hte ehurtadg odhlsu aveh eht wrod on hte care eincs rmaanGd ykelli 'soendt evah the patcycai to esdtnarndu her tsco.nai +5
sajaqua1  Fomr awht I rm,ermeeb demaneit si lyytcaipl a oibtincmona of ieiarmpd ormmye *a*nd amripied tgohuth o.rcpessse ereTh is gnhtnoi ot iecatnid ttha hte tnipate has adrpiemi hghotut os,reecpss nda teh mormye iemtarmipn si nylo lmid. hTe penaitt nca tlils seaoryanbl idas ot be mtpeeo,nct and so her evatirp fronontaimi sodluh be dsceiusds hwit hre oena.l +12
yotsubato  Ederl eacr hsoem ro dlrylee tunieimomcs alytlcau heav a hghi arte of TsS.D usrTn ou,t whne you upt a hunbc fo deooicwid/dwedvr dtausl tetgehor ni a yumtnoicm teyh aehv xs.e +12
yotsubato  Aado,iilnlytd oyu dhluos tsrpeec the racpiyv fo a omctnepet tauld hitw dil"M rm"ymeo pmremiin.ta I know I dlcuo eahv mdil eomrym miirapmnte ongcsnierid teh aprc I gefotr tndisyug orf tpes 1 +14
drdoom  lelugs@a eetaimdn ≠ ebascne fo meptceocen -- het otw ear arepaste eoctspcn adn vaeh to eb ealdaeuvt ndyneetdniepl. see 0hm3i/ot:D/sdup7eosncu/ihl0mvhietr=bgn/0r4.?.. dan mvihd.e1sguu7hmr/:4b/l?3./6hcent0iriDo=np.os/t +3
wowo  losa tinpmatro to e,ton d) edaeerpt stets si sloa inecrctor sa the mrgiiaouinlnhtmeaotgc ssyaa si a nycrfomarito pmetarleon estt noa(lg eth aesm sienl sa SBF-)TAA ttprlm/h9h.tswehg-ewt8alo3.y5halr/h/orifuw/ba:wh +5
sunshinesweetheart I think ew cna umsaes hatt peea"edtr ttse"s saemn patree DLVR, ton tidonaai"dl tstse ot eurl tuo fasle oi"tspisev +2
imtiredofstudying  the neeitr itonp fo isht eqsitoun is atht wnhe oyu ees an STD in na ueceextdpn gehoicadmrp crd(nhe,li erd,ylle) INKTH EAXUSL ABUSE +

23 of 30 is mild dementia by DSM V , still has capacity to answer basic questions , and STD in childs and elderly ALWAYS think ABUSE FIRST

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submitted by ahd_ve(7)
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teh nmai olag fro iths iotqusen si viaod singcusdsi esisus whti lrteavsie wuotthi teh netaitp’s tbu some eeoplp reew deeply oehcskd to ese atht a rndhmtgeoar sha spyhl.iis twB I lveae a likn of a eahrscre abuot inilcCla lUtiyit fo eht Miann-itMel tuaSts iitnaomxnaE Wehn Assnssegi cskiDi-egianoMn ptyc Caai.bdhj.us9ui77tbc:83a1oa0078map7s//g/p9.9er/n17o2osl.112//80st4

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by komodo(4)
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I ikhtn oen of hte ocsifnosnu hree si hatt the ctetinloimnggmuaarhio yaass ted'sno ieanrseylcs ctiadein curnert cfeotinni with yl,spishi ecbaesu mepeolnatr sttes can syta pviestoi even orf esayr aertf etrtanetm (gs5/i2pibtt2c9l.Mn/n/ ah) ni cbomo htiw teh veyr lwo RRP eritt coudl taicnied tertdea hlyii.pss oS elayrl eht sbte tingh ot od owuld eb ot aks hte ipetnat ridyelct btaou ti feoebr uoy waset etim idgno bsyopsil cnyearneuss gtsetin dna( I ulwdo lneityidef ksa ehr rlyecitd esinc msto lpoeep dont' kalt ubaot etirh IsTS with ireth l)redhinc

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by deathbystep1(21)
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ponoti B) eh(t ccrerot oopint as erp ne)mb et:h atentip ash a mini nltema seatt fo ,/3230 so that ohsdlu mnea htat ehs n'its plcabea fo ikgman erh nwo cdsnii!soe os tshaw eht iontp in ignatkl to ehr prateyilv htutiow reh ?regadthu

ioonpt A) si grwno ceseuba uoy antc juts dieh het ioissandg ofmr eht aettpni dna esarh ti tihw eth iylfma

nooitp C & yuo)D ntocan ergsiadrd eht sett ro rpteae het estt sa hotb eth ttes rae veti,psio RPR is a reecngnsi stet hwti sles sitificepcy ubt iiotigrhunamcglnmoaet is a gihlyh icfceips etts os esh fdyeeitnl sha pyl!ihilss

toopni )E nedtos akme esnes eecbaus ywh dowul yuo do lmruba cputrnue rfo ip?sllhy!si

i ktinh ythe orfotg to vige na iptnoo F) ustj kinreaf eatrt hre for lihip!l!yss!

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saturdaynightpalsy  esnti"Pat twhi euessdtpc erupsnshyilio dhsolu endougr blmaru nutcepru dna sqetenuusb VRL,D S-FABTA rnoad/ CRP fo aiepenlrcosrb i"fdlu rpe my tones nad het animtbenr eutLr cputurne si dsue to aignedso ish,isoyuenrpl so tsa'th awth I t.up +2
saturdaynightpalsy  To dda ot ttah, I ndtdi coohse hte hrtoe sewarns oyu tsdile for the saem ersnoas you diltes. +1
ac3  ihchw fo eht wonllgifo si eth NETX BTES PTSE nageimn you wdulont awtn ot pujm hasgtitr to a lmbura tnrpuceu ipeasylelc nweh reeth are wsnera cecihso htat gteguss dicisunssg teh gnsiodias ihtw het nattepi r.sift If ouy wetn ot the ocrdot dna hyet iondages oyu htey ilwl dusscis hsti iwth oyu bofeer diernorg dtiaindoal tetg.sin +1
yerpderp  332/0 si soal usjt ldmi evontcgii nmmiertiap os I tjsu gotuhht hes istll dha iisndceo gnkaim aiblapycti as 03/42 is illst molarn +3
cbreland  rAe ew ectxdpee to irntetrep ICM esoscr +
madamestep  Mlid yomrem eaipimmrtn does OTN anme adeercsde ii-maindecskgno ytia.capc An 83 arey dol thwi na oltasm olnmar almtne usastt exma woh bemya has a wne eiybrdnof at ehr usrning hoem rpbyalbo uwdon'tl nwta erh eagdhtur to wokn hatt hes ahs na TS.I ndA fi isth si deler seaub, oud'y lsao want to lakt ot reh pieyvltra ot see fi h'ses .eafs No aetrmt ,hwat erodl luatds twih ildm eenmdait are llits onrlam lepeop dan uyo ndee ot eassss rtihe ieaism-ngkdncoi iytacpca sdeinioc ot .iindceos hiTs aonwm toms yelikl hsa the aiacctyp to ecedid fi esh swtna ot reodugn hlisipsy netatrtme. +

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