Wait, adipose tissue scars?? What the heck is this? maybe it's that 'fibro' part...Watched all that Botched for nothin'
why cant it be A? Aren't melanocytes derived from neural crest cells?
(A) "Are you having any problems that you may be too embarrassed to talk about? Would you be willing to talk about them today?"
is wrong because it implies that the topic is too shameful to openly discuss and discourages the patient from mentioning the issue. Physicians should avoid asking vague questions that do not directly assess for urinary incontinence.
so you just open a b__ up without any other workup whatsoever? stupid question
Was anyone thinking calcium pyrophosphate? Inflammatory joint, patient with RA, no organisms seen on FNA, would be treated with steroids?
Shouldn't early salicylate OD cause resp alkalosis? I thought only late salicylate OD caused increased anion gap metabolic acidosis. I chose Methanol given her eye sxs and I thought aspirin should be ruled out due to the timing of her OD
What does "central hilar opacification bilaterally" on x-ray represent?
What a dumb question, there's literally a UWorld question about how a girl with a hx of seizures faked one and how you need to do neuro testing if they have no post-ictal confusion. I'm sorry, why are we even entertaining this if she has NO post-ictal confusion?
I'm sorry but how the hell are you supposed to know it's vulvar when it says nothing about the vulva. I was between that and polyps, but put polyps because it was on the perineum? Like how the hell is that the vulva?
Cardi B voice: WHAT WAS THE REASON for the goddamn Gram - stain, like whyyyyyyyyy. That's why I put prostatitis, even though the non-tender prostate threw me off. Damn, these questions are really just read the first and last sentence huh?
I think I thought too deep into this, but isn't the cause of post-op fever on days 3-5 UTIs? I just remembered the mnemonic, but I guess I was thinking too deep..
I thought with the whole <6 months or less thing he would qualify for hospice care in a skilled nursing facility? I am the only one who thinks it's a dick move to question this guy's decision making?
This isn't the scenario in this question, but I was wondering what would happen if you had told the parents the diagnosis and they didn't want their child to know?
Am I crazy, or does the question stem imply that this was inherited paternally?
Why couldn't this be branching enzyme impairment? They both cause cardiac symptoms (according to Amboss at least)
can someone explain why it's not degranulation of eosinophils?
This Q stem was confusing to me because I thought pain>>itch for shingles. Any thoughts?
"In addition to slightly decreased platelet count..." — why are plts slightly low in EBV infection/mono?
Due to its pink staining, I thought B was smooth muscle surrounding the corpus cavernosum. But I suppose that the cells composing the CC are contractile by themselves? And my assumption would make the penis a giant muscle — which it most certainly is not...
Why is the T normal in this patient? I would have predicted underlying infection — ie, fever — before even "early" septic shock. I selected septic shock purely for the intractable low SVR despite fluids but want to understand more about the absence of fever... Thanks!
just as a general question, would there be low levels of 1 25-(OH)2 ?
I agree that Serum K decrease is the better answer, but wouldn't Urine K also decrease once blood sugar goes down with insulin treatment (i.e. osmotic diuresis would lessen)?
No one talks about AR? That's much more unlikely in this case than XR
I understand that feedback inhibition isn't working and is why ACTH is undetectable/low (and why there is no change after dexamethasone), but wouldn't cortisol levels increase after dexamethasone? Or does dexamethasone not count as cortisol when quantifying serum levels? pls help
The key is when her legs up, Bp normal and symptoms free. In contast, When standing up(running), low Bp and syncope. And Low volume is surly the MMC. It's just so weird. "retrospective posture change"??
Anyone else get this right because they get them so often from absolutely uncontrolled stress?
Can someone explain why cardiac output is high in septic shock?
What would a rupture of the fallopian tube look like then? Compared to normal spillage..
The thing that threw me of was the 74% neutrophil count. Does anyone have an explanation for this?
how do you guys "displace" your feelings when you're among the 2 percent that chose the wrong answer ? :-P
question why does metablic acidosis have low bicarb and respiratory acidosis high bicarb ,
when the essence of the bicarb in both cases is to neutralize the acidity ???
Remember that medullary carcinoma of the thyroid is medullary. So it's between the follicles. What's between the follicles in the thyroid? C cells that secrete calcitonin.
Can anyone explain what "diplopia" implies? I got sutck by"these clinical findings" (thinking upward gaze+ diplopia....) Or is "Diplopia" just a unspecific word in exam??
Why don't we see a decrease in the size of the prostate gland? Is it a difference between atrophy vs. apoptosis?
ATTENTION DEFICIT- hyperactivity disorder.
how do we improve the attention deficit in that kid ? by increasing dopamine and norepi levels in the brain.
dopamine and norepi= biogenic amines
funstory. newyork times once reported abuse of stimulants by students so they can have an academic advantage by improving attention
low retic count= marrow not working .
what can explain this ? parvo virus affecting the hematopoetic stem cells , hence the low retic count,
think of the low retic count of giving a picture of a failing marrow
here is a copy pasted link .
first, high tsh = hypothyroidism
How can hypothyroidism affect me and my baby? thyroid hormones are important to your baby's brain and nervous system development, untreated hypothyroidism—especially during the first trimester—can cause low IQ and problems with normal development.
what is collagen ? a secondary protein structure.
when you remove glycine, the most abundant amino acid , from the precursor molecule will you get a proper secondary structure ? NO
why not prophylactic anitbiotics?
Why cant this taken as sexual health?
Why cant this taken as sexual health?
in my opinion , this was one of the most difficult questions . why ? the answer is soooooo simple that you might be mislead thinking "naaaahh cant be that easy ...nbme .. you playin witme hun?? imma choose the most complex answer and shove it in your face"
student chooses VIP, and afterwards locks him self up with his new record level low self esteem
how to rule out iron def. ? iron is absorbed in deodenum and proximal jejunum .
b12 in ileum.
this will give you the answer
dont be distracted with timing. both can start within minutes.
how to rule out ?
anaphylaxis lung finding > WHEEZE. (question stem = no wheeze)
this is a bonus question.
when odds ratio is 1, meaning no association,
odds ratio> 1, whihc in this question is 6, means association
where is odds ratio ? a) at the ate cookie-didnot drink milk column. hence the answer, only cookie independently ass. with e coli
RESOURCE : CDC Malaria species: P. vivax 93%, P. falciparum 7%.
WHY HYPNOZOYES ? 2 reasons
schuffner stippling ( that wierd cell with lots of blue glitters)
HONDURAS ( 93 percent are vivax)
this is a great example of why I struggle with this silly nbme and steps. Are we testing knowledge here or semantics?
Why can't it be choice E? I assumed the patient had bipolar.
am i the only dumb one who thought it was angioedema cause of the ACE inhibitor? totally neglected all other information.
Holosystolic: MR, TR, or VSD
Lower left sternal border (the left border is Erb's point, beneath that is the Tricuspid area) --> TR or VSD
Whats more common? VSD (by far!!)
If they had mentioned the mum having BPD or taking pills for a psych disorder, then TR could be a big contender.
This might be a straightforward answer, but I was wondering why the patient would have a decreased inspiratory flow? Because to my understanding, people with obstructive diseases have trouble breathing out, not in.. Could someone explain to me why it decreases?
How do we tell the difference between uncompensated respiratory acidosis and compensated?
I understand why the answer is B-Lactamase prod., but can someone explain why alterations in the PBP in incorrect?
I thought the baby was bitten by lizard then I didn't know what Saccharomyces cerevisiae was, so I thought it was something related to a lizard lol!!! too imaginative?
Who else read that last sentence 100 times and still had no idea whether it was even English or not?
Can someone please clarify why this wasn't myasthenia gravis?
There weren't any upper motor neuron signs in the question stem.
Can someone please explain why this is not hypercholesterolemia? It also presents with HSM and there are numerous foam cells. Since hypercholesterolemia also presents with pancreatitis, couldn't that explain recurrent vomiting? FA2019, p94. Thank you for your responses!
testing for legal, any terms and conditions to sign?
If its intrinsic defect HTF urinalysis is normal with no casts?
How does 500 men with various urological conditions result in a precise estimate? Wouldn't the variety of values due to various degrees of illness reduce precision and cause a wider variety?
Maybe I overthought it
Any other conditions where pulsation in the liver can be found ?
I eliminated this answer because the mother already stated her concerns, which was that he's shorter than the father's height and about him not having a growth spurt. Is that not a concern?
can nephritic syndrome be without HTN?
How do you know the answer is not E? I chose E because I thought of ATN :( Someone help please
Even if we're suspecting abuse, the answer should be to contact child protective services. What if the abuser does not hit the child? Can be abuse with a neg skeletal survey anyway
why is ther hyperreflxia and a babinski sign meaning that there is an UMN lesion?
What helped me to answer this one quite easily was the following rationale:
Hypercalcemia + high PTH -> "primary hyperparathyroidism"
How do high PTH lead to hypercalcemia? Increasing osteoclast activity!
Still confused.. Can anyone rule out all other options please?
how come this couldn't be decreased FSH? Doesn't estrogen have negative feedback on FSH/LH?
what is "allergic nonhemolytic transfusion reaction"? i thought it was the febrile one, but febrile is listed separately
i get the answer, but would a VB even be possible given her GBS+ status?
This doesn't make sense to me at all. What will change by the time of the next appoinment ???? Or are they trying to say that his behaviour is normal ??? Isn't it excessive ??
Why is this not absence seizure?
Why not paracentesis?
Sharp chest pain, JVD, enlarged globular cardiac silhouette, and nonspecific ST-segment changes on EKG all point to pericardial effusion/cardiac tamponade.
I want to know how everyone exclude cocaine....i ruled it out because of 6 hours mark...any other clue?
Any idea why it isn't Acetylcysteine? It's literally given as a mucolytic to COPD (and CF patients)
submitted by brawamigonnagetthismd(2)
Why? I though the bicep reflex would be strongest since it was not involved with the radial nerve issue.