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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-week-old girl is brought to the physician ...
Iris ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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oomCaobl is na eye tlibyaomnar taht crosuc feebor rbit.h ereTh'y isnmgsi ecesip fo seusit in ucrrusttse htta omrf het

  • oaoslComb tfeifgacn hte rs,ii ihwch ltsure in a ""loeehky crpeepaana of het ilu,pp lleregyna od tno dlea ot niisov ss.lo

  • aolCbmsoo nonlviivg eth nreait lurets in isoniv sslo ni pefcsiic prast of eht ulsiav l.eidf

  • garLe enalitr mboscaloo or sheot ntifaecgf hte tocpi nreve nac cusae wlo inosv,i hhcwi amnse ioisnv slos tath tnacon eb lycempotel tdrroecec hitw sgasles or tacotnc .sensle

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mousie  ntkhas rof ihts ai!leoptxnna +1
macrohphage95  anc yan eon pexalni to em ywh ont lesn ? +
krewfoo99  cgep@mh5or9aa Lesn aer na tlaerni ptar of eth eciatvrfre wrepo of the .eye toWuhti het lnes the emiga wodul ont be refmdo no eht ,netira tsuh dealing ot liuasv loss +5
qfever  oD nneyoa nokw hwy otn rodco?ih +1
adong  v,re@qfe on irohcdo lwdou losa eb emro trdneetliam to vionis snice ti pplsuies obodl ot teh ritnea +3
irgunner  taTh naordm anikz radc hitw osblaoomc tdeiasacos hwti a lueafri fo the orihocd eusfsir to lcsoe smdsee me up +13
mnemonicsfordayz  Smees lkie teh key ot hist stneuoiq is ni wath is totmdie fomr eth qtenoisu t:esm ereht is no oinetmn of soivni oss.l If we usames three si no svniio l,sos nthe we anc liinmaeet gthnsi scaosetdai wtih islvua iuctya ridew( ot kinth of in 2 keew ldo tub vewt:)rahe C, D, ,E .F ,sAol yb yahayah@ 's sagn,nroei ew netaeilim E m&;ap .F If ouy dercnseoir eht rcaemst"imy tlef pliup" thne het olny eliykl earwns ebtenwe A ;&mpa B si B, irIs cebaeus the rsi'i enraclt nipenog rofsm eht uppi.l I linyaesmtk tpu A causebe I saw hitingnk of eth ocihrod euisfrs nad I ared eth isneqotu otclyrciern - btu ist' a polyro wdoedr ioqsuten M.OI +2
mamed  eyK eerh is ttah ti stedno' ctffae s-nvoii eth lyon ntghi uwlod eb hte .riis llA trsohe era euds ni snii.vo 'Dtno evah to owkn awth a acobomol alyaclut .si +5
azibird  ehT terax tsoneci fo hatt Ziakn cdra clypcaiselif ssya htta a clmboaoo n"ac eb nees ni teh ris,i ta,neri drchioo, or itocp scd."i Dt'no uyo dear ktla shtra btuoa nakZ!i +3
fatboyslim  ostney,lH I 'didnt eudtrsnadn tawh ythe eerw igtynr to Bs.NE..Mka has mseo deirw diowgnr mtsisoeem +1
weirdmed51  oyu rae a artms yob @mmaed +
weirdmed51  zadbiir@ pg.voin.t.u rg@ruenin ocs uyo tnew zacry herte ubyd๐Ÿ™ƒd +

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—chaosawaits(92)
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hWo lese erad ttah tsal ctennese 001 mtsei adn tilsl hda on edai wrthhee ti was neev inlhsgE ro n?to

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