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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-week-old girl is brought to the physician ...
Iris ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +39  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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ooCoalbm is an eye aibnrmltayo tath orcsuc efebro h.tbri 'reehyT nisigsm cieesp fo setisu ni treusrcstu atht mfro hte yee.

  • mCoboolsa afgecitfn eth irsi, hihwc lsetru ni a h"lyekeo" apceanearp fo eht pu,pil elayrngel od otn alde ot vnoisi slso.

  • bCsomaolo ilgvinovn the ineart strlue in vnsioi slso ni cispcfie atprs of eth iusavl .flide

  • gearL etinral comloaosb ro those fcgeintaf eht tiopc renev anc scaue olw vio,ins chhiw easmn oivnsi slos ahtt cotnan be meltpcyoel edertcorc hwti gassesl or cnactot see.lns

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mousie  hntksa rof hsit taoinalxnep! +1
macrohphage95  nca any oen neiplax ot em yhw ont seln ? +
krewfoo99  @a5egahpcmo9r Lnse are an aertlni rapt fo the teicfraevr rpewo of het .yee iuthotW hte lsne eth iaegm lwduo otn be fmroed on teh ,ntaire tush aedlign ot asuliv sols +5
qfever  oD nneayo okwn wyh nto rc?ioodh +1
adong  e,@revqf no oicdhro doulw salo be mroe rtailedentm ot svonii icsne ti uslppsie odolb ot het entiar +3
irgunner  athT namdor ankiz rcda thiw oocasmlob seaacsdtio htwi a ilefrau of eht criohdo susifre ot coesl esesmd em pu +13
mnemonicsfordayz  Semse ekil hte eky ot tsih noesqiut is ni wath si oitdetm rmof the iteunsoq ets:m ether si on otmeinn fo vsiino lsos. If ew ausmes eetrh is no ivnois o,sls then ew acn taimleein hgsnit iadtcsoesa itwh uislva iacuty (ridwe to htink of ni 2 ekew dol ubt ravweeh)t: C, D, E, F. ,slAo yb hah@yyaa s' aeo,sgnrin we eiltnaemi E pa&;m F. fI oyu dcnrrosiee teh ea"tcirsmym tlfe p"luip then the onyl yellik ewansr btweene A ;pa&m B si B, rsIi csaeeub hte i'ris taelcrn ngnoeip ofrsm the .plipu I yeskntmlai ptu A cbesuea I was tikningh of eth hiodcor isuesfr and I rade eht uinsqtoe yciertrlonc - btu t'si a oylorp werddo qieotusn .MOI +2
mamed  yKe heer is atth ti otd'esn fcefta -iisnvo teh nloy githn wuldo eb het sir.i lAl ertohs aer sdue ni ivoi.ns D'nto ahve ot owkn thaw a bmocaolo ultalcya is. +5
azibird  heT xtear cisteno of that ikaZn racd ifcscllpyiae sasy ttah a cbmolaoo anc" eb eesn in eht ,iris ,tanier ,ohodirc or cpoit .cis"d Do'tn yuo erda tkla rsaht ouabt ainZk! +3
fatboyslim  lentys,oH I itnd'd rednunatds tawh yeht rwee tgnyri to ..Nks.BaME has oems erdiw grdnwio mismseeto +1
weirdmed51  you rea a tmsra oyb @emmda +
weirdmed51  ir@diazb gito..v.unp geinu@rnr ocs ouy etwn cyzra rehte dubyd๐Ÿ™ƒ +

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—chaosawaits(92)
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hWo lese read ahtt astl eentecsn 001 setim dna ltsil ahd on aeid teehhwr it was vnee lhsnigE ro ?otn

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