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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 44-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 2, comes ...
Cervical canal ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—donttrustmyanswers(74)
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Anki Card I made: Vagina = {{c1::Stratified squamous}} Cervix = {{c1::Stratified squamous --> simple columnar (endocervix)}} Uterus = {{c2::simple columnar}} Fallopian tubes = {{c2::simple columnar}} Ovaries = {{c3::simple cuboidal}}

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brotherimodu  For some reason I don't trust you +22
focus  ^^^ haahahaha. Thankfully the patients aren't seeing these usernames +
chaosawaits  Took me longer than it should to get it lolol +
jesuslovesyou  need clarification anyone: so is the "endocervix" = Cervical canal and what about the ectocervix, is that also considered the cervical has be going in a circle....thanks +1

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submitted by โˆ—sugaplum(487)
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FA 2019 pg 612 Endocervix-simple columnar epithelium

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hopsalong  I use barrett's esophagus to remember these questions. Remember barrett's esophagus is squamous to columnar metaplasia -> this happens because of increased acid in the esophagus. What this means is that columnar cells are better for dealing with acid/internal fluids, and are a better cell type. Squamous is a better cell type for dealing with outside irritants. This means the vagina will be lined with squamous cells normally, and the cervical canal will be lined with columnar epithelium. +13

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submitted by rongloz(7)
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Also an obvious hint was the fact the cells were collected from a Pap smear, which involves scraping the cervix

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submitted by โˆ—isaacyo94(13)
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Ok but seriously, how come the endometrium isn't considered columnar cells in the questions?

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rmac  i believe that because it is a pap smear, you could be sampling cells from the cervix is why it is the better answer +1
chaosawaits  Please please please, when performing a pap smear, do NOT scrape the endometrium! +1

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submitted by โˆ—godby(2)
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endocervical canal was composed by endocervix(internal os)+ exocervix(external os) and was lining by simple columnar epithelium. These simple columnar epithelium was connected with vagina(stratified squamous epithelium), at this point, we must remember of squamocolumnar junction(transformation zone). After a birth, adolescence to adult, that squamocolumnar junction will be positioned to the inner side(more deep endocervical cannal).

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