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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-year-old girl is brought to the physician ...
N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pharm neuro repeat

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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S,o orf moes ,searno snreameitrntuotrs is ogmsithne Ie'v AYSAWL sutdlgrge h...tiw boabplyr besauec I sn'awt atuhgt ti wlle so vnree ralyle neealdr i,t tsuj nderael ehnguo fro retwhaev m.eax I jsut nduof hsti boo ugrhoth CINB dna its IN!FCAATST Is't mrfo 2100 os imthg eb ol,d btu ti aws .aterg You nca csaerh utorghh teh obko and dnfi hte precsh.ta I typrte hcum tjsu entw utohhgr lla fo eht rrmeisuatrntetno a.ctpher shl.itbw:/7sc.nN/p9.h0Ko.9i/nwongkvB/btm1/ow

My aimn teal Gakaseutwya:a-mt = mojra otytrxeica mro.ntrtreitasune wTo ptyse of :crete psr1)o ootrc,iptebam most of hwich rea pneirysptac iG hiwhc selda to deaesrecd AMDN creporet aivittyc and irks fo xii,cooiitytxcet ro itayspsnopct Gq roerptsce tath lead to eniearcs +,Na K+, adn cdraeedse etlgmtaua esucas npziltioradoae dan eircnadse g++M enslmatcpdie nad DMAN crtreepo tacivity dna skri fo o,tiyixcxotitce and 2 ) oirootcipn heanscln ngdcuiinl MADN dan ManAketA/aPi anslceh,n hicwh lal wallo cionicfpnse iaonct fux,iln but ylno DNMA slwoal C++a unxlfi dn(a lony in a otvglae eptnnedde nemnra etfar sfnueitifc arnoolipdteiza sha ilecasdpd eth iiboirthn g+M+ oin in eht a)le.nnch

AABG and elyginc = tiiriohynb srneo.metratrsuitn 1) G-AABA dan A-BACG = tocripnioo sncehanl thta dela ot lfxeu fo -Cl, dan etdeisp tihs sgaiunc nrizoelpta,doai teh eonnur lstli ysast owebl eirsngt pi.talteon ABAGA- nngbdii tise rfo ,atuibeasrtrb roe,sdsti ABAG, dna ipnxcooirt = iedsni rpoe of nlnea.hc ABGAA- dnbgiin site of oesnzaeiezdbipn = siodtue of pero fo anhe.lnc 2) enlciGy hnelnca is a evry miarsil C-l exulf .naelhcn )3 B-ABGA si a taebtciromop lceahnn atht attaivcse Gi nlgdaei ot sderceaed MAcP chwhi tavctiesa fluefx +K lhcsanen nda shtibini +aC+ fxluni alecnnsh ealgnid to apo.prthlzaoiiyenr

nBceoiig inmaes = asneelocaicthm pmoieand n(ctrooaiidno fo dboy envmomet, ,dawrre ,iomanottiv ierrf)on,cmente noieinpephrrne e,(lsep fuksanlsee,w oantni,tet feidgen aovherib, nephpneieri towl(es nctaonnoietcr in NS,C) splu inrsoonet ,lee(sp ulkfne,essaw isdeep,snor a,xyntei )nsuaae dan taeinhims (o,urlasa ten,ttoina ,llyearg iustes deaam,g dan yma iflnunece blodo raibn f).lwo ,ibsOouylv all of iths si in tiiodadn to nadgeecrri esnsnarosiomitrun nad filthg, f,igthr and ftihg nrpee.oss

APT dna ertoh pnueirs = toceirytxa itnia,sssronm acsoderle-e wiht teroh lmclomls-aluee .smseittnaenurtror eidnAsoen n'its ssciyallcal rsieconedd a mnteisarorntretu cubeeas it 'istn tseore/lradsede in ++aC etenpdnde ramne,n but ediredv orfm PAT ofbere vngiha an yoixreatct

eoitcAlhlency = moraj msnateiuotetrrrn iveolvnd in oisnrsaniomurntse via uasmrcni nad nctnoiiic .rcpereost

ediPtep nortuernsmsattier = nmymolco seleaedr as eiopptdper erlgar secrurrspo atth rea vedelca yb iecfiscp ysmenze hatt ewre in teh aems toaettensrrmriun vcislee pnuo e.raesle eviF pteys = g/aibnrtu tepie,psd pioiod pditeesp, yiuirattp s,iptpde ytmaiohaplch reisaglne srmeoh,no dna soeht not asdescl.fii pxslmaEe = orcreupsr ahtt igevs rise to tnubaecss P m,hi(acspppou coerxonet, and TGI nad deseealr mofr lalsm eadeirmt SPN C ibesrf atth istanmrt pnai dna retturepaem iftroomni,an ewlpofur ys,htnpvoeie iednhiitb by ipdioo di,peps)et noirnkenui A, oretpeuepind K, and eienropdeput m,aagm dna pdioio psipedte cunginidl naplt dilokalas (iekl pmi)oenh,r hynttsice odoiip ad,eiiresvvt adn ornh,snidpe pnihy,rosnd nda naehksnlipe. nI gnalere opiiod eipetspd ear derpnestass i..(e lsgeianaa i)masem,chn evinvlod ni ocempxl haivoserb uex(als rtinaa,ottc bgsreeiissvsvaieg/usm rho)ai,sveb nad pcaimetidl thouh(g ont fie)nitedvi ni chriitypasc doss.rired

rll,evOa nsttsmeranoutrier = ypte y:estp mlu-lalmolesce ssettamirnrt nda reetudepop,sin eerwh smeescmllolal-u nettissatrmr are retafs and imeedat drapi siatcnyp smrnnitaoiss e.(.i oennadgr SNS iirfhitf/hlgght/gft kquci ,psrosee)n ewehr as eptieosuedpnr l(aong twih iogcbiol esanmi nda omes slaml meulleco mrisnstta)etr aer welors nad deeiatm daurlag, repdoonlg esinnmassou.ontrir

emSo spuri:cet evmu/epuatm/strpe_thkwd_usnionce_/edetprtniuvsan./dat.rtewolkfheowi.h:r/orbpim, efdrhe5r6musf2io/3s6l0rgotsbacePtrtca1-pA430s6Ggf.apdn:-eeR-welA-Bgad0uert/1so/iBe-/0/hbunw2rcgp-ebt8w3s9a4-dTe/2.tb4apnri8g113rp/lia1iar7o-06ecfih, nad gg_b#bdb;1tl=n-efr-f-amfeg:0isan6weggh1-/2-0ia3d/lhe/e-3tlxrat8bh-.twdix4ubtnowfe/slc.6sw75d-ap=die1r21.&//paU95aeae

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sweetmed  ihTs is miazang. ahnkt yuo +
sweetmed  hTsi is nktha uyo +
paulkarr  W.a.o.h +
brotherimodu  Storh iodve nomoees dpesto fmro M2-NB1E sna:eswr 2oucHwop.ho=vv//e?ttyQwhwzcab/Dutw:4mst-w.u +6
dorischang  Ddin't iihfsn drgnaie shti, ubt it ooskl eewsoam +3
kcyanide101  fI ouy nawna ertwi a xtet book tusj ysa ..oso.ll. :) +

  • effect of glutamate antagonist on pt with acute cerebral infarction = targets NMDA receptor

  • decreases calcium entry into neurons = decreased excitotoxicity = promotes recovery from acute cerebral infarction.

 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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oTghu .isoqetnu

Ralcel taht inmMentea hra('emesliz u)grd si a NDMA teeocRpr tnnoiAagts that ehslp vtnpree cxtioxtyteoic by cognilBk aC2+ tyrne. Tat'sh how I beeemrrm

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veryhungrycaterpillar  rt99/t3cho/espontw1wu/.:owei/sr00rs.hc.ojt/ntng/r Gtae letlti ard,e dna siht is eht raepp ehyt epttry mchu debas ihts oiqtunes .no +
veryhungrycaterpillar  dLkeni teh rgwno .parpe Manet ot knli tihs noe: :crn8./ip/v566lcw/gwpCs/hhnst/lbM.a..7ei2ioPcmm0wtn/t +

a picture for better understanding

^ link is dead :( (they published a 3/e) but here is the re-route to the new site if anyone wants to dig in

+/- drdoom(1206)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by spow(50)
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  • A) BAAA-G creropste etl C-l in
  • )B Gieycnl is dsue ni het piasln rdco sa an iyrhtbnioi sarn;eonrmetuttir salo lste Cl- ni
  • C and E) crtbapeootMi egluatatm roertscep ear Gnt-irpoe poudecl
  • erTfoehr,e teh lnyo gnthi thta uoldc tel 2+Ca ni is DNAM ceeporsrt
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thotcandy  rdonciacg to itsh, HT35 si na ino lencnah alnymi( aN dan K, tub semo )aC os ttah aws dinak fyef omi +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by lfsuarez(160)
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NMDA etsceropr in tish cesa ear bnieg sdeu rfo lgno rmte npittntaeioo iwhtni the airnb dna uto fo all of htree eccoihs olny tsih poteercr euss Ca+

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by chasingdreams101(4)
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I ceikdp NDMA aecbeus s’it ytm,artluios but is herte nya preede nersoa fro s?hti

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tea-cats-biscuits  Teh Q si cyaatllu anskgi hwchi of hte espcroert eus +Ca ,isno adn fo eth ieccsho igenv ynlo ADMN spercrote do .os +32

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by adong(144)
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uYo can naesrw by cpesros of inietnloam.i i"ttoemCievp ncirsieaont"t aekms you kthin otlusmyirat .TN rCoss otu BGAA nda yleincg. In the coextr os amg.tlauet aMototripbce dwuol mane 'hseret dsoenc essesremng ldvevnoi dna eht oerctrep oulwd ton trtnamis acc.mlui cneHe ANM.D

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by an1(114)
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euds ni nlgo tmer aenntotoipti gag(,uenal omm,rye) May soal payl a orle in gene rtnntorcpsiai ni unrenos

)1 ADMN si a Glmaeautt crepteor ps )btu2ey MAAP si a ybepsut fo MADN that is alniytili aaicttvde by mgtaetlua s)alere3 e DMAN ertpecsor rae fnoud naer AMAP etperrsco ubt era ont aectatdiv by olw eevsll of mteltauag seeeral ued ot a gM oin n‘co’ibglk teh lc) naenh4 rFuetneq icAtno naettloip —t&;g iitanslotum of MAAP t—&;g epdaoselriz sopt pyantics onrneu &—;tg eovltag nedteenpd gM block fo NDAM proterec oevremd 5) xluifn of Ca grhuoth NAMD &;—tg csseau neve rome MAAP epeocstrr to be rdetinse toni the menmbear T:NOE( AAMP si seosrnpive ot aC and tge)l)a6autm aeeBcsu reeth are orem crtpoerse to ndrseop to ,it eth elcl si mroe onrvieessp to atugtemla

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by zpatel(36)
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all eht seohrt a cnomientetpvoi ncsei eyth eavh iccptyfpesiciif(scei igalnds), ANDM is eht lyon cn(enseehnociletve pmcivitoeet erect)p,ro ash a lngiad seit dna ac , na nda cteivpimeot

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hello  eht equtions ysas viecottmpie ittorncnea,si i hitkn htsi is itffreend ofmr tcieptvemio dnig.nbi +

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