I duow od a revrtpotiesec toocrh eeh.r I n'otd nihtk tshi sueoiqnt is ectorcr nad roeisvpd oot tetlil ftaioomrnin to gte eth orcetcr naes.rw Ti"me nfiei"ceft si eth anrtoep wrod ehre but ythe mspiyl 'dtdin ocrsedin taht etcrseoevritp ctrhoo duwlo eb a eretbt gisden ehre as gnlo sa eth ibselarav ear ecdd.o
I nkthi ohmgiestn nto mineetnod eyt is het tfac ahtt odds troia anc be usde to eittemas vaireetl irsk in RAER dsessiae as erp hte areR essiDea noAimstsup (eerwh ssedeai ecrepvlena si l.0t;)1%& hlAhgout eth neaccr ni hist unqestoi is ebdircdse sa n,omm"oc" (nomcom eaerivlt ot eorth s),enccra hte cancre si itlls plrbobya rear a.rlleov
I nhtki the eky no htsi ostqneui si ngrinioczge how hmuc "stmo -"tiiiftnmefece mpsuj otu in the sntouqie mtse - a trptey iqunue gtinh ot eb ayclslepciif gai.nks iogGn ffo thta nad the tcfa ythe tnwa to look ta poxesreu g&;-t tcu,moeo yb raf teh sattfse phcraaop luwod eb to ifdn peeolp ohw ulnyretrc ehva het dz in esuqniot adn tenh stuj kas ehmt fi hety vaeh a riovsuep sxeoepur aka raeno-tolcsc.
If ti adh tsetda a rR'ae nca'erC I owldu evah tohhutg sace ronct.ol Btu it sida cmmnoo re..cacn.. ynA hughostt on ith?s
I nhtik key eerh is ythe ear nitgtsaiiegnv eth otsshpeyhi fo nmtomua of rnaneisic aerwt eacsensir KISR of ..cace.rn. tsbe yaw to merause iskr si ecas .nrlotoc
submitted by โlsmarshall(465)
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$279$49nA pneeaierxmtl ngedis or irnmeexeptal sutyd tsmu avhe na reineinttovn, yb diniftneo.i soao-cCternl edsuits are aonvrbalteiso esitsdu, not tanrexiepm.el iTsh stoqeuin is hnytlliaecc rc.ecrinto eThy tdwane ot maek a toinp ttha ro-olnaccest euisdts ear itme nda otcs citfefeni sceni ehyt ont'd ereqrui gnwoiflol patisetn reov imte ro yna ssuroeerc idsebse iggegtnih/evrieanrw omofat.iirnn eCsa sirsee dlcou ton stte shit iehssp.tohy
Aols, hte rodngwi iesato"dacs wit an crsdeeina sr"ik tswaemoh uelldas to olnccteoas-r dsesuti lyno vhniag eth iytlabi ot ifdn dosd of na iaoistoncsas bentwee oxresepu and c,ooutem utb ont slhasetbi lcasau sria.plhotnei