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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Discussion of the diagnosis with the patient privately 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: syphilis ethics repeat

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submitted by peqmd(74)
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uisnoqet si gsiank 'waths the bste netx teps not sialecnesyr whta is het bste cisontgiad ,tspe hwich si mwaoesht fo pSet 2 tnrotoia ehsfl tsunqioe ofr( ppeeol who aetks tepS 1 raetf oia.trotns) L,TDR steb NTEX step is ktla to her srtif at mmiiumn ouy dnee to tedneeimr if hes sah .tcaiaycp

ielWh hte tpenait sah ttyerp dab M:MES

.B Is the setb texn ept.s You need to sdusisc iwht hre i.strf =;> ternideme erh iensdico gaiknm taacypci &g=t; nhte eredpco rwheeht ot dsssiuc htwi ehr htadugre ).A(

mrLaub pnctreuu si hte sbte ositdngcai teps. eHvwo,re ni tish otuinqes eyhe'tr snaikg yuo tahw you nede ot do ot enve dropece to this Ie.. egt rhe icpaytac hent yuo acn rcedope to lmarbu. shTi is bseueca lbarum tpnuecur is mroe aevnvisi nda uo'yll deen to sssesa catpaiyc as lwel sa get ehtier rhe f(i seh sah )piycaatc ro .rhgateud

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by centeno(3)
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I uohthgt htta eth onvegtiic imimtreapn olucd eb teh afnmoiastneit of hinp.isolrseuy In ndioiadt, eht dctoor osdhlu alkt ctderyli ot the tptaein ot khecc for lxsaeu buaes.

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j44n  hTe immumxa MESM coesr si 30 os.ptni A seroc of 20 ot 24 ssegtsug imdl denema,it 13 to 02 sggutsse amotrdee taenmide, dna sesl hant 12 inesiactd seerve imt.endae On ge,ervaa eth MSME escro of a psrneo whit lAmhis'ezer iencesdl uoabt tow ot frou inpost haec yhe e.ars ynol ahs mlid i.adteenm I adh ot kool hsit pu esh loduc tslil ritean erh capicyat +1

All patients, including those with dementia, should be assumed to possess the decisional capacity to make medical decisions unless the physician determines the patient does not possess decisional capacity.

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by lispectedwumbologist(122)
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aCn odynyab xanielp hsti en?o I put edeeaprt etsts aescbue I duassem na -ade-r3yl8o manwo is an nualsuu hcdrgioemap for slihsy.ip

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m-ice  83 mghti seme na ncouomnm ,gea tub ew tdno' konw fro ures reh uesxla str.hiyo heS olny ercnetyl 8( sothnm oa)g rdsatte ngiohsw omse isgsn of dmli nietgvoic .emtprnamii eSh ash lla etshe sulestr ypngliim htat she sha iliys,sph so the msot ilykle anwesr si htat ehs ash hsypiisl, so we suldho aspke ot rhe eivarytlp uatbo erh sxuela htyoirs. ehT sestt do'nt seecrnlsaiy anmse ehs otg ihyssilp evyr lernyc,te ist' ssleoipb s'she adh ysipslih orf a ilwhe and verne otg da.rtete +5
mousie  I anrusnddet ahtt seh loudc ibsplsyo haev sypislih tub I aols tup eaptre sstte cubseea I kwon eterh are a wfe hgitns hatt anc euasc slafe opiitsev VDLsR tub if ehs osal sah a + RRP deso sthi kmae a PF ssle lkeyli? Adn sola fi hse sah dmli nigeovict epimtnrima ouy ltsli dsscusi ithw her otn ehr durghaet otercrc .?.. +4
m-ice  ishT elyfenditi uodlc eb a feals v,iopiets but brfoee we antw ot osnidcer it to eb a lasfe tsopeiv,i we ludsoh katl to hte antipet oatbu it aer.vplyit ssungmiA atth t'si a eslfa ipoievst febeor igknas the peinatt buota ti uocld yeadl tertmtane of reh siy.pshli 'reshTe a cceahn ehs id'tnd twan to dsiocles erh asulex yrohits in orfnt fo hre taerudgh or bamey ehs saw radmsseebar ro 'tddni nkthi it swa aronpmitt ot iA edomn ruye'o soebyuatll htgr,i seh ynlo sah mdil gcoievitn ,mipiramnte so we osmt yeitifdlen louhds takl ot het paetnit eaonl tuithow ehr gheutadr r.tfis +4
seagull  heS sha edtnm.eia Seh on'etds avhe the cpcaayti ot nmdtreeei her now earc 20/(32 ).EMM I leef teh etaugdhr ldohus evah eht dorw on het rcea cines aamdnrG ylkeil t'ednos have eth iyctaacp to udasnrendt her aciotsn. +5
sajaqua1  rmoF what I remmeb,re emdaeint si yaiplytcl a tnicmibonao fo pimdeiar oeymmr d*n*a paierdim ttuohgh epsrsscoe. ehTer si gnnioht to tcdinaie taht hte inttape sha aideripm utghtoh erocsessp, dan eht yemmro preinmmati is lony dlmi. heT intepat anc tills yrsneabalo siad ot be ntete,cmop dan os her rieptav moirtinonaf husodl eb usesidscd iwth erh olean. +12
yotsubato  drEel acer osehm ro elrldye ecsnumtmioi cytallua aveh a high aret fo .sSTD srnuT o,ut wenh oyu utp a bhcnu fo eerwodidcwv/odid lsutad tethgore ni a inmouycmt hyte vhea ex.s +12
yotsubato  ,lytdaoiindAl uoy hsduol esretpc het airpcyv fo a tnmtecope ldaut hwit Mdi"l rmoy"me e.ntimipmar I nkow I duclo evah idml mrmeoy niarmtmiep nneoisircgd eth rapc I eforgt gnuyidst ofr tpse 1 +14
drdoom  eus@lagl mnedieta ≠ baencse fo ecemtcnpeo -- eht wot ear apaeetrs ntcscpoe nda ehav to eb avdletuae lddentinpe.yne see shrt./4Dierscpl?/eid/nho.0unmtgb.0/u7:vim=0o3h dan slu.r3io61?7=h.cbeid/inh/:hr.0gonutsmm/4vDtp/e +3
wowo  loas tnmoiatpr to to,ne d) aeredetp tsset si olas nciorrcet as eht ienguctotnalhmirmigoa yassa si a rortyoaicfmn letmanoerp tset (ngalo hte sema isnle as SAB)AF-T /o/p5-yhtwafh/3lrbat8.uhhw9loewwtasmh.heirr/tg:l +5
sunshinesweetheart  o....asl I itnkh we can uesmas ttah "raepedet sts"te emasn eptear LD,RV otn dl"aditaino estst ot urel out aesfl eipvtss"io +2
imtiredofstudying  het reiten ionpt of this tnsoeuiq si htat wenh uoy see na STD in an neeeduxpct gpcroemihda n,hecdlri( ly,deel)r KHTIN AXLESU SEABU +

23 of 30 is mild dementia by DSM V , still has capacity to answer basic questions , and STD in childs and elderly ALWAYS think ABUSE FIRST

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submitted by ahd_ve(7)
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eht iamn agol for thsi ueiosqnt is advio iduisscgns isusse thiw asreelitv hwittou het e’tnaistp irps.einmso tbu emso eppole erwe leeydp soekdch to see ttah a gmetrahondr hsa .ysihislp wtB I eelav a nlki of a rrhseace ubato Cicllian iUiltyt of teh nla-nietiMM tsSuat mitnaaoEinx Wneh gsisnsesA -soiagnnMiiDeck iy.tCaac p977ao1o8..bosta0hjn2:/i403s/1/20/b/s77gmpl/19cp8.8sura7u19tde

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by komodo(4)
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I tknhi eno fo eth inonucfoss rhee is taht hte naohmlceinoitiuartgmg ssaya 'edotns cisseealryn ditaeinc crtnreu nfioiectn ihwt iplshy,si auebcse aetrnelopm ssett can tyas steivpio neve fro yaesr efrta aeettntrm (aP.h9nt//wiC0rts2/.t0:vp.5cl/eiwc/.lmn/w0i2Mnpobghsmc Th)ta ni oocmb whti het evry lwo PRR irtet duclo ieainctd tedetra iisyslhp. So lyearl het sbte tingh to do woudl eb ot ksa the ntitpae cdtryeli aubot ti fboere uoy atwes mtie goind libyspso urscasynnee settgin (nda I douwl tiieeynlfd aks rhe deitcrly ciens most lpeoep dton' aktl about hetir TISs ithw itreh cneilrhd)

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by deathbystep1(21)
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tonopi B) hte( tccoerr ptooin sa per mb)ne teh: nepttai has a imni mlnaet etsta of 30,32/ so taht lhduos nmae ahtt hes n'sti aelcpab fo imagnk ehr now oceiid!ssn os tawhs het ption ni lngikta to her tvyelirap touthwi erh rdhega?tu

optoni A) si rgown cbeesua yuo atnc juts idhe eth aosdsiign morf hte titapne nda seahr ti wiht teh lfamiy

oiotnp C p&am; uDy)o ntacon dirgeasdr hte stte ro reptea eht ttse sa obth hte estt era psteio,iv PRR is a recnesing estt itwh sesl tficyeispci btu oeittrinigmaalmhnoguc si a yiglhh psfciice tset os esh ylfntdeei sah lspi!ihsyl

onitpo E) netods kmea eenss aeecubs yhw doulw uoy od malbru uputencr rfo s!?iphslyli

i kntih yteh ogofrt ot egiv an ptoion F) sjut rnaifke tatre her for s!ily!ihs!pl

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saturdaynightpalsy  ns"aPitte wthi usecetdps isorehlpuysni lshudo ouegdrn rlabum pcreuutn nad tqesubuens D,LRV -TBAFSA noard/ CRP fo rsaenlpcboire liu"fd rpe ym senot dan hte umLe netnbrtria uptcnure is dues to dagnoesi ,hslriyeosupni so ahtts' ahtw I t.up +2
saturdaynightpalsy  oT add to ,atth I itddn ohsceo het rtheo wesrnsa yuo teisdl ofr the esma ssneora yuo tei.dls +1
ac3  chhwi fo eth nwfololig is hte NTEX ESBT ETPS igamnen ouy dnloutw wnat ot pjmu asrtihtg ot a amlbru urctnpue plcesiylae hwen hreet era aresnw schcoie atht gtsseug dnugcsssii eth igosnaisd twih the tetpani it.rfs fI you ntwe to eth dortco nda ehyt dgosneai uyo they lwil diucsss hist hiwt uoy eofber rgdenori adntladoii settin.g +1
yerpderp  3023/ si alos stju idml entivgoic imtnrmapie so I sjtu gthouht hse istll hda cnesiodi ngmiak ylcbitapia as /2043 si ilslt malnro +3
cbreland  erA ew ceedepxt to rreetptin MCI orscse +
madamestep  dlMi rmeomy iieranpmmt deos NTO amne secdraede sniomk-niegicad cay.tcipa nA 38 aeyr ldo wthi an mtloas mrlaon nleatm tsastu aemx owh ambey has a wne ofybdreni ta erh srnugni eohm pblbyora t'wodlnu awnt reh thrdeagu to wnok ttha seh has na TS.I And fi htis is lerde aube,s 'ouyd osal twan to tlak to erh vtpeliayr to ees if hs'se fs.ea No tratem wath, older dstual hitw midl emdaeitn are iltls arlonm ppolee nad uyo eend ot sesass rteih nomcdigienaksi- icpatcya diocisne to noie.cdsi isTh noawm tmso kliley ahs eth aycatpci to iecded if seh santw ot noedgru pissyhli .tentertam +

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