hntksa rof hsit taoinalxnep!
@a5egahpcmo9r Lnse are an aertlni rapt fo the teicfraevr rpewo of het .yee iuthotW hte lsne eth iaegm lwduo otn be fmroed on teh ,ntaire tush aedlign ot asuliv sols
oD nneayo okwn wyh nto rc?ioodh
e,@revqf no oicdhro doulw salo be mroe rtailedentm ot svonii icsne ti uslppsie odolb ot het entiar
athT namdor ankiz rcda thiw oocasmlob seaacsdtio htwi a ilefrau of eht criohdo susifre ot coesl esesmd em pu
Semse ekil hte eky ot tsih noesqiut is ni wath si oitdetm rmof the iteunsoq ets:m ether si on otmeinn fo vsiino lsos. If ew ausmes eetrh is no ivnois o,sls then ew acn taimleein hgsnit iadtcsoesa itwh uislva iacuty (ridwe to htink of ni 2 ekew dol ubt ravweeh)t: C, D, E, F. ,slAo yb hah@yyaa s' aeo,sgnrin we eiltnaemi E pa&;m F. fI oyu dcnrrosiee teh ea"tcirsmym tlfe p"luip then the onyl yellik ewansr btweene A ;pa&m B si B, rsIi csaeeub hte i'ris taelcrn ngnoeip ofrsm the .plipu I yeskntmlai ptu A cbesuea I was tikningh of eth hiodcor isuesfr and I rade eht uinsqtoe yciertrlonc - btu t'si a oylorp werddo qieotusn .MOI
yKe heer is atth ti otd'esn fcefta -iisnvo teh nloy githn wuldo eb het sir.i lAl ertohs aer sdue ni ivoi.ns D'nto ahve ot owkn thaw a bmocaolo ultalcya is.
heT xtear cisteno of that ikaZn racd ifcscllpyiae sasy ttah a cbmolaoo anc" eb eesn in eht ,iris ,tanier ,ohodirc or cpoit .cis"d Do'tn yuo erda tkla rsaht ouabt ainZk!
lentys,oH I itnd'd rednunatds tawh yeht rwee tgnyri to ..Nks.BaME has oems erdiw grdnwio mismseeto
ir@diazb gito..v.unp geinu@rnr ocs ouy etwn cyzra rehte dubyd๐
submitted by โhayayah(1212)
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$279$49ooCoalbm is an eye aibnrmltayo tath orcsuc efebro h.tbri 'reehyT nisigsm cieesp fo setisu ni treusrcstu atht mfro hte yee.
mCoboolsa afgecitfn eth irsi, hihwc lsetru ni a h"lyekeo" apceanearp fo eht pu,pil elayrngel od otn alde ot vnoisi slso.
bCsomaolo ilgvinovn the ineart strlue in vnsioi slso ni cispcfie atprs of eth iusavl .flide
gearL etinral comloaosb ro those fcgeintaf eht tiopc renev anc scaue olw vio,ins chhiw easmn oivnsi slos ahtt cotnan be meltpcyoel edertcorc hwti gassesl or cnactot see.lns