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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#24 (reveal difficulty score)
A 13-year-old girl who has a 6-year history ...
Discuss further the impact of the patient's illness on the family 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: ethics

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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I tusj gthouht fo a ywa to h)fylpule(o odvia igtnget thees yepst fo snsrwae .orngw Firs,t wehn I drea hetm I yasawl olko fro the eltsa osles"ha" ew.nras nTe,h if 'eyour listl ktcus, tyr ot utp hte tnamstete tnio a quote atth uoy owudl say ot a tpnieta sa a isciypan,h ebenemrimrg hatt no,peend-de tjanln-dmugoen iosuseqtn ear ed.ail

The wsraen rfo shit cdluo be phersda as a oenasi/metusenttqt yb het c,droot ot teh f,ymali as Tell" em mreo uatob ohw ihst mnpitagic ruoy yailfm adn iydla ".lief daH it been hrpsead lkie t,tah I DIENYEITFL dtowlun' aveh gntote ti rgonw. I dolwu have eenvr vene ahd the yirnpttoopu to kaem na sinasutpom ubtoa hte lyfimsa' ghgnifit egnbi edu to tdie escocnrn and htus nneegdi a itsnintoturi ererfla ch(hwi is tahw I se.o)ch

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usmile1  I hntik teh onrsae deitinaic asw roictcrne si uebsaec esh ahs had eisdeabt ofr 6 rysae dna rhe tibseeda aws well dorlnetclo htta enetri tim.e nheT orf eth satp tow noshtm her ucelsog rtoclon ahs eben r.opo ihTs is tngnioip wadsrto teh essui ONT iebng tath thye 'ontd nokw who ot nmaage teh etaibeds so frenreigr to a cnitieiad 'ludwtno be f.sleuu +6
tiredofstudying  1/9.09909 smeit eth nsawre lilw eenrv uildcne rf.laerre Teh ynol noaser I do ton ysa /010010 si uebaesc rteeh amy be na sawenr one ady atth si ot e,rrfe ubt huhgrot lla fo U,W R,x dan MBNE it ash erven eneb to ,eerrf os do iwth that foin athw you wlli +5
gutierreznar  tToghhu butao stpanre hgntgfii at elsma edu to eyomn sueiss fo ehr elacpsi idet so thye udhlos dsiscsu ti twih eht ientatid ot ytr ot hitscw ot a reahpec e.dti Oingrntheivk a bit oll +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by targetmle(10)
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nudSto'lh we rtsif aeddrss het usies yb ceorcnigrt reh lgeuosc svlele by sutgdnejrai nlisniu nad etnh ees wath rae the ?eprombls

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am4140  hisT si ahtw I cpeikd dan hawt I’d lislt ipkc ni aler ei.fl heT catf htta rhe dibstaee swa otcolrdlen reebfo nsoet’d echang hte ftac ttah t’is not docotelrln o..nw. aybem ew cudol egachn the lsnunii akbc ot hatw it swa eraft teyh tge htier ialmyf sessui dx,ife tub eht ntpetais’ itmmaeied lobdo usgar sleevl nede traemtent O.MI Im’ jtsu noggi ot sims eehst ouqsnites rfreo,ve I +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by sabistonsurgery(5)
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To tge suhc ugaev unosqetis tgh:ir

  1. nedrisoC ynasig all hte msttnsaeet ni the rkstsenai oetn ibslepos uendr yruo eabrht nst(artlea to trhome nutoge fi MIG ofr nsobu ctefef).

o"tpS gBkrec"nii - wlihe yngi,as 'dont you egt a hnit fo ilsp,etrnama lkie het odrotc ttnregai hte snrpeta sa tenasgeer leh.vesesmt ehTy rae fluyl uwrpgo-n ;mhvlsetsee yhte onkw tyhe hl'osnudt eb!rick

  1. on'tD eosoch eht frere otopni on Spet 1 (99% of the itme to.e.r.r).cc nusels on rteho otoinp at lla fits yoru acse itsrfWU lord ahs uissqeont nogig to truoc sa eht rthig nwresa v!nee tuB in lla fo em,th it swa viteend tath no eroht pooitn loucd coem lseoc ot bnige t/ial/iepelatgnlol/eychilec r.coctre

  2. Otponsi htat say - a/cnsgna/rdecoeueirs/sskuedos - rea ywasla ferdre.epr umnioinatcmoC = KeyuQo itesns

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regularstudent  I oevl hsit mlao. I sdai tpos gcriibkne seaubec I hohttgu it wulod eb kucdef pu to sak het antesrp utbao ohw treih sd'ki idesaebt ahs tacmdepi eirth eaMmiyfl. ":So who sha hsit ds'ik sdaeesi detcapmi your yli?fma" erPn !"tOsha e'wre taobu ot dercvio ceseuba fo htsi fgncuik kd.i S'esh a ctonasnt erstss, nda shatt' ywh we ayncotslnt hi,gtf neve dnuirg nndeir and ta eth docsto'r !"fcfeoi +4
unknown001  ll.o itsh mncmteo adem ym yad +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by subclaviansteele(11)
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...Uhg got itdpper pu tihw "frRee boht aentpti nda rhe tsapren to a it"aiendic

rOev ink.hnIgi.t. ghoutth het oreusc of ihrte emarntsug ewer at alem items .syie.ocaplel.s ybmae etyh acn idfn a doog osiontlu whti a

MACOsC ZRROA THIS TH.SI peke it lmspei dp.situ Teh erwnas tsif eht ebst tafer er rndgiae ti.

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nwinkelmann  ...EAM.S u!gh +
johnson  Also - euro'y tsalom EVNER pr/rifresignaengs on a etpntia wtih het SUME.L +9
bmd12  hyeT are at lmae ,tsemi hihwc si hwy he'ss hvinag itilduyfcf goiowlfln het reepdbiscr itde bc hre tapnrse rae grignau ugdrni tath eimt os ist ltdcuiiff fro her to oytcrrcel eutxcee ti nehw etyreh lystnncaot gbriin,eck dna bc hs'se loyn 13 so hes antc ceeyflitevf agaenm rhe tdie itotwuh het lhep fo her apesnr.t nAd cnsei eht dtei ash eben gorkwin htiw eht eattnpi proir to all eht rn,gebciik yuo acn meassu het deit si otn het root +1
jamaicabliz  teh useanvirl ssocnt:tna ah,etD ,seaTx adn nreve snuonitglc hte hsctei mecoimett +
meryen13  tath is yaertllil thaw I oh!uthtg thaw fi tyeh 'dnto fix hitre usesi dan tish rpoo dik will hvae mlcgiyec onrtloc ss!uesi ixngif faylmi si ont a oen ayd r!wok xfi colsgeu rsfit nda kwro on afilym uesis rvoe ewks!!!e thtsa( wtha l'Il od ni rela ief)l (((:(( +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by therealslimshady(42)
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ouY anc ntiaimele C csaubee hre dsabetie asw wlle elodrlontc in the .tpsa hTe ctfa ttah ehret si setrss in rhe mafily dan ehs sha opor ulocseg ncotlro llets uyo atth het rhe opro luoegcs tcrnloo is dascyorne ot teh sertss ni reh m.lfiya So uyo twan ot xif hte rela emrolbp, dan ot do ,thsi uoy dene omer mnfortiioan btoua ti, so ikpc ,B as ed-eednnop sunoqtesi liwl yawsla veig eht ciypnhais mreo ghntiis ot atwhs' oingg no and beettr be blae to eicedd ohw ot aecktl the lopremb

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hhsuperhigh(49)
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heT deit si idsrcb,pree so on dnee to rerfe ot ndiaictei nero.yma tI is a csea of eht apeittn epnai-mloonccn fo tide. Btu hyw an'ct iesdva eht etasrpn ot otps ecgi?irkbn

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therealslimshady  I ermebmer rBasdo nad yBoden dasi atht you venre tnwa to kpic yan tsttaeemns that sondu sil,dc"ngo" lsup ti uld'cont eb chum phle to stju ysa "otsp igura,"ng 'tis etretb to ndif out iitrfonaomn on 'thwsa ausginc het riuangg os atht uoy acn otsp it tl,yrneei whihc ochcie B wlli olwal uyo ot od. +
tyrionwill  rsests is eth ignth ot oresw eht ditiocnno of MD, adn wlli eb tebter ertaf nebig n,ees troecodmf, nad eaptdecc. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I etralasndt ehcioc B to hte" paterns era iunagrg uabto thrie ihcld adn erethrfeo yb gisayn sthi i am adignd fleu ot eht ie"rf I sceho A esbueca i dugerfi gnhti ear ntgigte haeted dan orrheetef doc hluosd try ot clma hgsitn wndo rebofe dnoeepgcri

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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sewmaoe noyaalg . 3 etsps to ihestc

  1. astel soeashl srenwa
  2. ltsitpoe
  3. no shotr tsuc ( klie etak the nglreo ehrrad somt ynilasatipgnk olicfafi rueot to nay p.scs)eor

.ps atsl ionpt, yuo iwll see sti ues in roteh nesuqosti, tno hist one

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