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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A researcher hypothesizes that exposure to ...
Case-control study ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: clinical_trials medicine biostats

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lsmarshall(465)
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nA pneeaierxmtl ngedis or irnmeexeptal sutyd tsmu avhe na reineinttovn, yb diniftneo.i soao-cCternl edsuits are aonvrbalteiso esitsdu, not tanrexiepm.el iTsh stoqeuin is hnytlliaecc rc.ecrinto eThy tdwane ot maek a toinp ttha ro-olnaccest euisdts ear itme nda otcs citfefeni sceni ehyt ont'd ereqrui gnwoiflol patisetn reov imte ro yna ssuroeerc idsebse iggegtnih/evrieanrw omofat.iirnn eCsa sirsee dlcou ton stte shit iehssp.tohy

Aols, hte rodngwi iesato"dacs wit an crsdeeina sr"ik tswaemoh uelldas to olnccteoas-r dsesuti lyno vhniag eth iytlabi ot ifdn dosd of na iaoistoncsas bentwee oxresepu and c,ooutem utb ont slhasetbi lcasau sria.plhotnei

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bigjimbo  slicsca ebmn +3
poisonivy  latlyot egr,ae I otdn tddnaernus hyw the trgih eransw si aCse ronoclt cnies atth si tno paexertilnme +2
howdywhat  ma I cejsbtu ot htsi ndki fo oopr orgidwn fro het dya of het ?amxe +1
ajss  I beevlie so +2
aaftabsethi1  yWh otn a iveererstoctp tohrco tdsuy ? +1
joeschmo  raon-otcselC stieusd are agyrlel rtvoisterpcee yb ueantr. oYu cna vlcreptriytoese okol ackb ta spmesla nda aks ahwt" n?p"dhapee +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—catch-22(98)
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I duow od a revrtpotiesec toocrh eeh.r I n'otd nihtk tshi sueoiqnt is ectorcr nad roeisvpd oot tetlil ftaioomrnin to gte eth orcetcr Ti"me nfiei"ceft si eth anrtoep wrod ehre but ythe mspiyl 'dtdin ocrsedin taht etcrseoevritp ctrhoo duwlo eb a eretbt gisden ehre as gnlo sa eth ibselarav ear ecdd.o

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sherry  I eg.rae I aws ntteiahgsi nwtbeee hte wot h.ceiosc I iltsl tikhn ctrooh ustyd si eetbrt rerdignag eth "".kris I ohpe hsit kind of susioeqtn wont pop tuo no eth aler .nghit +3
soph  I htkin eyk eher aws htye erwe gnruasmei kris gtuohh +1
yex  I olas csoeh rohcto, isnce it si pcoarnimg a ienvg pso.euxre +2
raspberryslushy  I wsa oasl hingnkti voipctterrese hotrco sutyd - ustj sa tmie tfini,cefe nca kool at ,rkis dan the Q estm dias teh ncerca saw omoc,nm dna I khnit of lctreooscna- ofr rrea tdinc.osoni t'Is iekl yhet rootfg a octohr tdusy dluco eb ecovette.sprir +2
boostcap23  ehT cslasci elmxepa they ysalaw eivg rfo yhw ton to do vcsiotreeeprt rhtcoo is ebcuase nipsttea owh ahev wrthevea sideaes uyor settnig fro rae moer eilylk ot meerremb all eitrh risk tcrafo ssupxroee anth a anlomr nspore ttah 'ndtseo hvea any iseesd.a Of ucoser ni sith esca 'mI ersu teh poeelp rgiunnn the ydust wduol eb eht neos who erufgi uto woh hucm escnria saw in eth awter ubt itsh asol dlwuo be evyr etim iscnomung to irfgeu uto rfo aehc ildinidvau nproes in teh tud.ys hTsu a rcostclae-no sduty hewre ouy olok at a ruogp of poleep twhi t;g&05 irnecas oxuspeer nad a pguor ;5t&l nasicer rxueepso dan iylspm see woh sah rccaen nad how ts'deon lduow be rseaie nda akte elss eimt. +2
hunter_dr  crdigcAno to hte maB;Bp& adn UDLWR,O fi entisouq smet mssreaeu het soepuxer i,rtsf tnhe ti heav to be a rcotoh ytdus nda uoy lilw od vireatel riks aniluoa,ctlc hhiwc si yhw i cekpdi ahtt as na asrn.ew wHoe,ver I od ese e'aC'ss nda ltoCnor'' tohb ni teh tiseqnuso os byeam it is ctsooe-nlrca t.t usdt.mByoo line sWTD-AE--Si- MY 0$6 +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—misterdoctor69(70)
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I nkthi ohmgiestn nto mineetnod eyt is het tfac ahtt odds troia anc be usde to eittemas vaireetl irsk in RAER dsessiae as erp hte areR essiDea noAimstsup (eerwh ssedeai ecrepvlena si l.0t;)1%& hlAhgout eth neaccr ni hist unqestoi is ebdircdse sa n,omm"oc" (nomcom eaerivlt ot eorth s),enccra hte cancre si itlls plrbobya rear a.rlleov

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cmun777(37)
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I nhtki the eky no htsi ostqneui si ngrinioczge how hmuc "stmo -"tiiiftnmefece mpsuj otu in the sntouqie mtse - a trptey iqunue gtinh ot eb ayclslepciif gai.nks iogGn ffo thta nad the tcfa ythe tnwa to look ta poxesreu g&;-t tcu,moeo yb raf teh sattfse phcraaop luwod eb to ifdn peeolp ohw ulnyretrc ehva het dz in esuqniot adn tenh stuj kas ehmt fi hety vaeh a riovsuep sxeoepur aka raeno-tolcsc.

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an_improved_me  I lefe iekl ouy stuj bedicsdre a tveerppsoic ?orthco iFnd lpp htiw the saidees (esam plpatoniu and coe,motu) and ehnt ese fi yteh ahd a lsiamri skri a;rcfot hnet wloofl tmhe to ees if ehty dah a srik l.ta-ceaoCtfcon rosr wludo :be Heav two usrogp of ,epelpo oesm thiw eth D,x roetsh uwtti.oh eSe if ether is a rnceeiefdf ni rntipopoor atht to'n/vdeah vhae a sirk emooScr fontae laspee etrrocc me if 'im w?rgno +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by al1234(1)
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If ti adh tsetda a rR'ae nca'erC I owldu evah tohhutg sace ronct.ol Btu it sida cmmnoo re..cacn.. ynA hughostt on ith?s

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kbizzitt  I ibveeel wath tehy rea ngeitgt ta hwit het m"omcno "accenr is ahtt it si yleais eafienbdl sa a hisT ayw uyo anc seilay enretmeid who is a scea dan ohw uwldo eb a crl.onot nThe uoy og cabk dna ees fi ttah eacs ahd repsouex or to.n +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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I nhtik key eerh is ythe ear nitgtsaiiegnv eth otsshpeyhi fo nmtomua of rnaneisic aerwt eacsensir KISR of ..cace.rn. tsbe yaw to merause iskr si ecas .nrlotoc

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nbmehelp  If htye ewer msugnaire rsik 'udnhlsto it eb a oocrht dsuty o?hhtgu yB ignookl at isrft .dia. +6
270onstep1  eThy htbo cna tedieremn eKy here si teh etim ycfnieecfi fo lcna-reotsco sdsietu nhwe edcoparm ot .htrooc +1
suckitnbme  clse-taornoC oynl iemstnreed dosd aoirt hhicw si ton lnatglaiucc .ksri nI rrea seseadsi hte ddso ratoi acn eb euds sa an teeatmis fo the kisr atior veo.rweh +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dentist(94)
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erttpy odog smauymr

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drdoom  mcee,owl O ergta syniicpha fo eth lsklu dna ralo yctvi.a ew rvreee uoyr nireaitct ntsdnindsuerag fo eth ea,fc ,ajw xamilal nda all retih ntiy nad dnhdie m.nfoiaar hceta us yuor .wasy +8

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