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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Discussion of the diagnosis with the patient privately 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: syphilis ethics repeat

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submitted by peqmd(74)
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tueoqsin is gsinka 'twash the etbs netx step tno yreinaelssc awth is teh sbet tnsiigoacd es,pt hwchi si wheoamst fo peSt 2 tnrtaooi flshe tsenqoiu fr(o poleep ohw tesak teSp 1 rfaet toso)n.irta LDTR, btes ENXT pets si atlk to hre risft at mnimmiu oyu eedn ot nremtdeei fi ehs sha .pyatcaci

ehWil the antpeit ahs ptreyt bad :MEMS

B. Is eth tbes exnt est.p oYu eend ot susicds whit her i.frst t=g;& etdreeinm hre iosidnec knmiag ciataypc ;=tg& neth erodecp hwtehre ot icsdsus wtih hre hgdtarue .(A)

brLuma urpuecnt is het stbe cagiisdtno pest. vwe,Hoer in tish tsuoqein erh'eyt sgakni ouy thaw you need ot do ot even cpereod to ihst .setp .Ie. etg reh yptcaaci htne you anc preoedc ot blma.ur iThs is bsaucee rmbual cnpuetur si more sievivna nda 'lylou eend to sssase caaptyci as well sa get ithere ehr if( hes ahs pac)cytai ro gaudh.etr

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submitted by centeno(3)
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I thotugh taht the genitivoc mmaieripnt olcud eb eht otimnstaiaenf fo nlhe.uoissiyrp In dnaidt,io het otdorc dulhos ltka dyrlietc ot hte etpnati to ecckh fro lseuax seu.ab

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j44n  Teh uxmmaim MSME escor si 30 sn.otpi A secro of 02 to 24 usgsgets diml dmtnaee,i 13 ot 02 gusstegs amtoeedr n,edemita and sles tahn 21 ascitdine esvere ia.nedemt nO reea,gva eht EMSM eocrs of a npsreo iwht 'iresAzheml ncesdlei oubat otw ot rouf isoptn hace .sey eahr lnyo ahs imdl mneied.ta I dah to kool shit pu hse docul illst teairn her aaccyipt +1

All patients, including those with dementia, should be assumed to possess the decisional capacity to make medical decisions unless the physician determines the patient does not possess decisional capacity.

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by lispectedwumbologist(122)
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nCa yodnayb inexapl tshi eon? I tpu etperdae setts ebuasec I aeudssm na 8eorl-y-d3a nmwao is na nasluuu imrpohadgec rfo yhilisps.

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m-ice  83 ghmit seme na cuomnomn eag, tub we o'ndt wnok rfo resu reh sexlua thorsy.i eSh lyon eytrclne (8 mhston )aog tatdres sniogwh smeo issgn fo mdil ogicitevn mpai.entrmi eSh hsa all heets eutslsr ipymling htta hes has psiylsih, os het stom ielykl wseanr si taht seh sha sisyhilp, so we dhluos seakp to rhe trvipayel outba hre lexsau hist.ory eTh tesst o'dtn lyeecsanirs amsen esh got syilhspi eyvr renye,tcl t'si leisbpso 'sseh dah sypishli for a hwiel adn eervn tog tee.datr +5
mousie  I dnnesdtaru hatt hes cdulo pyobssil vaeh yihpissl but I aols put rpatee sttse bcueeas I okwn trehe rae a ewf ngtihs taht nac euasc fsela iopsvite sLDVR btu fi hes sola ash a + PRR sedo this mkea a FP less lliey?k And also fi esh ash imld egivontic rammeitinp uyo sltil ssdusci htwi rhe nto rhe tduraehg correct ...? +4
m-ice  hsiT neilityedf luodc be a fsale spieito,v utb eboref we natw to esdcinro it to be a elfas ipsoie,tv we sldhuo ltak to the iettapn oatub ti ugmnsAsi that ts'i a seafl oeisptvi rfoebe saikgn teh panetit atbuo it udocl aylde rtenettam fo her ipisl.hsy Tr'seeh a ancehc she ditn'd awtn to clsdoies hre alseux tihrsyo in otrfn of her gdautrhe ro ebyam hse saw abemsderrsa or t'dnid inhkt ti wsa onatrtpmi ot eninod A .n tm o'ueyr lutsyboela ,irght ehs lyno has ildm invoctgie pamirtimn,e os ew omts tnieefiydl hulosd takl ot hte tinaept aeoln utthiow rhe gdahtreu .rfsit +4
seagull  heS has dmeta.nei Seh teods'n haev teh catpcyai ot rietdmnee rhe own arce 032(2/ ).MEM I eefl eht euatrdhg hduslo eavh eht rdwo no teh reac ceisn daranGm ylleik o'tdens heav hte aicytcpa ot dunredtans erh iatocns. +5
sajaqua1  Fmor wath I emrrebe,m ideantme is yailpcylt a nabtnociiom of mriiaped yermmo d*n*a amedriip hhgoutt s.oepsesrc rhTee is ihngotn to necdiiat thta het eaintpt ahs eaipimrd hotuhtg secsero,sp dan eth emormy peariimtnm si only hTe atentpi nac tlils ybaloasner dasi ot be nceptmeo,t nad os erh tievpra onomfitiarn dohuls be dicsesdus hwti hre .nleao +12
yotsubato  ldrEe care eshom or eyrldel ncitemoiusm tayllacu eavh a ihhg tear fo sTD.S usTnr ,uot nhew yuo upt a hnbuc fo divcwdwdoeidoer/ tdusal roehtetg ni a nmytmoicu ythe veah s.xe +12
yotsubato  tdnlyod,ilAai you dhsolu cstpree het ypicarv fo a pmetotecn aludt thiw "idMl r"omyem irt.naeimmp I owkn I odulc avhe dilm memoyr pmmnaetiir eigcrnsdnoi het crpa I tofrge tndygusi ofr epts 1 +14
drdoom  lseg@lau tenedmia ≠ aeecbns of ceptcnmoee -- the wot ear aeptrsea ncsectpo dna ehva to be edtealavu int.pdeeneynld ese mh0/b/sece/pgvnu.ittnruoid/slh..Dh00i74?:m3=ro nad iglnpdvu/:hibs7/eD0.rm4tn=.cuirh/3/6t?o.ohe1ms +3
wowo  oals tonrmptia ot ot,ne )d tredeeap sestt si aols rtiorencc sa teh rahgnuilimmttonaigoce syasa si a oytfraicnmro erpneaoltm estt na(gol het mase lenis as ATBSFA-) ea//h9hf-wryu.ttalpholrwow/r8bw.hta53gltmhi/:ehs +5
sunshinesweetheart  ols.a... I knith we can useasm thta epa"erdte st"set esnma pterae RL,VD otn talai"didno ttsse to rule uto lsfea s"oiisevpt +2
imtiredofstudying  hte nirtee otpni of shit qneusito si atht ewhn uyo ees na TSD in na eteeupcxnd orepdmhiacg dhli,en(cr dylle,)re KTIHN SAUELX UAEBS +

23 of 30 is mild dementia by DSM V , still has capacity to answer basic questions , and STD in childs and elderly ALWAYS think ABUSE FIRST

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submitted by ahd_ve(7)
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the mnia algo rof isth qtoseuin is dvaoi sdissugicn sussei iwth ireavslte itwotuh teh t’eiatnsp ssipnmre.oi utb meso elppoe rewe pledey kdhcose to see taht a omaentgrrdh has psh.siyli Bwt I vleea a lkni of a rraceshe ubaot aiClncil yttilUi of the inal-nMietM ttSasu iimoanntxEa nWhe ginsesAss icDgioni-nsMaek pCty. iacai88l7p1ubsh4979c/t0a.27sged/.soap/1a7.91/u7n/820:joomt1b0s3r/

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by komodo(4)
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I tihnk neo of eht coinusfosn hree is ttah het orlnuttemhigimcgianoa ysaas odents' sanselircey eiiadtnc tcruner fntniceoi hwti s,hipiysl uesabce eanetrlpom tetss can stay svpitoei neve orf earsy ftare temeattrn (cpbn/vC.c90t/n0wpP2wm/ttol.h2..hnl/0eismiM5g/ai/rscw:at )hT in mcobo ithw eht vrye lwo PRR etirt oclud ianteicd eeadrtt li.yhpiss So lrlaye teh tsbe ghtni ot do odlwu eb to kas eth piatetn rlityedc uobta it oeerbf uoy teaws temi ogind spslyiob rssueyacnen itsentg n(ad I wudol eliitynedf sak rhe icyetdrl encis tmos ppeole 'ntdo takl uabto riteh STsI itwh tierh d)inrhelc

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by deathbystep1(21)
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pnoito )B t(he ectcorr ptooni sa rpe )nbme eth: anttiep has a imin nalmet taets of 33,/20 so ahtt hulods amen atht hse it'ns lcaebpa fo agnkim ehr now ssneioidc! os ahstw het otnpi in klgnita ot her atpilvrye twituho her getaudrh?

ootnip )A si rwnog bsaeeuc ouy ctna ujst idhe hte ignsoidas rfmo hte ptnteia dna earhs it ithw het ylmaif

ponito C mpa&; oy)Du tncoan dregarisd the test or eprate eht tste sa bhto eth test are iteiso,pv RRP si a ngcenrsie tets wthi lsse fcieisitypc tbu inhoelcttrioigumamgan is a hglhiy icsefcpi ttes so she diytfelne has llyhpis!si

tponoi )E eodsnt kaem senes eebsacu why oludw oyu do baumlr rctnuuep rfo ?lshyis!ilp

i hknti ehyt otrogf ot egvi na oitonp F) ustj kanifer ettra ehr for pyih!slils!!

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saturdaynightpalsy  ntiatPe"s iwth pecetsdsu lironpseiuhsy lhsoud rugnedo albmru neutucrp dna setunsebqu DVR,L FSBTAA- nd/oar CPR of ioarnrlceesbp if"ldu rep my otnse and hte rnerLtiuma nbte eucturnp is edsu ot gisoedan nuohresisyli,p os asth't hwat I .tpu +2
saturdaynightpalsy  To add ot a,tht I dndti oechos hte terho ssanrew oyu itldse for eth maes easrosn ouy si.etld +1
ac3  whcih fo het iwlongolf si eth ETXN ESBT ESTP ienamng yuo wlutndo twna ot pujm rtahistg to a uramlb prtnuuec leipaslyce enhw etrhe rae rnwsea eshicoc htat tegsgsu ncssuidgsi eth odiaisnsg hwit hte etntipa .sritf fI yuo went ot teh odrcto nad eyth dainsego yuo eyht lwil dsicuss siht hwit ouy eerfob rdnoierg otadidnila +1
yerpderp  203/3 si laso utsj idlm ineticgvo aienmitprm os I utsj ttohghu seh litsl hda iidenosc kmigan iyaatblipc sa 430/2 is lltsi mnoalr +3
cbreland  erA we tpecxeed to itnpterer IMC soesrc +
madamestep  dlMi memyor pmtmiernia deso NTO mena eerdasedc ciim-oadenikgsn yp.cacait An 38 reay dlo iwht na toalsm lnomra naltem ttasus exam hwo emaby hsa a enw iboerdnfy ta reh rginusn eomh bryolapb tu'ldwno nwat hre ghdtuear to onkw taht seh sah na TS.I dnA if shti si eedlr au,bes uo'yd olas nwta to katl ot reh yairelpvt ot see if es'sh oN matetr a,wth ldoer udslat wthi limd dnmaitee era litsl rolnam lppoee nad ouy dene to ssssae itreh minkdnc-isieoag tcycaaip edncoiis ot oisdc.ein ishT naomw toms leiylk sah the tyacipca to cideed if ehs nstaw ot rognued slyhpiis .teaernttm +

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